The Spoiled Girl

Chapter 1558 Repairing A Damaged Reputation

For the next two days, all the employees of the KING Group worked like horses just to finish Darren's demands.

On the morning of the third day, everyone's hard work paid off. With some good news to report, Darren's secretary came to the CEO's office with a lot of excitement. Darren only needed to see the look on her face to know that they had made it. Slowly, he asked, "Did we do it?"

"Here is the report on the sales figures for the past few days. Please take a look," the secretary cheerfully replied while handing over the documents in her hand. She was so happy that she couldn't stop herself from smiling too much.

Darren took the sales reports and took a minute to read everything. According to the report, their sales had only increased by one percent on the first day of reducing their prices. But when they had put up testing booths that showed how much sodium was in their products, their sales had gone up like fireworks. The highest volume of sales was on the third day. It was as high as a hundred million products sold. This figure broke the all-time sale record of the KING Group by a considerable margin.

Darren was so overjoyed that he couldn't help but stand up and pat the secretary on the back. "This is great! Thank you. You can go now."

Before the secretary left, she informed Darren that more than a dozen major media companies wanted to interview him. There were also journalists outside who were all asking for a statement from him.

Her words gave Darren a smile that spanned from ear to ear. Everything was going according to his plan.

Since Darren was in good spirits, he held a small press conference for the journalists right then and there. The first question came from a female reporter. "The KING Group suffered such a devastating loss a week ago, but managed to come back in a blink of an eye. Can your company handle any more setbacks? If yes, how do you plan on dealing with them?"

With a smile, Darren proudly answered, "I'll have to thank our earnest workers for getting us back on track so quickly. For your second question, I won't let their efforts be in vain, so I'll make sure that we won't get involved in any kind of trouble ever again. I am confident that the KING Group will only have good days to come."

A few more reporters asked their own questions, but it was almost the same as the first one. When the conference ended, everyone had no doubt that the KING Group was going to be on headlines the following day.

Darren was a smart man and didn't allow any opportunities of succeeding pass by. He intentionally informed the reporters that the price cut on their snacks would only last for a few days.

All the media outlets were so efficient with their work that almost everyone in the country knew of the discount the following day.

Everyone who loved the KING Group's snacks was so excited that they went to the stores before the shops even opened. Passers-by saw the commotion and decided to join the discounted snack craze. Since it was only for a limited amount of time, the offer ignited a desire in everyone to buy the products as soon as they could. As a result, the demand was far too much for the supply to keep up. The KING Group had so many orders that their factories had to run all throughout the night and day.

The secretary saw firsthand how much money the group was making and it made her admire Darren's brilliance. However, Darren himse

sides, Darren took some measures to improve the flavor and packaging of their products. After these improvements, the snacks looked quite exquisite and appetizing.

The news about the KING Group occupied the headlines once again. But this time, it was not about the sodium content, but a certificate issued by the Food Safety Bureau to prove that the snacks of the company were qualified for public consumption. In the news reports, the public relations personnel of the KING Group made themselves appear credible enough to assure the masses that all of the snacks had passed the necessary tests. They claimed to everyone that the sodium content of all their company's snacks was in line with the quality standard, and eating the snacks wouldn't bring them any other problems.

After Darren took this range of measures, the KING Group had recovered its reputation and its sales had reached an unprecedented high level. However, Darren was still unsatisfied. He was still trying to improve the reputation and sales of the KING Group to the greatest extent.

Even so, the achievements that he had gained over such a short period of time aroused great controversies in the industry. The stock price of the KING Group kept rising, which made their competitors envious.

One of those people was Jacob, who kept a discerning eye on the KING Group's ability to recover in such a short amount of time.

In their industry, Jacob's company could be regarded as a big fish. But now, the corporation seemed miserable because of the KING Group. It even suffered a considerable loss in mere weeks. He finally couldn't sit still, so he had no other choice but to discuss with a multimedia company that he was familiar with.

New Age was a prominent news and media company. In fact, they had already heard about what Darren had done recently. In view of how competitive and powerful the KING Group was, they dared not make any negative reports about the company. So after rejecting Jacob, the editor-in-chief of New Age gave him a suggestion, in order not to offend him. "Mr. Gu, the last controversy on excess sodium content in their snacks nearly made that company go bankrupt. But now, the company has been brought back to life because of that issue. Would you like to make a fuss about this?"