The School Prince's Exclusive Sweetheart

Chapter 553

Gu Zichen lowered his voice and just wanted to laugh. Su struggled every year, "OK, OK, put me down quickly. My waist will be broken..."

Gu Zichen put her down, Su year after year suddenly raised his head and pushed Gu Zichen.

Behind is the wall, there is no way out.

Every year, Su raised her face and tried to stand on tiptoe. She slapped a chapter on the wall and asked angrily, "tell me, is this sister your old friend? Be lenient if you confess and be strict if you resist."

Oh, this is the wall Dong him?

Gu Zichen raised her eyebrows and eyes slightly, adjusted a comfortable posture, stood, and said with a smile: "didn't you hear that? She said it was my fiancee..."

He intended to tease the little girl. Sure enough, Su grinded her teeth after hearing it every year. "Then you go and marry her! I wish you a long and happy life

Gu Zichen pursed his lips: "every year, are you jealous?"

"Ah, bah! You think too much That said, she had betrayed her with her pouting and angry expression.

The height difference between the two is too much. It is very tiring to keep the wall Dong moving. Su returns every year with a sullen face.

Gu Zichen squints her eyes, does not wait for Su years to go away, quickly pulled her shoulder, changed the position of the two people, to Su every year to a standard wall Dong.

Su glared at him every year: "go to find your fiancee bidong! Let me go, little brother, and I'll take care of it

Gu Zichen laughs joyfully, nose sniffs slightly, "still did not admit to be jealous? It's sour enough to fill two Jin vinegar bottles. "

"You have a bad sense of smell! Go to see a doctor and don't give up treatment. " Su year after year is still in the mouth hard, Gu Zichen listen to helplessly sigh, knead her has long a little hair, "I have nothing to do with her, if it is not for her engagement, I don't even know who she is."

"True or false?" Su looked at him in disbelief every year. Gu Zichen said in a headache, "what do you do with this pig? I don't even know her name. I only know that she is the daughter of Liang family. It was almost ten years ago to see her last time."

Sue grunted every year, "that's pretty much the same."

Fortunately, Liang Xuan didn't hear this, otherwise she would have to cry.

But the Liang family? That chaebol group Liang's enterprise, enough to compete with Gu's business giant like existence. Every year, Su suddenly felt a lot of pressure.

Gu Zichen was afraid that the little girl would misunderstand him, and explained in detail that the engagement was made by the elders of the Liang family many years ago. Later, the Liang family got two sons and a daughter, and only Liang Xuan was the only daughter. The two children of the same generation in the family were Gu Li and Gu Zichen.

Originally, Liang Xuan wanted to marry Gu Li, but Gu Li was too young for her study. Who knows now, Liang Xuan can't see Gu Li at all. Instead, she comes to Gu Zichen.

Gu Zichen depressed, to Gu Li made a phone call in the past, Gu Li after listening to smile to a sentence: "good, thank you for solving a big problem for me."

Gu Zichen:

make complaints about him in the next year, "Gu, let your girl take away!" Don't destroy our feelings

"Xiaoniannian is here too. Don't talk nonsense. I don't carry this pot. Anyway, I didn't say whether I would marry my brother or my younger brother. It's his good fortune to have a fancy to your big Chenchen. Let him thank him quickly."

"Go to Shi, you!" Su hung up for Gu Zichen every year. , the fastest update of the webnovel!