The Spoiled Girl

Chapter 1554 Getting Better

"All right, I will go and check with the doctor."

The doctor had seen Ethan several times and was familiar with him already. He knew that Ethan was a bit impatient but that he treated his girlfriend quite well. All the staff members of the hospital already knew that Ethan and Estelle were lovers.

"She can be discharged now," the doctor informed Ethan, who seemed anxious. "Mr. Gu, please don't worry. I assure you that Miss Wang is in a stable condition. She can go home and get some rest," he said in a comforting manner.

"I see." Ethan nodded. "What should I look out for after she is discharged from the hospital?"

The doctor patiently shared some dos and don'ts with him. He also suggested foods that were suitable for Estelle to eat. Ethan eagerly wrote down all of the information that the doctor had told him. The doctor couldn't help but shake his head and chuckle at the sight of Ethan fussing over Estelle's condition. He admired how much Ethan loved his girlfriend.

After he left the doctor's office, Ethan regained his usual composure and called his assistant to arrange a car for him at the hospital.

When Ethan went back into the room, Estelle had already changed into her normal clothes. "Let's go!" she exclaimed.

"Hold on a second!" Ethan stopped her and put on a coat for her. "It's cold outside. I know you can't stand the wind. I've already asked my assistant to get us a car. It'll be here soon."

Used to his stubbornness, Estelle knew that she couldn't change his mind. So, she had no choice but to wait. "By the way, I arranged a new place for you. I don't think Bill will give up. I will deal with him. If I don't, I'll just end up worrying about you constantly," Ethan reminded.

The event at the airport had affected them both. Estelle knew that her getting injured was a traumatizing experience for him. She didn't protest and just nodded in agreement.

The two of them hugged each other and savored each second of it. When the assistant came to the room, he noticed that that the door was not closed, so he let himself in. He saw Ethan and his girlfriend happily talking while embracing each other. Anyone who saw the scene would surely admire and envy the love they had for each other. Before Ethan had called him, the assistant had been attending to some other business matters. However, he had immediately come to fetch them when Ethan informed him how important it was.

The assistant thought to himself, 'If it weren't for the fact that there is no landing pad for a helicopter at the new place that he has arranged for her, I'm sure Mr. Gu would have opted for riding in a helicopter instead.' It was clear that he cared a lot about Estelle. Nowadays, it was rare to find a man as devoted as Ethan.


let out a sigh of relief.

Taylor understood their deep connection and patted his shoulder to comfort him. "Don't worry. Scott's situation will be better soon. Last time, he finally testified that Bill was the murderer. It's a good thing. It means he's slowly changing for the better. He is gradually moving on from what happened in the past. One day, he will be perfectly fine and be able to live a normal life," Taylor explained carefully.

"Hmm. Thank you, Taylor. I agree with you. He is getting better every day. I'm glad," he replied with a toothless smile. At least, he was willing to talk to them now.

When they finished cooking dinner, Louis called out for Scott to come out. However, there was no answer from the latter. Frowning, he went to the bedroom and then the study room to check, but he didn't find him. A bad feeling came over Louis, and he immediately rushed to the bathroom.

The situation that he found was quite upsetting. The whole bathroom was wet. Scott was silently washing his hands while staring at the faucet blankly. It seemed that he was unaware that the bathroom was slowly flooding.

Louis ran to him, squatted down, and worriedly asked, "Scott, what's wrong? Can you tell me?"

"Brother, I'm fine." As if being brought back to reality, Scott blinked up at him. "I'm just washing my hands."

"Well, let me help you then." Louis washed his hands and dried them up. "Dinner's ready. Let's go to the dining room."

There was no response from Scott. He just lowered his head and followed him. Taylor couldn't help but feel strange either as she observed the two of them. During the dinner, Taylor and Louis took care of Scott as usual. Scott kept his head down the whole time. Sensing that something was wrong, Taylor glanced at Louis with a confused expression. She motioned for him to calm down.