The Spoiled Girl

Chapter 1526 To Have A Baby

"Okay, be careful on your drive back home!" Saul said with a concerned expression.

Beside him, Fabian was still trying to convince Cherish that she should have a baby of her own soon. "Cherish, you must take this seriously. Don't get me wrong. This is for your own good," she told her.

Tired of Fabian's nagging, Cherish pretended not to hear her and turned to Saul instead. She smiled at him and said, "Yes, Dad, we'll be careful. We're going to leave now. I promise I'll come and visit you guys again soon. Bye!" Then, she walked away in a hurry, closed the door, and made herself comfortable inside the car.

"How rude! She's getting more impolite by the minute! I wasn't even finished speaking," Fabian complained and huffed.

Unable to stand Fabian's attitude anymore, Saul turned to her with a frown. "I'm tired of you telling my daughter what she should do. Whether they want to have a baby or not, it's up to them to decide as a couple. It's not our business. It's useless for us old people to nag them about it."

To say that Fabian was annoyed at his words was an understatement. She was livid. Fabian didn't expect that Saul would also view her as a nagger. She scowled at him and ranted, "If she would just listen to me, then maybe I wouldn't have to nag at her. What would happen if we don't tell her what to do? At this rate, we will be dead before we even get to meet our grandchild. Is that what you want, huh?"

Saul had expected his wife to explode after he scolded her. So, he quickly covered his ears with his hands and ran inside.

On their way back, Carlos casually asked Cherish as he drove, "Honey, did you pay attention to what Mom said earlier? Should we start considering it?"

To his surprise, Cherish appeared to be in a temper when she replied, "What? Why are you even listening to her? When I'm ready to have a baby, I'll tell you!"

Despite her irritated tone, Carlos pursued the topic. "How about we start making preparations for it later when we get home?" he asked in a hopeful tone.

"Just shut up and focus on the road!" Cherish hissed and turned her head away to stare at the view from the car window.

When they got back home, they found Chuck and Leah in their living room waiting for their return.

"Oh good, you're back! Come on, sit down and rest for a while. We'd like to discuss something with you!" Leah greeted them with an encouraging smile, and then fondly looked at her daughter-in-law.

It was no secret that she and Chuck also wanted Cherish and Carlos to have a baby as soon as possible. It was obvious that they were pretty anxious to get a grandson!

After a few seconds of silence, Leah slightly nudged Chuck in the arm and he started talking. "Carlos, you and Cherish have been married for quite some time now, haven't you? Have you two talked about having a baby yet?"

The question made Cherish feel so embarrassed that she wished that the ground would just swallow her whole. Why was everyone pressuring her to have a

t was on me. I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that. You're fit! Super fit!" Carlos laughed and begged for mercy. When Cherish stopped hitting him, he sneakily crawled closer to her again and whispered in her ear, "I am serious though. Let's have a baby."

Without waiting for an answer, Carlos lifted up the blanket with a huge grin. It seemed that he was quite determined to carry out this mission of his.

When Ethan worked for Bill before, he would usually secretly bribe several of his subordinates. Over time, it had ended up as a big threat to Bill. Bill knew that if he didn't take matters into his own hands, then he would risk losing his position and power.

Inside a warehouse that used to be an abandoned car factory in the suburb, Bill was sitting casually on a chair with his legs crossed and a cigar in his mouth. His expression was rather gloomy. He looked to be in deep thought as he exhaled out tiny smoke rings from his mouth.

After a while, he snuffed out his cigar and picked up the phone. He dialed a number. "Damon, what's the update on that thing I asked you to do? Have you gotten them?" he asked in a deadpan tone.

A deep and somber voice came from the other end of the line, "Yes, boss. Everything is done. I am on my way."

"Well done!" Bill replied with a satisfied smirk and then hung up the phone.

There was no way that Ethan would sit idly and do nothing if they caught the closest person to Ethan. It just wasn't his nature.

Ten minutes later, Damon escorted Shane and the others out of the car with gritted teeth. Pushing and shuffling, he forced them to walk slowly into the warehouse. Bill lit up another cigar and smiled smugly. He slowly walked over to Shane and aggressively ripped off the tape that was stuck on his mouth.

"What the hell do you want?! Come at me if you have the balls! What kind of men are you, huh? Sneaking around and doing things secretly. Shame on you!" Shane yelled at Bill and scowled at him, his chest rising in anger.