The School Prince's Exclusive Sweetheart

Chapter 602

Gu Zichen put down his mobile phone and sighed.

Cheng Zhou trotted up with him, "boss, this meeting is really important. If you push it off directly, it's not easy to communicate with domi..."

"As usual." Concise and comprehensive, leaving a word, Gu Zichen took the exclusive elevator back to his office.

His eyes were cold and he dealt with the business in an orderly manner. After finishing his work, he opened the drawer beside him, which contained a delicate flannel box.

His eyes softened a lot, his slender fingers tapped twice on the table, closed the drawer again, and got up to go to the meeting room for a meeting.


Su rushes to the meeting place mentioned by Doudou in a hurry every year. The scene is full of people and applause. At least thousands of fans are raised. Everyone holds the sign of "Grapefruit VC" and screams.

She's a little dizzy. Didn't she say something happened to her friend? What's the situation?

She made a phone call to Doudou. According to Doudou's words, she went into the backstage from the back door. She was very busy inside. When Doudou saw Su Nian, she waved: "every year, here!"

In addition to the glutinous beans, Su has a familiar face, 186 small fresh meat, Qiyue.

He smiles shyly at Su Niannian, and Doudou says in a hurry: "Qi Yue has a band. Today is the first time to perform on the stage. Fans from several universities nearby have spontaneously come here, but their keyboard players have diarrhea So I thought you came to save the field. Ha ha, do it

Su Niannian looked stunned and pointed to himself: "am I?"

"Well, only a part of the accompaniment will do, please." The more serious Qi said, but also made a bow to Su every year.

Su Niannian still wants to say that she has a hand injury. The front desk staff has urged her to go on stage. Doudou, a pig teammate, pushes her to Qi Yue. Su Nian can only follow Qi Yue to the stage without tears.

There are five people in the band. Except Qi Yue, their looks are a little bit shabby. As soon as they appear on the stage, everyone is shouting Qi Yue's name. Su feels that the embarrassment of other members will attack every year.

Fortunately, everyone's professional quality is very high. After Qi Yue said a few words, he started singing directly.

Su year after year secretly rubbed the nest behind the electronic organ, and swept the score at a glance. The songs to be sung were very simple, and the parts she was responsible for were very simple. In addition to a few wrong tunes at the beginning, she soon kept up with the whole band.

Qi Yue was singing a sentimental love song in front of him. The girls under the stage kept screaming and shouting. The atmosphere of the venue was so good that Su devoted himself to it every year and ignored the pain on his fingertips.

Doudou is singing with selfless backstage. In the middle of the way, Su Niannian's mobile phone rings once. She picks it up and looks at Gu Zichen. She says two sentences impatiently and then hangs up.

After the performance, she took a long sigh of relief and habitually wanted to put her pocket into her pocket. Qi Yue's anxious voice came from behind her: "what's wrong with your hand?" His voice was a little hoarse because he had been singing for more than an hour.

Su every year does not care about smile, "nothing."

Qi more and more frowned, pulled her hand to see, fingertip is red and swollen, scalded place, band aid stick crooked twisted, exposed inside ferocious wound.

Doudou screamed after seeing it: "lying trough, have you been raped by the family? Who did it? It won't be Gu Zichen! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!