The Soul Keeper

Chapter 120: The Charred Tree

I sat alone in the cave we had found as Asher left to get some water and Lucius, some firewood. Of course, those were just simple lies as they probably discussed something they didn't want me to hear.

My lips formed a bitter smile. They were worried, they had seen how shaken up I was. They probably needed to be away for a bit. I could understand that, and honestly, I didn't mind. God knows I could use some privacy.

I raised my hand as a tiny flame appeared at the tip of my finger. Its crimson light illuminated the cave as I watched it flicker. I could feel its warmth and if I wanted to, I could make it hotter.

"I'm back." Lucius' voice sounded as he stepped inside the cave from the narrow entrance. He was carrying a small pile of firewood. "What are you doing?" He asked as he placed it on the ground.

"Wasting time." I said with a sigh. It wasn't a lie – I wasn't even thinking of anything particularly useful or important. In fact, I was specifically avoiding doing that. "Where's Asher?" I didn't really need to ask where he was – I could feel him approaching. He was going to be here in less than a minute.

"I'm not sure…" Lucius said with a shrug as placed some small rocks in a circle at the centre of the room, then put some of the wood he gathered there. "Do you mind lighting this up for me?"

I nodded as the small fire at the tip of my finger leapt towards the pieces of wood. Soon, we even had a cosy campfire. And moments later, Asher stepped inside, carrying a bucket of water.

"Why do you have a bucket?" I asked, raising my eyebrows. He couldn't have possibly bought one – we were in the middle of nowhere!

"I gave it to him." Lucius grinned. "I bought a few things that I felt might be useful before we left."

"Like what?" I asked with a grin. He was always carrying around more stuff than he needed.

He hesitated, then pulled a blanket out of his inventory. Soon, a hammer and axe followed. Then, a large box of nails, plenty of colourful threads, needles and even some yarn.

"You overdid it." Asher said wide eyed. "Why do you even have these?" He pointed at a bunch of chopsticks.

I couldn't help but laugh at his expression. "Seriously." I said as we all sat around the fire. "You haven't changed a bit, Lucius."

We sat in silence a while, before Asher finally touched the subject we'd been avoiding. "Kai, we shouldn't waste too much time. Give me the primal core."

I sighed, then took the clear, silver crystal out of my inventory and gave it to him. "Be careful with it." I warned him. He gently took the crystal and placed it on a piece of cloth. The winds emanating from it blew in the cave, nearly putting out our small campfire.

"It's amazing," The blond sorcerer said after a while of inspecting it. "But this isn't the primal core of water."

"What?" Lucius cried out. "Did Kai almost die for nothing?"

"Shut up and listen," Asher said, "This thing has the power of wind."

"Oh." Lucius said as he calmed down. I shook my head, wasn't it obvious from all the, uh… you know, wind, around us? But then again, I knew better than anyone that Lucius could get too focused on a certain thing and simply miss everything else going on around him.

"Anyways, Kai, we should probably hurry." Asher said, glancing at me. "Do you know what you need to do to use this thing?"

I hesitated. I somewhat remembered what Vixia did, but I wasn't really confident. "I think so," I said after a moment's hesitation. I took the primal core of wind and sat cross legged. "I might need some healing in the process."

Asher nodded as both of them watched me carefully.

I closed my eyes and focused. As the wind blew my hair and clothes around, I listened to the magic within the primal core. It reminded me of that time I was alone, in the middle of a terrible storm. Waiting for Mother and the others to return. How old was I at that time? Nine, maybe ten?

The souls within me stirred as the wyvern's soul slowly phased out of my chest, approaching the crystal in my hands. I kept my eyes closed, forcing myself to remember the past – I wasn't going to let the wyvern erase who I was and take over. This was my body – my mind!

The soul circled around the primal core, then enveloped it. Lightning struck somewhere. I remembered the large oak getting hit and charred during that storm. I was sad afterwards; it never quite was the same in the garden after that and I never found another tree as nice and large as that to play on.

The soul became brighter as the winds strengthened. I could see its light even through my closed eyelids. "Easy now," I whispered as it absorbed the primal core of wind.

"Kai?" Asher's voice sounded.

"I'm fine," I said as I remembered – Mother hadn't returned that day, or that week, had she? Dad came back that evening, soon after the storm had calmed. But Mother had left with Sis and only returned the week after.

I felt a sting under my skin – as if someone stuck a needle there. I ignored it; it was nothing compared to the feeling of burning alive when I had taken in the soul of the phoenix.

"What's going on?" Lucius asked as the soul circled around me. The primal stone was still laying in my hands – had it not liked it? But… I was sure I felt it absorb its power.

Somewhat confused, I opened my eyes.

"Oh," I whispered as I stared at the world beneath me. I couldn't feel my body anymore. I was seeing the wyvern's memories. I let them fill my mind, while still holding on to my own.