The School Prince's Exclusive Sweetheart

Chapter 653

"You can choose to quit."

"No, I will win!" Su is not willing to be outdone every year. Her eyes are shining. All the money is small

Su Niannian didn't do any tricks this time. He also chose a very difficult piece.

This piece of music is her free time bored at home to practice fast, playing very skillfully.

The continuous sound of the piano reverberated in the auditorium, as if interwoven into a dense net, which attracted everyone's ears.

Everyone is holding a breath, want to see her error, but to the last tone, Su every year perfect play down!

There was an uproar!

The difficulty coefficient of this song is not lower than that of Leah, that is to say, Su Niannian's level is no less than hers!

Leia is a famous music diva of AFC. She has been highly praised all the time. Now when I see her being surpassed casually, all the students are talking about it.

After the judges finished scoring, it was Leah again.

The next theme of the music is "the next music for you to discuss".

Leah walked up with confidence, a gorgeous and sweet song echoed in the auditorium, perfect and impeccable.

Every year, Su looked at it with great interest. The mobile phone in his pocket vibrated.

She took it out to see that it was the information sent by people who were particularly concerned about on Weibo.

【MR。 The moon is beautiful tonight.

Attached below is a photo. The moonlight sprinkles through the curtain. The room is bright and the stars are bright in the distance.

Su year after year inexplicably began to sour, suddenly looked down on such a self.

She said she didn't care about Gu Zichen, but she still applied for a trumpet and paid attention to Gu Zichen's microblog.

This is what she taught him to confess. Is it because he has an object to confess?

Su every year bored to close the mobile phone, lost mood slowly climbed up, in the heart a little bit corroded flesh and blood.

It was a heartache.

People do not care about her, she also secretly pay attention to each other.

Every year, Su almost wanted to shoot her so indefatigable that she went to the stage angrily, full of resolute meaning. She was shocked to see her.

Is there a trick for her?

Every year Sue sat in front of the grand piano, calmed down a little and began to play.

When composing music on the spot, the most common ones are pauses and incoherence. However, Su plays very smoothly every year. First of all, a few tunes circle back and forth. Suddenly, the music turns to be low, and then to happy, sweet and dull

A piece of music changes a variety of emotions, but it makes people feel no sense of disobedience.

By the time she finished playing, four judges had stood up and applauded for her!

There is no suspense about the result of the game. Su wins every year!

Leah looked incredulous and exclaimed in English, "no! I'm obviously better than her. Why did she win? It's not fair! "

"Leah, calm down." One of the judges comforted her, "let Mr. James tell you the answer."

James is the most prestigious of the four of them. He said politely like a gentleman, "in the first game, you lost in emotion, in the second game, you lost in skill. As for the third round, maybe It's talent. "

Leah's eyes were red in an instant. She had never been insulted in this way!

Sue was full of apologies every year, and suddenly Leah came up to her with a fierce look on her face, as if she were going to hit her. , the fastest update of the webnovel!