The Secret Private Life Of The Villainous Grand Duke

Chapter 6


Chapter 6

In addition, Lily was a daughter of a noble family, and even the name of a Grand Duke who was the second most powerful in the Empire after the emperor was mentioned. So, they could not prevent her from entering.

“You are welcome to come in, Lady.”

“Thank you…”

Embarrassed, she entered the palace as if to run away.

Regardless of whether she was blocked at the entrance or not, a lady who went to the Imperial Palace to meet the Emperor, who had no business with her and had not yet invited her as an empress, would clearly leave a gossip.

When she was playing the game, even if the main character suffered shameful things, she was not impressed. But, when she became the main character herself, she was embarrassed.

Lilly, who bowed her head in shame and turned the corner at a hasty pace, slammed her head into the chest of the Emperor, Matthias.


“You are… Was it Miss Lily of Count Ravenas?”

Matthias said as if he couldn’t remember her well.

However, in reality, he definitely remembered Lily. It wasn’t just remembering her. He thought of Lily dozens of times a day.

When she greeted him by the Grand Duke’s introduction at the party, her disrespectful reply as if she had no interest in him at all, a cold attitude that rejected all offers and favors… In addition, rude behavior such as yawning and glancing at her nails during the conversation—

Lily had only picked the worst choices from the game. To the point, he couldn’t even for a moment erase his thoughts about her.

It would hurt his self-esteem if he couldn’t get rid of his thoughts of Lily, who had been rude to him.

Nonetheless, there was no business in front of the beauty. Lily of that day was as beautiful as the dewy petals… Everything from her head to her toes.

“Your… Majesty…”

At Matthias’ cold eyes, Lily felt as though her whole body would freeze. The blue eyes she saw in real life matched the word ‘ice’ so well.

When she saw him in the picture, she thought he was just an authentic handsome man with dark hair like the main male protagonist, though seeing in person like this…

An admiration came out of nowhere.

A word that always came up when users talk about the Emperor, Matthias, in Moonique’s Night…

…Authentic handsome stereotype.

Expressing his appearance that way meant that. Appearance was the standard of beauty regardless of the time. For a long time, mankind had considered such appearance to be handsome, so it had become a standard and has become a form.

Although it may be a matter of taste, no one could deny that Matthias Kane was handsome.

‘I want him…’

A strong desire arose in Lily’s heart. The desire to completely consumed that man who she had missed in front of her.

“What’s going on here?”

Matthias asked deliberately bluntly. As he gazed down at Lily, his half-closed eyes overlaid with an atmosphere of indifference.

“That is… I think I was too rude the last time I saw you…”

“Hmm, I can’t remember at all.”

At Lily’s words, he forcibly put up with the laughter that was about to come out and put up his pretense. His outward appearance was enough to make it seem like he had no real interest in her.

“Anyway, wrong is wrong… I’m sorry back then…”

It was a hesitant voice.

Lily looked carefully at the Emperor’s expression. A rough and cold face, as if angry, and a ferocious impression. Matthias had such a stern expression on his face, and she felt like she was about to burst into tears.

Totally ruined… If this was the case, she would fail without even trying to target the Grand Duke and the Emperor…

“So, are you just here to say that? There’s really nothing I can do.”

Matthias struggled to hide his regret that they had to part like this, responded coldly and left.

“All right, see you next…”

She couldn’t manage to convey her greeting to see him next time. Falling into despair as she stared at his back as he left, she really felt like she had messed up.

Screwed… There may be no next…

Matthias was a character whose favoritism increased by simply clicking on the glowing choices. Sometimes, even if she pressed a choice that she thought was wrong, the likeability would still increase.

There was even a saying among users, ‘Mathias’ only one pick was Lily, even if he died and woke up a thousand times.’

Though he treated her more harshly than ever before.

The gloomy Lily climbed into the carriage of the Kneis family, waiting for her in front of the Imperial Palace.

“Where can I take you?”

He didn’t know if that question would sound like a trivial question. But, it wasn’t for Lily because all she could think of was that she didn’t have someone to love her—a loneliness that made her heart ache.

“When will the Grand Duke return?”

“Well, I’m not sure either.”

One side of her heart ached.

Moritz went away without a note, and Matthias treated her with harshness and disinterest. Is this really the correct route? It was not just a route that didn’t make any sense…?

As Lily sighed, the coachman added cautiously.

“But, maybe he will come back in a week or so?”

“I guess… Will you take me to Ravenas Manor?”


Lily returned to Ravenas mansion with an empty heart. It was the first time that she set foot in Ravenas mansion and met her maid, Julia, whom she had only seen on the screen, although nothing caught her eye.

Because in her head, two men so deadly were squeezing her chest.

“Miss, meal…”

“It’s okay. I don’t want to eat anything.”

“All right. Rest well.”

Julia glanced at Lily with worried eyes.

The Miss who returned with a powerless appearance and talked to her with respect, and even asked where the bedroom was. Because of that, she couldn’t help but worry.

When Lily’s father, Count Ravenas, and her mother, Flora Doyson, divorced before she was less than ten years old, the women of the mansion took care of Lily like their daughter and their own sibling. Julia, too, was only three years older than Lily, though she loved her.

She cherished her even more because Lily’s skinny body resembled her own sister, who was now married.

So, one day when Count Ravenas left, Julia was most delighted. When Lily returned, she volunteered to look after Lily.

She didn’t know what happened…

Recently, the number of times Lily returned on the Kneis family carriage had increased. Grand Duke Kneis had a pretty good reputation in the world, but the more she heard the story, the more anxious she became.

The man named Moritz Kneis was too perfect.

Moritz, who had gone to the Creteil area, returned only two days later.

Fortunately, for Lily, the two days went by quickly. It was thanks to the worries floating around in her head. Starting with the still unbelievable transmigration, the first s*x stolen by the game character, the cold Emperor, and the relentless ending to the future…

If she died here, would she actually die?

Lily got goosebumps with a creepy feeling. She might have to live here for the rest of her life… Transmigrations have always been like that.

‘Oh, my God…’

Two days passed while she was thinking like that. Returning to the Capital, Moonique, Moritz sent a carriage to her the following day.

When she heard that he had sent her a carriage, Lily felt a little excited. She couldn’t confirm his favorability of her, though she didn’t know maybe he had liked her because of the hot night they spent together.

“What did the Grand Duke bring you here for?”

Lily asked with a fluttering voice as she got on the big carriage of Kneis Mansion.

“I have only been commanded to bring you, Lady.”

The coachman answered through a small window and drove the horses slowly.

At that, she tried to calm her excited mind as the carriage headed for the Kneis Mansion.

Maybe, she was not completely screwed. Since when she entered this route, it asked if she wanted to check the ‘Secret Private Life of the Villainous Grand Duke,’ so this route may lead to the Grand Duke rather than the Emperor.

Lily compared their handsome looks in her head.

Her favorite character was different, but both Moritz and Matthias were characters who properly shot her heart.

Black hair, blue eyes, and sharp yet deep eyes, the traditionally handsome yet radiant wild beauty Emperor Matthias…

…And, with dirty blonde hair, soft dark green eyes, and a flirtatious feel, the sexy sculptural uniquely handsome Grand Duke Kneis.

Either of the two was good, so she hoped she could succeed in her attack this time…
