The School Prince's Exclusive Sweetheart

Chapter 859

In the days near New Year's Eve, it snowed all the time and the temperature dropped below zero.

After the last wrestling event, Gu and Su's family took care of Su Nian in a way that could be described as serving the Buddha. Su Niannian also lived a life of rice worms with the clothes she used to yearn for most.

However, after a few days like this, she was deeply sad. Why did she feel like a waste wood?

Chu Suxin makes Shiquan tonic Soup for her every day. Su can't drink it every year. Naturally, she gives it to her family, Mr. Gu. After half a month, Gu Zichen gets a nosebleed.

In addition to playing tricks and eating food, Chu Suxin often comes to the house to chat with her, and then pinches Fang Mo's face to ask him whether he likes his younger brother or younger sister.

Fang Mo said last time that his younger brother was smart and wanted a younger brother. Gu Zichen cleaned him up. Now he has learned a lesson and learned to be good. Every time, he always says honestly: "I like all my brothers and sisters. They are cute and smart."

"Do you prefer younger brother or younger sister?"

Fang Mo pondered for a long time, "sister, I can protect her."

If it's a brother, what if it's a bear baby? Fang Mo has different considerations from his peers.

Chu Su's heart was overjoyed: "Fang Fang, if you give birth to a girl every year, will you be her son-in-law?"

Fang Mo mophan: "are not all child brides?"

"The same thing, how nice it would be to have a close relationship at that time. How clever you are! What can I do in case the baby looks so stupid every year? I'll break my heart!"

Su, who had finished foraging, heard his mother's words every year. He couldn't help but cry: "mother! Don't you say I was the smartest, wisest and cutest when I was a kid! you deceived me! What's more, can't you just stop being a matchmaker

Chu Su heart curls her mouth, and so on, after she tore up the year after she tore up, she quietly pulled the ink. "Actually, when she was a child, she was very silly, make complaints about the lollipop everyday, not crying or giggling," Fortunately, Gu's son-in-law is blind early, otherwise I will worry about her marriage! "


"Why? Don't call me mother, call me mother queen! "

"I heard what you said to Fang Mo just now..."

Chu Suxin:


when sleeping at night, Su pinched Gu Zichen's neck every year and asked, "am I stupid?"

For his own life safety, Gu Zichen shakes his head decisively.

"Are you blind?"

Gu Zichen tangled, in order to please the little daughter-in-law, continued to shake his head, and sincerely said, "to marry you, is the most correct vision in my life."

Well, if you're not stupid, can I turn you back? Gu Zichen in the heart abdominal Fei.

However, every year, Su suddenly turned her mouth and cried: "you are a man with beautiful words! You must not like me, so you coax me... "

Gu Zichen muddled forced, which is this?

Fortunately, his intelligence quotient is still online. After a little thinking, he can understand that this is emotional instability during pregnancy, so he can bear to coax.

"I've grown fat and ugly Wuwuwu... " Su groaned year after year, kicking Gu Zichen, "no human rights, no love, no flower fragrance, no tree height..."

Noisy to the middle of the night, just put his baby pregnant woman to sleep, looking at her mellow chin, Gu Zichen pursed his lips and laughed.

This family, who has no human rights, should he cry?

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