The School Prince's Exclusive Sweetheart

Chapter 850

Su year's voice light floating in the wind, hovering in memory for a long time figure scattered, time frame in the late summer sunset, beautiful and despair.

Tang Yu rubbed his aching head and took a deep breath. Meng Luoyang in the front row asked in a low voice: "what do you want?"

Tang Yu smiles but doesn't answer. He keeps staring at the bright night view outside the window.

Meng Luoyang farfetched to accompany him with a smile, dedicated to the hospital.

He guessed that Tang Yu should have thought of Su Nian again.

The first time I met Tang Yu was at Shengyin's new year's party. At that time, he felt that the boy's appearance and voice line were excellent. After investigation, he found that his family condition was not very good, so he had the mind to let him enter the profession.

Later, he signed in Tang Yu as he wished. At that time, he was already a senior agent in the industry. He brought many artists under him. Later, he also had some red ones. But he finally chose to take Tang Yu alone.

This stubborn young man never let him down. In two short years, he became popular all over the country.

But later, he got the detailed information of Tang Yu. Looking at his almost desolate youth, the only name with the highest frequency was su Niannian.

With the keen intuition of a media man, he knew that this should be one of the most important roles in Tang Yu's life.

Originally, Meng Luoyang felt nothing. Who hasn't had a first love in his life?

In recent years, Tang Yu has not had any scandal, which makes the brokerage company a little anxious.

He introduced several female friends to him through his personal contacts, not only for hype, but also to find him a girlfriend so that he could stop indulging in the past.

Who knows to see a few, still really had a relation with Tang Yu.

She is a little-known third-class model in the industry, and her stage name is peach.

He happily went to see the girl once, when he came out, his face was a terrible defeat.

The way that girl smiles is really like that girl

Green plum withered, bamboo horse old, since then I love people like you.


go to the hospital to take care of the wound. Tang Yu and Meng Luoyang say hello and drive away.

He stopped at his former home downstairs, went upstairs, opened the door, the room has not lived for a long time, there are fine dust flying.

He stepped into his bedroom and stopped.

The wall was full of marks he had made with his nails.

You see, I've thought about you so many times.

Have you ever regretted these years?

Of course.

If Su could keep a sentence before he transferred to school every year, what did that stupid mean

If Su Niannian asked him why he quit the basketball team, he told her frankly that it was to protect you from being bullied by others

If Su makes a wish for him every year, he says thank you, I will be the way you like. Wait for me, OK

If Su asks Wang Yue what's going on every year, he confesses that it's to avenge her and beat the boy who killed her silkworm baby

If Su can sit upright with good temper and say hello to her with a smile, I'm Tang Yu. For the rest of my life, please give me more advice

If If

If only he could have confessed earlier.

If only he could pursue it early.

If you like it, I'd like to.

Looking at the mark on the wall, he gently pulled the corner of his lip.

If only the result is left behind if the fate steals, the original intention of time stealing only leaves the hardship

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