The School Prince's Exclusive Sweetheart

Chapter 606

The answer, of course, is self-evident.

All this sounds so simple, but it is so helpless.

Every year Su opened her chair and sat down to eat. The family sat down in turn. She ate with chopsticks clumsily. After a while, the chopsticks in her hands were taken away. She looked up in surprise, Chen Yuan put a spoon into her hand, and put a lot of her favorite dishes into the bowl.

Su said thanks in a low voice every year and ate in silence.

The whole family had no words, only the sound of advertisements on TV hovered in the huge room.

At the end of the advertisement, she switched to entertainment news, a well-known evening gossip program in Yucheng. In the past, Su always watched on time, but today, the sound from TV made her feel extremely harsh.

"It is reported that Gu Zichen, who is in power of the Gu family, and Liang's Qianjin attended a business banquet at 6:00 this afternoon, and they were photographed embracing each other affectionately. After that, master Gu left the banquet first, and Miss Liang followed closely. What kind of invisible gossip do they have from time to time? Is there any unforgettable love between the two most suitable girls in Yucheng... " Host spend less lip service, let a person feel that these two people get together soon.

The hostess next to him couldn't look down and said with a smile, "little flower, don't forget that master Gu has a fiancee ~"

"Hey, isn't the fiancee of such a rich family? Who cares about the old man crying when he hears the new man laughing Hua Shao joked casually, and there was a crisp sound on the dining table. It was su Nian's spoon that fell on the table.

"What a lousy show, chewing people's tongue in the back..." Resisting his anger, Chen Yuan plans to find a remote control to change channels. The screen flashes, and a photo appears on the screen, which shows Gu Zichen and Liang Xuan cuddling together.

Liang Xuan was dressed in a beige low cut dress, half of her body was crowded on Gu Zichen. Gu Zichen had no expression on her face, but her hand was on her waist.

Sue stood up every year, trying to look as if nothing had happened. "I'm going out shopping."

Chen Yuan reacts to want to chase her, but she has gone far away.

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when you go back to the convenience store for seven or eight hours, you can't go back to the convenience store.

She took a bucket of instant noodles and handed it to the clerk. She sat in front of the French window of the convenience store and ate it silently.

Looking out of the window, you can see the most luxurious villa area and the most expensive area in Yucheng City. However, it is a desolate place with few lights.

In the middle of the meal, her mobile phone rang. She didn't look at it and pressed to answer. A familiar voice came from the phone: "every year, are you ok?"

She sniffed. "I'm fine, Tangyu. How about you?"

Tang Yu was silent. After a while, he said, "well, I'm fine."

Su smiles year after year, and they talk about each other, just like before. Most of them are su Niannian's anecdotes. Tang Yu always listens quietly.

At the end of the day, Su Niannian couldn't laugh any more. The instant noodles were cold. The small figure reflected on the window was extremely desolate.

"Are you really happy with him? Happy? " Tang Yu couldn't help asking, and his iPad was playing Yu Cheng's gossip program.

Su kept smiling every year: "of course! I Very happy. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!