The Spoiled Girl

Chapter 1597 Resignation

With a gentle smile on his face, Darren stared at Bonnie like it was the first time he had seen her in years.

On the other hand, Bonnie was pleasantly surprised. She hadn't expected that he would remember her birthday.

After a few minutes, Darren started to carefully place a few candles on the cake. Because of this, Bonnie looked down and noticed that her name was written in blue in the middle of the cake and that there were two small figures made of chocolate standing beside it.

At that moment, Bonnie was so moved that she needed to cover her face because she was about to cry.

She thought about whether she was a lucky person or not. After all, no other girl would be able to celebrate her birthday in prison, except her.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Make a wish now," Darren uttered while fixing a few more things on the cake. When he was done, he looked back into her eyes. Instantly, he knew exactly what was going through her mind.

The candles were arranged in the shape of a heart, and inside of it were the two chocolate models. Even if Bonnie was in prison, her eyes lit up like fireworks from joy.

"Make a wish now," Darren said again with a warm smile while staring straight at her eyes.

"Um... Okay," Bonnie replied with a sweet smile while meeting his gaze. Then, she placed her hands together, closed her eyes, and made a wish.

At the same time, Darren couldn't help but make a wish that Bonnie could get out of prison as soon as possible, especially since she was an innocent woman who was just taking his place there.

When he was done, he opened his eyes and saw that the girl in front of him was still busy making her own wish. Suddenly, he noticed a gruesome wound on her arm.

"What happened to your arm? Did someone here do that to you?" he worriedly asked while pointing at Bonnie's injury. His gentle, soothing voice quickly disappeared and was replaced by a tone of concern.

Bonnie was unfazed by his question and even seemed like she wasn't worried at all, even though her bruises looked severe. Casually, she answered,

"I just fell down by accident. There's no need to fuss over it. It's okay." After that, she gave him a sweet smile to make sure he wouldn't worry anymore.

The last thing Bonnie wanted to do was to upset Darren, especially since no matter how busy he was with work, he would always visit her every month and bring her lots of delicious food. Lastly, she knew

eplied while pointing at his heart. Right after that, he placed his hand on his forehead because he realized that he might've been too harsh on such a young lady.

Unfortunately, his hunch was right. Siena's heart shattered into pieces when she heard Darren's words. In anguish, her eyes filled up with tears. But instead of letting them fall, she walked towards him and gave a smile of appreciation when she said, "I'm glad to know that my taste in men is superb. You are indeed a good man."

Finally, she leaned forwards and gave Darren a gentle kiss on the cheek before he could react. In a tone of relief, she added, "Since you're the first man I fell in love with, I'll give you a gift even if we can't end up together."

Right after that, she turned around to leave. But after a few steps, she casually uttered, "As for the gift, you'll see it tomorrow."

With nothing else left to be said, she left with her head proudly held high.

When she was gone from sight, Darren felt like she had completely disappeared from his world.

A few days later, the HR department contacted Darren to tell him that he would be getting a new assistant because Siena had asked for a resignation.

Darren instantly felt pleased when he heard this. However, there was still a bit of sorrow in his heart because of the way things had ended. But the fact that Siena was a good girl who could finally move on and find the right man for her gave Darren a sense of relief.

With that settled, Darren went outside his office to check on his new assistant. But when he saw who it was, his jaw dropped and he couldn't utter a single word.