The Sickly General's Spoiled Wife Has Space (The Sickly General's Wife With A Spatial Ability Is Loved By All)

Chapter 230: Sweet potatoes are a good thing

Chapter 230 Sweet Potatoes Are Good Things

The rain stopped at this time, and the sky cleared up early in the morning.

The sun rises from the east, and the sun shines down, giving the ground a warm halo.

The sun shines into the house through the window lattice, and the house is lit up.

Feng Sisi was burning the fire and said, "Mother and father, I\'ll go to work in the fields after breakfast. I\'ll let Chengwen take a good rest these days. I\'ll work more."

Feng Sisi still has lingering fears when she thinks about what happened last night.

So she thought that she must not let Liu Chengwen happen again.

Can\'t let him get tired either.

During this time, she should do more.

Mother Liu knew that her son and daughter-in-law had a good relationship.

After what happened last night, Mother Liu was even more satisfied when she saw Feng Sisi.

The daughter-in-law is sincere to her son, and she sees it all in her eyes.

The family all want to feel sorry for each other.

Liu\'s mother also has lingering fears now, and feels that the family is healthy and together, in fact, it is more important than anything else.

As for the work in the field, no one is important.

Mother Liu said: "Sisi, you didn\'t rest last night, you rest at home."

"And it just rained, the mud in the ground was soaked, and it was impossible to work in the field at all."

When it rains, the soil is soft.

If you go to the ground, you can step in with one foot, and you can\'t walk at all.

Therefore, when it rains heavily, the villagers will only go up the mountain to work after waiting for the land to dry up.

"Mother, do you want to go to town to get Chengwen medicine?"

Mother Liu said: "I want to get medicine. I saved some money at home and ate breakfast. I\'ll go to town to get medicine. You take care of Chengwen at home."

"Thanks to Yinyin, I came back with a tael of silver, otherwise, the money for the medicine might not be enough."

For the villagers, it is really impossible to get sick, because even if you can look up to a doctor, sometimes you can’t afford medicinal materials.

Feng Sisi knew that although their family lived carefully, there were many places to spend money.

That is, her son Heng Er went to be an apprentice, and he had to pay every month.

During the festivals, you have to spend money to buy things and give gifts.

Feng Sisi thought for a while and said, "Mother, why don\'t I see if I can make something to eat, pick it up and sell it in the town, I can make more money."

"That\'s too tiring, and it\'s not that easy." Mother Liu was really thinking about how to make more money at this time.

It is not enough to rely on the crops in the field.

Still think of something else.

Feng Sisi said: "Mother, I have the strength and I can\'t get tired. If you work hard, you can always earn more."

"Mother, I just want to not delay Chengwen\'s medicine. He wants to get better, and his health cannot be affected by the delay in taking medicine."

Feng Sisi felt that the little money saved at home might not be enough to go to the town to pick up medicinal herbs.

So she was anxious.

If possible, she would like to borrow some from her parents\' house.

But her sister-in-law is very stingy. Even if she goes back, she will be humiliated, which is useless at all.

Mother Liu and Feng Sisi spoke in a low voice.

Everyone was tired from the vigil last night.

Liu Yinyin and Su Wenzhe did not rest. When it was almost dawn, Liu Chengwen woke up, and Mother Liu urged Su Wenzhe and Liu Yinyin to make up for sleep.

Mother Liu and Feng Sisi didn\'t sleep, so they were busy making breakfast, and Father Liu was there to help.

Although Su Binglan was in the back room, her ears were very good. Even if Feng Sisi and Mother Liu spoke in a low voice, she could still hear them.

Su Binglan was thoughtful.

When it was time for breakfast, Mother Liu and Feng Sisi enthusiastically asked Su Binglan and Su Wenxiu to eat more.

Su Binglan thought for a while and said, "Aunt Liu, Sister Feng, the breakfast you made is really delicious."

Mother Liu said with a smile: "It\'s delicious, eat more, and treat it as your own home, don\'t see it outside."

Su Binglan said: "Aunt Liu, Sister Feng, your cooking skills are so good, I think if you bring food to the town to sell, the business will be very popular."

Hearing Su Binglan say this, Mother Liu became excited when she thought of what Liu Yinyin said when she came back.

"Girl Su, to tell you the truth, I have this idea, but we don\'t know much about the town, and we don\'t know what to do."

"I know girl Su is a person with ideas, so I just want to hear your thoughts."

Feng Sisi was also excited.

She knew that the shop that Liu Yinyin opened in the town was her sister-in-law\'s idea.

Liu Yinyin\'s sister-in-law is not an ordinary person, and all the ideas are ideas that can make money.

Even Father Liu stopped his chopsticks excitedly, to listen carefully to Su Binglan\'s words.

Although Liu Chengwen was on the kang, his ear was also very good, and he also listened carefully.

Su Binglan looked at the basin on the stove, and said, "I see Aunt Liu, you killed the chicken in the morning, and the blood of the chicken is ready to be poured. In fact, the blood of the chicken is a good thing."

"Anything good?"

When Su Binglan got up in the morning, Liu\'s father and Liu\'s mother had already killed the chickens and controlled the blood of the chickens.

They were going to pour the chicken blood, but they didn\'t have time.

Su Binglan nodded and said, "Yes, it\'s a good thing, you can be a duck blood fan."

Feng Sisi opened her mouth, "Are you a duck blood fan? Sister Su, I\'ve never heard of a duck blood fan before."

Feng Sisi\'s eyes widened, her expression extremely serious.

Su Binglan said: "This is the name I gave it myself. It is a kind of food made by mixing duck blood and fans. If you want to learn and eat, Aunt Liu, I will teach you."

Mother Liu said gratefully, "Girl Su, I really don\'t know how to thank you."

Mother Liu was not a fool, she knew that Su Binglan was helping them.

Otherwise, there are good business ideas, why should people tell them to teach them.

She is all the light with her daughter.

Mother Liu sighed in her heart, fortunately their family really helped the Su family in the past.

"Aunt Liu, you\'re welcome. I think Aunt Liu, you and Mrs. Feng\'s cooking are delicious, and being a duck blood fan will definitely be delicious."

"When we have snacks like this in our town, everyone will be able to enjoy it."

Su Binglan still thought, maybe there are more delicacies in the town, and Tenghe Town will become famous in the future, and people from all over the world will come here to eat these delicacies.

will also drive local development, and Fujihe Town will be prosperous by then.

She likes to see the scene of liveliness and prosperity.

Mother Liu was excited and excited, "Su girl, auntie, I won\'t be polite to you, I must study hard and make it delicious."

Feng Sisi didn\'t even bother to eat breakfast, so she quickly took a meal.

I thought about having breakfast quickly, so that Su Binglan could teach them to be duck blood fans.

After breakfast, Su Binglan went to the yard to look for a horse, and immediately took down a bag.

Actually this is an empty bag, but others don’t know it.

Su Binglan put some sweet potatoes into the bag from the space, and then took it out.

"To be a fan, you need sweet potatoes."

"These are sweet potatoes."

"Sweet potato is a good thing, you can bake sweet potatoes, you can make fans."

(end of this chapter)