The Spoiled Girl

Chapter 1506 What Are You Doing

Although they were faced with many reporters hired by Darren, Jacob and David were able to answer all the questions without a hitch.

Thinking that they were probably out of the woods now, Jacob casually pointed at a reporter. She looked gentle and harmless as she sat timidly in the front row, so Jacob figured that he would give her a chance to ask a question.

When she stood up, the reporter looked a little shy and embarrassed to be in front of them.

Almost all of the reporters had gotten the answers that they wanted from David and Jacob. The reporter who stood up didn't seem like the type who would ask intimidating questions that were hard to answer, so the other reporters didn't pay any attention to her. Some of the reporters were even preparing to leave the venue and were only waiting for the closing remarks of the press conference.

"Mr. Gu, in the previous press conference that you held, you mentioned that the KING Group is a competitor of HT Group. You also said that Mr. Darren Xu was always thoroughly beaten by you no matter how he competed with you. However, as we all witnessed these past few days, the quality of the KING Group's products was not compromised in any way. They are a complete opposite of the quality of HT Group's products. Does this mean that you've been defeated by Mr. Xu?"

The female reporter's voice was gentle, but her question was anything but. Jacob felt as if he was being indicted.

The room went silent as everyone waited for an answer.

David squinted at the female reporter, trying to get a closer look at her face.

If he hadn't investigated and discovered that Darren had hired a bunch of reporters to attend the conference, then he probably wouldn't have realized that this female reporter was also working for Darren.

The reporter looked inexperienced. It seemed that she hadn't been in the journalism industry for that long. As he observed the reporter, David noted that she was the embodiment of the saying that new-born calves did not fear tigers.

Jacob did not attempt to deflect from the question. On the contrary, he answered it with as much poise and grace as he had had when answering other questions.

"This current situation is still under investigation. If the investigation shows that the products of our HT Group genuinely had quality problems, then we will deal with them seriously. But if someone set us up with ill intentions, then we will make sure that the legal department of the HT Group handles it and never lets the culprit go, whoever they may be," he explained.

After he finished talking, he raised his head proudly. Then, he looked directly into the c

ng that she probably wanted to get back to work, Darren angrily poked her forehead. "You need to get some sleep. If you keep working so hard, you will get sick and collapse," he scolded.

"But my work…" she started to protest.

"Work, work, work. You're always working every day. If you don't go to bed now, I'll have to fire you."

Shocked at his words, Bonnie blinked up at him to see if he was serious. Then, she reluctantly walked into the lounge.

After getting some work done, Darren decided to put his work aside and check up on Bonnie in the lounge.

Under normal circumstances, no outsider was ever allowed in his lounge. Now, there was a young woman in deep slumber there. The scene felt so relaxing.

Darren walked over and sat down on the edge of the bed. He caressed Bonnie's smooth face unconsciously.

She was the sweetest person he'd ever known. However, when it came to work, she was tough, even on herself. Everything about her was attractive. She was like a magnet that just kept pulling him closer and closer.

"You are truly one-of-a-kind." Darren brushed his fingers over her soft, red lips. They were slightly pouted. She seemed to be having a pleasant dream from the way she was softly murmuring out words.

Her long eyelashes cast a shadow on her eyelids. Even though she was in deep sleep, her cherry-red mouth still looked enticing.

Darren couldn't help but lean over so he could take a closer look at her face. When the distance between the two of them decreased, Darren felt intoxicated by her fragrance.

"What are you doing?" Bonnie suddenly opened her eyes when she felt someone's breath on hers. It turned out to be Darren, whose face was only a few inches away from her. Realizing this, she couldn't help but blush.