The Spoiled Girl

Chapter 87 Call Her Miss Emily

"The child's father and mother living together— are you saying that it is not appropriate?" Jacob was very meticulous and persistent in brainwashing the little rabbit before him. "Besides, if Jack finds out that you are with me, it's going to drive him off the walls. Wouldn't you want to see that?"

Emily looked at him for a few seconds and slowly nodded,"Yes, but I want to make him more than just mad."

Jacob looked at her serious appearance, smiled deeply and praised,"Well, yes. That's my girl."

Initially, Jacob thought that Emily would just let it go without making Jack pay the price. It seemed that he was wrong.

When they entered the house, all housekeepers and servants were already there waiting for them. They stood up in two rows and greeted them respectfully.

"Good evening. Sir, young lady."

Jacob's brows furrowed and his smile turned upside down. He seemed to be a little dissatisfied with their greeting. Everyone suddenly thought that they must have made some mistakes. They held their breath and waited anxiously.

"In the future, just call her Miss Emily."

Everyone bowed their heads in agreement. Later on, they looked at Emily with more respect.

Although the title did not make a big difference, but "Miss Emily" was obviously much more formal than "young lady", which showed that Emily wasn't just one of his dates who would stay here for a couple of nights, but she would somehow have a say in this house. That was Jacob's way of telling them that this lady was not an outsider.

They greeted her in unison, once again,"Good evening, Miss Emily!"

Emily didn't understand the complexity of these titles. Seeing everyone greeting her again, made her feel a bit strange, as she politely greeted them back again.

The couple walked in together. Zola, who was hiding in the crowd, looked at Emily with great envy, but no one noticed her.

When they got upstairs, Emily looked at the room with amazement, as it was exactly the same as her apartment room. Shocked and impressed, she said,"This... how did you do this?"

Although, the size of the area was several times bigger, the furniture and the things were all the same, and even some extra details that she wasn't aware of were also preserved.

"Where there's a will, there's a way."

"Yes, It took Mr. Jacob a lot of e

ut for a walk, but she came back soon as it was getting dark.

Later that night, both of them went to their own rooms.

After washing up and brushing her teeth, she reviewed her own design plans. Emily, however, went to bed early, thinking of the child in her womb.

Due to the familiarity of the room, she quickly fell asleep, without discomfort, until her phone woke her up.

She picked up the phone, still half asleep,"Hello..."

"Emily, are you at home now? Something bad happened to me tonight. Can I stay your place?"

"Okay, all right." Emily replied subconsciously, but then she realized,"No, I am not home now. I have just moved out!"

"Where are you now? I need to see you. I really have no place else to go."

"I……" Emily was embarrassed to say that she had moved to Jacob's mansion, but she was more concerned about her good friend's well-being,"What happened? I'm coming to pick you up, okay? Where are you now?"

"It's complicated. I will tell you later when we meet."

Emily wrote down the address Rita had given her. She hung up the phone and ran to the door.

To her surprise, as soon as she opened the door, she saw a man in pyjamas standing in front of her door, but by then it was already too late. Emily could not stop herself as she ran into him.

Jacob took this chance and held her in his arms. Well, he finally caught the little rabbit. She was tender and warm, making him never want to let her go.

"Jacob?" Emily was still half asleep. She pushed him away and asked,"Why are you standing at my door?"