The Spoiled Girl

Chapter 154 A Sweet PDA

Emily raised her head and smiled back. "Why? What should I be careful about?" she asked.

Suddenly, Jacob pulled her to his loving embrace and tried to kiss her.

However, Emily, being as nimble as she was, evaded his arms and quickly moved to the gift boxes. "Can I open it?" she said, laughing while reaching for one.

Jacob grinned like a cheshire cat and replied,"Of course you can."

Emily unwrapped the box and found something scintillating inside. "Diamond?" she exclaimed, her eyes glowing with wonderment.

She opened another, and then another box... It turned out every box had a fine-cut diamond.

Emily's eyes dazzled with astonishment. Baffled by Jacob's gifts, she asked,"You put a diamond in each of these boxes?"

Jacob didn't say anything, and he just smiled back at her. He had always thought that diamonds were the perfect gifts for Emily. "You said you liked jewelry," he said.

"I did, but I meant designing jewelries, not owning so many diamonds! These must have cost you a lot," she said. The thought of the cost of such extravagant gifts made Emily gasp.

"I have money," said Jacob, as humbly as he could possibly sound.

"I know, but you shouldn't..." Emily complained, but she was also flattered by his loving gesture. "I prefer the Christmas tree you made more than these diamonds," she said to him.

Jacob's ears were burning again, patiently, he replied,"... as you wish my dear."

People on the square were all astounded when they realized that each of the gift boxes contained a shining diamond inside them. Is this what rich relationships look like? A diamond tree, for God's sake!

"Kiss her! Kiss her!" someone shouted, from the crowd.

d,"Just not to you, you twerp."

Emily did not have the words to respond to Jacob's jokes.


A sweet public display of affection!

Emily insisted on carrying the tree herself when they went back.

After dinner, Emily turned off all the lights to watch the crystal lights on the tree, while Jacob helped her hang all the diamonds as ornaments.

Overwhelmed, Emily was watching the radiant tree with wonder, when Jacob suddenly sneaked up on her from behind, and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"May I... stay here tonight?" he asked. His deep and sweet voice echoed behind her ears. His breath raised the hair on her skin.

Her body stiffened, she felt like she was losing control over her senses, Jacob, however, had no intentions on giving her time to think. He pressed her against the sofa and kissed her. "I will take that as a 'yes'," he said.

"Mmmmm..." Even if Emily was trying to say something before, she was now rendered incapable of saying anything at all.

Jacob clasped both of her hands and kissed her harder...

Silvery flakes drifted down, glittering in the bright light of the moon.