The Spoiled Girl

Chapter 1572 Intruder

While his medicine was being changed, Jacob kept his eyes on Emily. Although Emily's movements were small, they betrayed her slight jealousy, and Jacob could see right through it. He wanted to laugh at the image he saw but decided against it so that she wouldn't feel awkward.

"Emily, come here." Instead, after the nurse left the ward, Jacob waved to her.

"What? What do you want?" Emily asked impatiently, her lips pursed tightly. She walked towards Jacob without even thinking. It was like a natural movement for her. Whenever Jacob was near, she always wanted to get close to him.

And as soon as Emily was by his side, Jacob reached out to hold her hand. If only he could sit up, he would have kissed her already. She was looking at him with her little mouth pouted, which Jacob found very cute.

"Why are you standing so far?" he asked.

Emily rolled her eyes at him and sneered, "I want to give other women a chance."

Jacob wanted to tease Emily more, but when his gaze landed at the dark circles under her eyes, he grew soft and decided to not do it. He wanted to touch Emily's hair to make her feel appreciated, but he could only do as much as pinch her hand.

"Thank you for taking care of me these days, Emily, but there are already so many people here to do it. I think you should go back to your brother's place for now and have a good rest. Don't worry about me." Gently, he pulled Emily closer. "Besides, the children haven't seen you in days, and they must miss you too."

Now that he mentioned the three angels, Emily really did miss them. Before her recovery, she had had a hard time living with the children. But recently, she had grown very close to them.

But looking at the wounds all over Jacob's body, she was still worried about him. She didn't feel comfortable leaving him here in this state even though there were people who could actually help him get better. She wanted to stay next to him all the way through.

While contemplating over what to do, she saw a woman lingering outside the ward. She tried her best to not roll her eyes, but she couldn't help gritting her teeth as she looked at Jacob. "I believe that the babies will understand me. Besides, I want to see what those women do to you," she said, narrowing her eyes while she looked at some of the nurses around.

If it were not for the figure outside, Emily would have almost forgotten how many people at the hospital were staring at Jacob.

Jacob's lips turned up to a small smile. "If you're really worried about that, I can ask the hospital to send me only male nurses." Jacob immediately recognized the expression on Emily's face.

Emily heaved a sigh and shook her head. "No, Jacob. You don't need to do that." But then, she gasped and playfully narrowed her eyes at him. "Wait, are you trying to send me away so that you can have a chance to see those youn

rone Mansion was very big, and built with many rooms. Running around the premises frustrated Bill a little. It was not easy to find a person in such a luxurious house, let alone a key. He sighed.

"Look for it carefully. The most important thing is the safe," Bill ordered his men.

He even checked Jacob's study room and bedroom but still found nothing.

Growing frustrated, he asked himself, "Where on earth did he put it?" He wiped his sweat and looked around in the living room. He closed his eyes and thought hard, recollecting all the rooms in his head one more time in case he had missed anything. Suddenly, an idea popped into his head. His eyes fell on the children's rooms on the second floor. He played around with the idea a little bit more. 'Hmm, is it in one of the children's rooms?'

He put himself in Jacob's shoes and thought for a moment. For Jacob, Emily and the three children were the closest and most important people in his life.

Since the key was nowhere to be found in the study room and the bedroom, it might be in one of the the children's rooms.

The more Bill thought about it, the more reasonable the idea seemed. He immediately went to the rooms of the three children.

"Sure enough, Jacob. Since you have a family, your thoughts are easy to read," Bill murmured to himself. After searching for a while, he finally found the safe in Baron's room.

Bill smiled widely, thinking about the hardships he had had to endure to find it. "Open it," he ordered. A few minutes later, Bill's eyes lit up at the sight of the key in his hand. He had waited for this moment.

One of his men asked, "Boss, is that the key that you are looking for?" "Boss, you're so awesome! We looked for it here for a long time, but we didn't find it. You found it as soon as you came!" one of his men chimed in, looking at the key excitedly.

Bill looked at him, and then took out his phone.