The Spoiled Girl

Chapter 1593 A New Business Opportunity

"I just have to say this. I believe that ending our venture into the skincare industry is the only right option. The only chance that the KING Group can succeed is if we start something new right now. Let's use our profits from our skincare department before we lose it all. If I'm being honest here, competing with the HT Group is a losing battle. We'll certainly go bankrupt if we don't do anything about it," one of the senior shareholders boldly proclaimed while looking right at Darren.

In fact, the man who voiced out his opinion had been discussing it with the other shareholders for a long time. His plan was simple. If Darren couldn't come up with a solution to their problem at their meeting, he would force the company to withdraw from the skincare industry.

When the man finished speaking, Darren looked at him as if he knew exactly what the shareholder was doing. Having been a CEO for so long, he knew that whenever shareholders mingled and insisted on holding an emergency meeting, it would be about preventing the loss of money.

As expected, every shareholder in that room couldn't agree more. "That's exactly what I had in mind. We cannot gamble on the KING Group's future! There's obviously too much at stake here! But if we stop now, we can still find a way out. Aren't we already successful in the food industry? How about we just focus on that?"

Darren couldn't help but sneer and feel disgusted by their cowardice. Jacob hadn't even done something innovative, he had just copied the KING Group's work and managed to come out on top one time. Now that they were neck and neck, everyone suddenly wanted to quit? Darren knew that if they were going to give up now, he wouldn't be able to live with the shame that this decision entailed.

"I can't be onboard with your decision. It wasn't easy for the company to gather all of our connections right now in the skincare industry. If we were to give up now, all of our efforts up until this point will just go down the drain," Darren calmly replied while looking at all of the shareholders one by one. After a few seconds, his eyebrows furrowed and he firmly added, "I'll admit that we could've done things better, but we can't do anything about the past. Nevertheless, how can a man back down after facing just a single difficulty in life? If we always give up before giving it our best, how can we improve as a company moving forward?"

This was the first time Darren had opened his mouth after entering the conference room that day. He honestly hadn't planned on talking. But when he heard the shareholders say that they wanted to stop the KING Group from continuing on with their skincare line, he couldn't just sit there and say nothing.

Obviously, the shareholders weren't happy about Darren's stubbornness. All of them had a single thought in mind.

'You say that you want to push through with this, but you don't even have a plan for how to keep the boat afloat. Do you want the company to go bankrupt or what?'

Harlan, who was quietly taking notes in the corner, felt a little embarrassed. He could tell what everyone was thinking by the expressions on their faces, so he knew that he had to stand up for Darren. "Everyone, please settle down. Let's not forget that if Mr. Xu weren't around, the company would've probably been in turmoil long ago. I'm sure there's a brilliant idea inside his mind. We just have to believe in him and wait for it to take shape. Besides, an emergency meeting is not enough to decide whether the production line should stop or go on."

Everyone stayed silent in their seats after hearing Harlan's reasonable points. However, the shareholders had already made up their mind long before the meeting. The fact that they had invested so much money into the company made it impossible for them to take a risk. With a confident stance, the head of the shareholders said, "No matter what, you cannot deny the fact that our skincare venture is costing us money with every second that passes. The longer we ignore this fact, the more money that will have to come out of our pockets. And for what? Mr. Xu, please don't let your pride get in the way of business."

"Fine! I'll think of a way to save this. But for us to move forward

s hyaluronic acid, especially since Mr. Gu can't stop mentioning it in his advertisements."

Although Siena had only been in the company for a short time, she had managed to gather all this information from the employees. This was her way of getting closer to Darren. Luckily for her, her plan worked and Darren couldn't be more interested in what she had to say. Shortly after, she continued, "Because of both groups' packaging, skincare products nowadays have a nationalistic feel to them, but they're only targeted towards women. Anyway, since the KING Group was the first one to do this kind of packaging, I think it would be a wise decision to just get better at it. It would be such a waste if the company abandoned it so quickly. All that we need now is a chance, especially since we have such a good foundation."

Darren quickly came up with several keywords in his head, including men, skincare products, traditional style, and a window of opportunity.

He knew that the only reason their products had failed was because Jacob had stolen the best hyaluronic acid manufacturer in the world. He thought that if they continued to use the concept of traditional style, there was a great chance that they would succeed since it was very popular. If they used it for men's skincare products, it would not only bring stability to the company, but it would also place them ahead of their competitors.

Nowadays, there were only a few men's skincare brands in the market, let alone those with the concept of traditional style. If the KING Group took the lead, the public wouldn't have any choice but to purchase their products. Even if Jacob were to find out about the idea, by the time he caught up to Darren, the KING Group would have already made a fortune. In conclusion, there was nothing for Darren to lose.

With these thoughts in mind, Darren was suddenly full of energy! He immediately asked Siena to go out and call Harlan in.

When Harlan was finally in front of him, Darren described what he had just come up with. Harlan thought it was feasible, but he was a little curious. "How did you suddenly think of this idea, Mr. Xu?"

If this idea had been brought up in the meeting just now, Harlan couldn't imagine that the shareholders would have had anything to say.

At this time, Darren thought of Siena. He looked around and found out that she had already left the office.

The reason why he had had such an idea was because of what Siena had said. They had just been conversing casually, but Darren had been suddenly inspired.

It appeared that the girl was not worthless after all.

While looking at Harlan, Darren responded, "It just came to me in a flash. By the way, is Siena still on probation? Make her a regular employee, even if it's in advance. Her salary will be increased by 10% as well."