The Spoiled Girl

Chapter 1531 Pull The Plug

"Mr. Xu asked me to come here and tell you to take good care of yourself. Please don't forget that he cares about you very much!"

Bonnie's nose scrunched up while tears started to blur her eyes. Every cell in her body was screaming how much she missed him.

Right before William left, Bonnie uttered some heartfelt words. "Please tell him that I'm doing just fine and I'll be here waiting for him!"

Meanwhile, Sam was informed by his spy in the KING Group that Darren had sent someone to find a scapegoat. They were planning for another person to admit the crime so that Darren could finally be with Bonnie again.

In order to make sure that the information was accurate, Sam thought of contacting the police to confirm it.

When he called, he spoke in a vague way without giving too much information. "Hello, sir. Have you made any progress regarding the food safety case?"

An officer who was directly involved in the case responded from the other side of the line. "Bonnie's lawyer just presented us some new evidence.

It's currently under review while we investigate something else behind the scenes. If we have more information, we'll give you a call before anyone else."

What the policeman said were exactly the same as what his informants had reported. With this in mind, Sam ran as fast as he could to Jacob's office.

While knocking on the office door, Sam exclaimed, "Mr. Gu, I have some important news!"

A deep and inviting voice came from inside. "Come in!"

The moment Sam entered the room, he said, "Mr. Gu, Darren and his men have begun to move and they have bribed a scapegoat. They're planning to make someone else take the blame.

That Darren is always so stubborn indeed. So what do you think we should do?"

While the two of them were having this conversation, the thought of Bonnie's suffering made Jacob stop what he was doing. His thick dashing eyebrows furrowed while his lips turned into a frown.

After placing his fingers on his chin and thinking for a while, Jacob thought this was too good of an opportunity to ignore. Darren was a difficult rival to beat and Jacob wouldn't allow him to get off so easily. At that moment, Jacob was completely ready to sacrifice irrelevant people to this battle of theirs.

Besides, if Jacob found out all of Darren's dirty secrets, Bonnie would be free without getting any charges.

When Jacob's mind had been settled, he hastily exclaimed, "Sam, send someone to stop that scapegoat now!"

While the two men were discussing more about their plan of action, Emily coincidentally came to look for Jacob. She pushed open the door and heard most of their plan.

She realized that if Jacob went ahead and stopped the scapegoat,

se voice, "I'm having quite a bit of a financial trouble. The money they would pay me would be of great help!"

Sam understood the man's reason and nodded in response. After a short while, he took out a check from his bag and handed it to the man. "This money should be enough for you, right? I'll give you a bit of time to think about it. If it's not enough, or if you have any other requests, don't hesitate and let me know."

The man looked at the check at his hand and he was blown away with the number that he saw. The amount of money he was offered was much more than Darren's price. Of course, he was willing to take it.

With the most joyous smile, the man enthusiastically replied, "No, this is more than enough! So what do you need me to do? Trust me, I'll do whatever you want from me and I won't let you down!'"

The fact that he agreed just like that made Sam think that this man was quite the fence sitter. Now that everything was settled, Sam snapped his fingers and leaned over to whisper his instructions.

"There's nothing to worry about. You don't have to go to jail or anything like that. I just need you to go to the police and tell them the truth. That's all I want you to do. What do you think?"

The task sounded too good to be true. The man couldn't help but feel like he was in a dream, one where he had just won the lottery.

"Sounds good to me! What else do you want me to do?" the man replied with a smile.

"Since the police have already been informed of you, you'd better go to the station as soon as possible. As long as you tell the officers that you were forcibly bribed by Darren to take the blame, your mission is fulfilled," Sam casually uttered.

The man patted his chest and confidently promised. "Don't worry. I'll tell them the truth just like you said!"