The Star Knight

Chapter 10

Ugo's wife gasped slowly on the curved metal chair, opened her eyes and murmured something. Anya carefully wiped the sweat off her forehead.

"Anya." Opal whispered, "I have a plan, but it needs your cooperation."

Anya looks up at opal.

"The teacher said that every territory in the Republic must abide by the principle of interstellar humanitarian rescue," opal said. We don't have identification, but like them, we are all human beings, and B11 is one of the jurisdictions of the Republic

Anya listened blankly. Opal said, "so later, you should take her to the hospital and let the people in the hospital cure her. Although anti-inflammatory drugs temporarily suppressed her inflammation, her condition is still very serious. On the scarlet star, life is very important. As long as you go into the hospital, they will not ignore it, and then they will call the police."

"What do you mean by calling the police?" Anya asked.

"Call the police." "Police..." explains opal

"It's the police." Raikkert corrected.

Opal: "the police are people who maintain order, just like the foremen. But the order they maintain, unlike ours, will take you away and ask you some questions, including how you came to this planet. You just have to answer them truthfully. Tell them that I brought you in, and everything can be solved."

Anya said, "is there such a good thing? And you? "

Opal nodded, patted her on the shoulder with his open fingered glove and said, "I have something to deal with. I'll come to see you as soon as it's done."

Lecter stands in the center of the spaceship, and a circular box is suspended and spinning in the air. That's exactly what opal saw a long time ago, the heart of the universe that Lecter used to charge up.

"This is the core operating system of the Dragon ray, and it's responsible for all the instructions most of the time," rakert said

"Can we pass the immigration inspection?" opal asked

Rick nodded, indicating that there was no need to worry.

Opal looked at ractor's chart, and Lecter explained, "I once had two star maps, which were given to you as a souvenir of me."

"I'll make good use of it," opal said

The silver dragon ray passed through 35000 astronomical units and appeared outside the space station in the atmosphere of crimson. When it is close to the surface of the ancient sea, it is like a dark shell of the sea, which is like a dark black shell on its surface.

The crimson star is surrounded by a dense space station, forming a sequence between two, thousands of kilometers away. Close to the silver ray, four space stations emit bright arcs at the same time, forming a net that blocks the shuttle's further progress.

"Welcome to scarlet, please input your pass number and submit your application for entry."

The indicator light in the front of the space shuttle lights up in red, and a light is emitted from the top of the blue crystal. In the chaotic electronic sound, sound waves are emitted along with the radio waves, and they pass the authentication.

Rex did not speak, but his voice sounded in opal's mind: "every time you enter a planet, you have to fill in an entry declaration form to avoid carrying some contraband in the universe. Usually, the administration star is more strict about this."

Opal nodded slowly, thinking about the declaration form? I didn't see Rex doing anything.

Lakert seemed to have guessed his thoughts, and then communicated with consciousness: "the Dragon ray has its own wisdom. It has transmitted the contents of the declaration form to the Immigration Center by means of radio waves, including the contents of the items carried by the spaceship, the members of the ship and the luggage."

Opal thought: what about our identity?

"There was no declaration of your kind," rakert replied consciously

Opal thought: what should we do?

He didn't answer any more.

"Welcome to Mr. Bai, technical advisor of the atomic billiards club of the Republic." This time, in a soft voice, she asked, "please tell me the purpose of your visit to scarlet planet."

"I came to visit an old friend with the ID code ru301707," raikker said

After a moment's silence, the female voice replied, "your friend lives on 17th Street, Paradise fire courtyard. She has received the notice and welcomes your visit. Please abide by the interstellar peace treaty after entering the country. The weather in scarlet today is very good. Have a good time

"Have a good time, too," said ractor

The arc is removed and the shuttle enters the atmosphere and lands toward the ground.

"An advisor to the atomic Pool Club..." "What is it?" opal asked

"It's just a convenient travel identity. It sounds funny," rakert said

"A little bit," opal said with a smile

"Atomic billiards are a kind of entertainment, using machines to make atoms in the micro world collide with each other to get integral," rakert said with a smile

Opal asked, "do you like this activity very much? Did you have a good time? ""It's barely tolerable," said ractor

Opal looked at him suspiciously and said, "but you never taught me this."

"It's easy to be addicted to entertainment, and I haven't played for a long time," said ractor, with a raised eyebrow

The ship landed slowly, and the heart of the universe lit up. Ractor immediately motioned him not to speak.

"Attention, immigration personnel report and check," sounded an electronic prompt in the messenger

Lecter gave a name and a pass code, and the electronic voice said, "radio scan now."

Rex made an action to the control crystal. The shell of the silver dragon ray became transparent. Opal felt that there was a net cover coming up. Then the blue crystal turned into a liquid ripple, forming a light mask, which caged opal, Anya and Ugo's wives.

"It's a mechanism of deception." "It's able to hide most of the radio scans," raikker said

"Thanks to you, teacher," opal said. If I come by myself, it might make things more difficult. "

"No, I don't think it would be more direct if you came in a spaceship. You will be intercepted outside the defense space station. You do not have identification. After you fill out the entry application form, it will attract the attention of the executive star. "

"So they will listen to me?" opal said

"Usually this kind of thing will be solved, but if it's too long, it's not good for the situation on the B-11."

After a few words, the small flying robot outside has finished scanning and left. The silver dragon ray slowly drops towards the airship apron and stops in the open space.

Opal said, "down?"

Rickett waved his hand and made another move. The Dragon ray shrank again, and the space inside the ship was compressed layer by layer. Then it turned into a small alloy magnetic sports car. Rakert sat in the driver's seat and opal sat in the co pilot's seat. The shell of the long car reflected brilliant sunshine and carried four people off the apron.

Even the ground car was saved. Rakert wrapped his arms around and didn't need to drive. The silver dragon ray left along the dedicated ground traffic lane. Opal leaned in front of the window and looked at the beautiful world curiously.

The sky is like the washed blue, the sun is shining orange red in the afternoon, the magnetic levitation lane is covered with gorgeous flowers, each flower is five meters high, the calyx is huge and presents the flame like red.

"This flower is called scarlet saint." "It's only on the planet in the akamitis system that the environment is suitable for carrying species," raikker said

"It's beautiful," opal said. "I remember reading about it in books. Its nectar can make wine."

"Scarlet virgin is also a famous wine in the galaxy," he said

Dragon ray sports car slowed down in front of the third level. A man in uniform came over with a pen shaped pocket projector and politely waited by the side of the road.

Opal said, "do you want to check it?"

"Maybe," Lecter said

"Your car is perfect and conspicuous," opal said

"It could have been disguised a little bit shabby, just to make people less confident about checking, but people in this galaxy didn't expect that I don't seem to like that. "

Opal said, "shall I hide?"

"No," he said After that, he took off a pair of sunglasses from the front of the sports car and put them on.

The sports car stopped slowly. The side window lowered. Opal looked outside and looked at ractor. Rickett was still wearing his black sand bat skin cloak. Originally, their simple clothes would only look very rustic in such a luxurious car. However, once Rex put on his sunglasses, he had another kind of masculine aesthetic feeling.

"Mr. White from the Perseid galaxy of the interstellar Republic?" The man said, "I need to check your vehicle."

"It's a retro silver sports car with the license plate number on the declaration form," rakert said casually, looking at him

The inspector said, "yes, but this is a routine inspection. It's not because of your car Please adjust the transparency of the window and let me have a look... "

Before he could examine the back seat, he was in line with opal's line of sight.

He turned on the pocket projector, projected a three-dimensional light screen, and said, "according to your immigration declaration, you are only one person, but..."

Opal knew that ractor must have a solution, so he laughed at the prosecutor and said, "hello."

"Who is he?" the inspector frowned

Ractor took off his sunglasses, looked into the inspector's eyes and said, "he's my student."


The inspector's eyes only showed a moment of laxity, then regained his focus, fell on opal's face and murmured, "he is your student."

Rick nodded, and the inspector said to himself, "yes, he is your student."

"Can I get through?" said ractor

The inspector said, "have a good trip on the scarlet planet."The windows went up and the sports car sped off into the road.

Opal said, "what did you just do to him, teacher?"

Rickert's handsome mouth showed a narrow smile and said, "look, the road here is divided into many layers. Oh, don't make any noise!"

Opal grabs ractor's hand in disbelief. Ractor lifts his arm to get out of the way and says, "that's not what you should know."

Opal said, "can you control other people's minds?"

Rick nodded. Opal said, "is it the power of faith?"

Ractor shook his head and looked thoughtfully out of the window.

Leaving the apron, all the roads crisscross with traffic. The traffic of scarlet star starts from the ground, interlaced layer by layer, one by one. All the roads together are hundreds of meters high. All roads float in the air in the form of light track. The maglev sports car can drive on different roads with different classification and different destinations only by adjusting the height.

The ground is the passage between transport vehicles and trains, and upward is public transport. Large floating vehicles and small private vehicles are classified and orderly.

Opal saw a huge electronic sign. The silver dragon ray was driving through the torrent of vehicles. In front of the driver's seat was a small rotating box, which projected the whole picture of the crimson galaxy.

Rex's finger points at one of them, and the map zooms in and selects another area - and zooms in again until they're in the same direction.

"We have to go to the hospital first," opal said

Ractor nodded slowly and said, "what are you going to do?"

"Anya, I'm going to put you at the door of the hospital, and then it's up to you," opal said

Anya nodded nervously in the back seat.

"Come on, Anya," opal said

The silver dragon ray stops at the entrance of the hospital passageway. Opal holds the dying wife of Ugo and puts her on the metal platform outside the hospital. She signals Anya to stand beside her. Then she turns back and gets on the car. The sports car tilts to one side of the car, floats up the driveway, and goes in another direction. After a circle, it comes back from the other side.

Both lektor and opal are looking at Anya on the metal platform.

Anya nervously grabbed the corner of her clothes and wrapped her head in a cloth scarf. Standing on the platform, she seemed very abrupt.

"Anybody?" "Help! Help her

Out of the passage comes a robot, whirring to detect Anya and his wife, who is lying panting.

More medical robots galloped out. Anya stepped back in fear. All the lights of the robots were on. A woman ran out of the passage, motioning Anya not to move. She knelt on the ground and took out the detection instrument from the chest of the robot, and began to examine Ugo's wife.

Opal said, "is that man a doctor?"

"Yes, it's not a perfect plan, but it's working well," said raikker

It was not until two medical robots stretched out their iron pipes to form a stretcher and sent Ugo's wife to the hospital. Anya followed him in, then opal really put down a big stone.

"Everything's going to be OK, right, teacher," opal said

"There is also a dark side to the society of the Republic. Although there are a lot of ugly things lurking in it, at least on the surface, many things have a positive side. What happens next? Go ahead with your plan? "

Opal took a deep breath and looked out of the window at the flashing billboards on both sides of the road.

Gorgeous world, strange and strange, the planet is full of countless unknown and novel, opal would like to see for a while. But his time is tight, every minute and second is precious.

"My original idea." "I want to come here with Anya, with chips and evidence," opal said

Lecter responds casually, stops in front of a neon flashing entertainment building, takes a card out of the front drawer, and scratched the robot outside.

"Go on." Ractor opens a small cover in front of the sports car console, which shows a progress bar.

Opal then said, "but Ugo entrusted his wife to me, and I changed my plan. Instead of contacting myself, I'd better let the police find Anya, and I'll turn in the evidence later This robot is so interesting. It's much better than the E7 I made. " Opal noticed that the robot came with a box wrapped in tin foil and asked, "teacher, what are you doing?"

"It's normal that plans can't compare with changes when buying newspapers and dinner," rakert said casually. You need to be flexible. You've done a good job. "

With the car window closed, ractor gave opal a tin foil bag. When Opal opened it, he found that there was a soft bread with meat sausage in it

Opal takes a small bottle and pushes it up like ractor. It's called a hot dog. He saw it in a holographic movie.

Lecter ate the hot dog, turned on the projector in the car, and the light screen unfolded. It was full of instant messages and said, "don't work at dinner time. Want something else."Opal's thoughts had already gone tens of thousands of light-years away. He said with a smile, "it's delicious."

Opal wolfed down his hot dog. It was so delicious that it was more delicious than all the food he had ever eaten on B11. It was almost indescribable.

"Teacher." Opal suddenly thought of another question, chewing and asking: "since technology is so developed, why are there people in the hospital? Are police also robots? "

"No "Since the revolution of human like life 8000 years ago, the Republic and the Empire have concluded a convention on intelligent life, and the use of robots must be strictly controlled in every corner of society," said raikker. After all, human beings can't give up work completely. Besides making a living, work itself has more important sustenance. "

Opal remembered that this is the history of the universe mentioned on the chip, but he read it blindly and forgot it. Eight thousand years ago, the Empire and the Republic produced a large number of robots and put them into use.

However, no matter how high the processing power of the optical brain is, intelligent robots can never have emotions and think spontaneously. As early as 20000 years ago, a great scientist predicted that a computer with a speed of 100000 times faster can not even think independently as an earthworm.

Robots can't have themselves, and scientists have come up with a very bold method: imitating human biological cells to synthesize and make new humanoid computers with robot strength.

Through hundreds of years of research and evolution, this kind of "human like life" has gradually taken shape. They have the body strength of a robot, and have a biological brain almost identical to that of human beings. After the baby like brain is formed, it obtains consciousness through autonomous learning and is controlled by the pivot chip.

These humanoid robots set off an intelligent revolution, and were finally destroyed in batches.

"They have no soul," opal said

Ractor hum, after eating the hot dog, he throws the tin foil into the garbage can, which is connected with the atomic decomposition furnace, and can convert it into environmental energy.

"The Imperial Emperor philoin kartes has always opposed the widespread use of humanoid intelligence, but he has no way to take advantage of his aristocrats," raikker said

Opal nodded and said, "in the end they were all destroyed?"

"A new weapon has been developed in the ivory tower, which uses nuclear magnetic resonance (MRI) to restart the central chips of all biological robots and make them kill each other," he replied

This is a passage that opal has never read. He said strangely: "what? Ivory Tower? "

"Ivory tower, it is at the junction of the central line of six black holes, beyond the future horizon, where light can never reach. It can only go through the higher dimensional star gate. There are a group of crazy scientists living in it, thinking about how to destroy the universe." Rakert, with his legs crossed, idly flipped through the newspaper on the light screen with a pocket cursor projector, accompanied by a clatter in the holographic projection.

"How do you know this?" opal frowned

"Because I was involved in the war of the smart man revolution, of course, I'm on the side of the Republic," he said

"You beat them all alone?" opal said

"It's two," Lecter said

"Who else is it?" opal asked? Your friend? I remember you said, "there are three star Knights..."

Instead of answering, he motioned to opal to read the newspaper and said, "today's information is updated synchronously. Opal, look at it."

The holographic newspaper turns a page, and the whole planet of scarlet is covered with extremely developed information networks. You only need to buy a newspaper once, you can see that all the news that is happening or has happened is constantly updated. Every minute, every second, the news of thousands of magazines is constantly rolling. Now almost all news pages have the same headlines.

The picture is a color photo of Anya. Her face is haggard and pale, and her eyes are full of tears, as if she were a silent accusation.

The news story tells how a young girl escaped from B-11 and came to the scarlet star to seek medical treatment with her seriously ill friend. "The most direct way to learn about the political atmosphere and situation on a planet is to look at their newspapers," raikker said

Opal said: "Anya's incident has alerted many people. We need to take action immediately."

"Take you to the police station? Planetary police is only responsible for local affairs. You have to go to the star police headquarters. Dragon ray, look at the coordinates. "

The silver dragon ray moves along the road to the equator of scarlet star.

Opal hum, began to think about how to deal with it, ractor rolled the newspaper screen down, opal saw another news.

"Wait a minute." "Teacher, I changed my mind," opal said

In front of a huge building, the office building marks the galaxy police station. Many cars are around the police station. Opal asks, "who are those people?"

"Journalists, it's a very difficult profession to deal with," raikker said

Opal had a bold idea and said, "hollens minerals is a competitor of black rock mining?"With an appreciative look in his eyes, ractor asked, "do you want to revise your plan again?"

Opal nodded and said, "I'd like to take the chip to hollens minerals, or they'd like to pay for the evidence."

"What do you want money for?" asked ractor

"Give Oman a place for everyone," opal said. If not, I have another copy. Teacher, you see, here are two copies

The silver ray headed for the business district, with many mineral and commercial companies headquartered on the scarlet star, including black rock wilderness and hollens. Night came, but the Dragon ray with a very high speed in the beacon track, like a red cloud chasing the sunset, gradually, it was once again into the evening space-time.

"Well, first of all, you have to think about how you're going to use your resources," he said, stopping at the parking lot

Opal said, "teacher, how did you do it?" He learned from ractor, looked into his eyes, and put his palms in front of him.

"You can't do it." There's something about it.

"I can do it." Opal insisted.

"No "Now I tell you very seriously, opal, that the power of faith is not used for the purpose of stealing people's minds and hypnotizing those who disagree with you. It's against the star Knight's Creed. "

"But you just did it," opal said

"I have to do it. I don't want you to do it. If you rely too much on the power of faith, sooner or later you will destroy yourself," Lecter said

"Think about it." Rex's voice was heavy and serious, with the meaning of threat: "once, twice, the enemy was hypnotized by the power of faith, and surrendered in front of you. If this goes on for a long time, you will lose the courage to fight. Once you meet a determined opponent, or even a special life body not affected by the power of faith, you will die in humiliation under them."

"I don't teach you compulsive hypnosis and mind reading." "It's because I don't want to see you become a waste without any will to fight. You have to control your spiritual world and you can't rely on it to get what you don't deserve. The result of abusing your beliefs is that your beliefs gradually become worthless and end up in a permanent dark world. "

Opal vaguely understood something, but he was at a loss, but every word of Rex was a dogma that no one could change. He replied, "I will do what you say, teacher."

Rex's face was still very serious and nodded slowly.

Opal took a deep breath, took out the chip, thought about it for a moment, and said, "I'll try it first."

"Go," said ractor He raised his hand to touch opal's head and said, "I give you courage."

The door opens and opal runs out of the parking lot and walks onto the overpass in the red dusk to the headquarters of hollens. , the fastest update of the webnovel!