The School Prince's Exclusive Sweetheart

Chapter 649

Fang Liyuan looked at her like a madman, "did I eat and drink? Or did you not get Fang Mo's living expenses? "

"Of course not, but I have to find a job. Otherwise, how can I save money to study? In a vicious capitalist country, tuition fees are very expensive... " Sue murmured every year.

Fang Liyuan looked more gentle, "what school do you want to go to?"

"My mother found me a music school, but the tuition was too expensive to afford..." Su said year after year lost, and then began to cheer up, "but it doesn't matter, one day you will save enough, so you pay quickly, boss!"

Fang Liyuan took out the corner of his mouth, took out the money to her, and said, "what did you think about what I told you?"

"Ah?" Su hesitated every year. "Can we make an appointment about when..."

Fang Liyuan didn't embarrass her this time, "how about when you graduate? At that time, I will not interfere in what you want to do, provided you take good care of Fang Mo for me. "

Fang Mo's identity is special and he can't go to school. He had to ask a special teacher to teach him. Now Fang Liyuan thinks it's good to let Su raise every year.

Su thought for a long time, took a deep breath, ran to the room and handed him the box containing the diamond necklace. "Nah, this is the most valuable thing in my whole body. Although it is not the owner of it, I want to take this guarantee, at least to prove that I will abide by the agreement. You can rest assured that I will take good care of Fang Mo!"

Fang Li glanced at the box from afar. His eyes were dark.

After a long time, he took it and said "good".

He understood that the little girl had a simple mind and did not know that this was the so-called "maintenance."

And he at this moment, also put away those should not have the mind.

They, more like friends, reached an agreement.

We should abide by each other and never abandon each other.


Fang Liyuan's staff were very efficient, and soon issued new certificates to Su every year, but all the information was changed, even the name was changed to "Fang Susu".

In this regard, Su Niannian expressed considerable dissatisfaction, "why change the name, make me like your daughter! And how awful

Fang Mo: "hard to hear + 1." With Su years together for a long time, he was a little bold, occasionally also dare to protest a lower Liyuan.

Fang Liyuan snorted coldly: "don't you want to be anonymous? How did you change your mind again

What's more, the little girl doesn't understand the Chinese saying: it's called to take my surname and crown your name.

His woman, of course, takes his last name.

In Su Niannian's white eyes, she temporarily accepted the name, and Fang Liyuan, the admission procedure, was also done for her.

Seeing the notice, Su was shocked every year because Fang Liyuan applied to AFC Conservatory of music for her!

This school is rarely known, but it is very famous in the music industry. Its grade forced her to abandon Chu Su Xin and report to the school for her!

"I remember The tuition fee of this school is very expensive... " And it's not that you have contacts, you can't get in at all.

Fang Li is looking for a remote control all over the room without lifting his head. "My son is worth the price."

Su sat on the carpet with Fang Mo in his arms every year. He reached out and pinched his round little face. What he felt in his hand was not face, but money!

After finding the remote control, Fang Liyuan turned on the TV. The default was the financial channel. As soon as Su Nian looked up, he saw a familiar face on the screen. , the fastest update of the webnovel!