The Spoiled Girl

Chapter 234 That's My Way Of Loving You

"Tina, hang in there... you are gonna be fine..." Mark had no other words to comfort her, and all he could do was holding her tightly on his chest.

Tina was struggling with pain, her body contorting all around with surprising energy. However, Mark did not move but kept both his arms around her body. Suddenly, she raised her head and asked, "Brother..."

Hearing her weak and broken voice was heartbreaking for Mark.

He had almost forgotten when was the last time that Tina had called him brother. All this pain, all this sorrow could have been avoided. They could be happy now, more importantly, a family. But life was unpredictable, and now Mark had to fight against the tears cutting his face.

"Is that you? Brother... I feel terrible..." Her mind was so blurred that she couldn't tell if she was awake or dreaming, but she kept speaking with her last strength, "Brother, help" She mumbled, her eyes colored in a bleary red.

"Hush, it's okay...I am here... Everything is going to be fine..." Mark replied, looking at her with tenderness.

She lost her mind again and fought Mark's grip, biting, punching and kicking.

But Mark remained still. He held her and waited for the break out to pass.

The whole room turned dark. The air was heavy and the scene was torturing.

Tina had never been strong and unfortunately, and life had not been totally kind with her. She had arrived at the point of no return. Depression had overwhelmed her mind and she broke out again, screaming her madness out over and over again.

"Ah! I will kill you all! Just give it to me! Rubbish! All of you! It hurts so much..."

Shortly after she was out of all breath. Her voice scattered into pieces, her mouth dried and blood spilled out from her lips.

So, Mark gave h

He knew what Tina wanted him to do and now she trapped him with that kiss.

The kiss he had been waiting so long for.

"You will help me. I know you will, brother," she said, looking directly at him. She touched his face with the tips of her fingers and caressed his skin. "Just give it to me...

I love you... I love you so much..."

Mark closed his eyes. He had to do it now. There was no other way. "Alright, as you wish." He just could not win against her.

Tina smiled. She kissed his cheek.

Mark breathed deeply and moved Tina to her bed. Then he opened a drawer and took out a syringe, his hands shaking.

"Hurry up!" Tina urged.

Mark pushed the injector into her arm. It was easier than expected.

Tina's eyes eased. She felt weightless, like her body was floating on top of a soft cloud.

Mark looked at her with eyes full of desire, "Tina, you are beautiful."

He was addicted, too. He was addicted to Tina, and he would never get over it for the rest of his life.

He held her in his arms again. Then they sank into endless kisses.

'Let me fall with you into the darkness, until the end of the world, until death.

That's my way of loving you.'