The Spoiled Girl

Chapter 1540 Attending The Banquet

In just a few days, Bonnie would be placed under trial in front of a judge. Ever since she had been detained, Darren had been working nonstop sorting out documents for her case. The sheer amount of things he had to do for her made it impossible for him to sleep for more than a few hours.

Things were looking bleak because up to that point, Darren still hadn't found any evidence to prove Bonnie's innocence.

To make matters worse, he was suffering from a throbbing headache while looking at the pile of documents in front of him. The fact that he couldn't get Bonnie home sooner broke his heart into pieces. As a result, his mind was in no shape to work at all. Nevertheless, Bonnie was the love of his life and the one who had taken the blame for him. Darren had to muster all his strength to find a way to set her free as soon as possible.

With that in mind, he inhaled deeply in an attempt to clear his mind. He rubbed his eyes to get rid of the drowsiness he felt, and then dialed the company's private line.

A few minutes later, Harlan arrived at Darren's office. The two of them discussed their options for trying to save Bonnie.

"Boss, I've sent a lot of people to look for Rip the past few days but there's isn't a single trace of him. I'm led to believe that Jacob's trying his best to hide him somewhere," Harlan said in a calm manner while he analyzed their situation.

It was quite impossible for a person like Rip to disappear into thin air. Therefore, it was reasonable to think that Jacob had something to do with it. 'Besides Jacob, who else would help him?' Harlan thought to himself.

A frown made its way on Darren's face upon hearing his rival's name. He could literally feel his blood boil just at the mention of Jacob's name. Rage filled every cell in his body, but a sharp pain in his heart caused him to stay silent for a moment.

After a while, Darren opened his mouth and slowly uttered, "Call Jacob and tell him that I'm inviting him for dinner at the Phoenix Pavilion at eight o'clock tonight."


Harlan's attempt to disagree was quickly interrupted by Darren.

"No buts. Just do as I said." After that, Darren waved his hand, signaling that it was time for Harlan to leave.

At that point, Harlan knew that there was no chance of changing Darren's mind. The only thing he could do was to turn around and leave, just as Darren ordered.

'The Phoenix Pavilion is undoubtedly the best restaurant in the city. There's nothing else like it. Why would he want to speak with Jacob there?'

Harlan shook his head, trying to shake off all these senseless ideas in his mind. However, a single question still remained. How could Darren finally show weakness to Jacob after fighting him so much? 'I guess Mr. Xu loves Miss Sun so much that he's willing to sacrifice anything, ' Harlan thought to himself while walking away from the CEO's office.

Even after returning to his own table, he st

fted Jacob's mood even more. He couldn't help but smile and speak in a joyful tone.

The look on Darren's face immediately darkened when he heard what Jacob said. Who else could the "elite businessman" be except for Rip?

No wonder Harlan couldn't find out Rip's whereabouts no matter how hard he tried. Their suspicions were right; Rip had been under Jacob's protection all along.

Jacob knew that what he had just said irritated Darren. Every word that came out of his mouth added to Darren's problems. And the more problems his rival had, the bigger the smile at the corners of Jacob's mouth became.

Since Jacob was in such a good mood, he gracefully picked up the glass of red wine in front of him and took a sip.

At that moment, he thought to himself that no matter how good the wine in his hand was, he couldn't enjoy it if Darren was right in front of him.

Meanwhile, Darren was trying his best to hold back his anger. With a cold glare, he said to Jacob, "Mr. Gu, you don't have to make excuses anymore. I know who you're talking about, so let's just get down to business. Tell me what price you have in mind in order to hand over this person to me."

Darren thought he was well prepared for this confrontation. He was already willing to pay Jacob any amount he asked.

Unfortunately, he was still one step behind Jacob.

Jacob burst into laughter upon hearing Darren's offer. After a while, he suddenly became serious and replied in a frigid tone, "Why would I even hand over that person to you? Do you really think that there's something worthy enough in your company for me to take? I'm not that naive, Darren. If I hand him over to you, you'll just start from the beginning and take your revenge against me, right?"

Even though Jacob seemed like an evil man at that point, he was simply doing it for his family's well-being. The only thing he wanted the most was to defeat Darren for good so that he wouldn't bother them anymore.