The School Prince's Exclusive Sweetheart

Chapter 534

Honey, I'm going to surprise you! Gu Zichen's mobile phone vibrated. He took it out and found that his expressionless face softened a lot and his eyes were gentle. Xiang Zong, who was talking to him about cooperation, was scared to the ground with his wine glass.

Gu Zichen put away his mobile phone and put up a smile. "Mr. Xiang, what do you think of the case we just said?"

The total leg of the item was soft, this time the cup really fell down.

It is said that master Gu can laugh, ah, how terrible!


standing in the presidential suite on the top floor of Canxing Hotel, he Mu hung up the phone with song Yuxi, and his smile was crazy.

Things went better than he thought.

Song Yuxi uses his own injury to win sympathy, which leads Su Niannian to go to Yu'an's most remote bathroom. The people who lie in ambush there confuse Su Niannian. Later, song Yuxi sends short messages to Chen Yuan and others according to Su Niannian's tone.

As long as we drag on for two hours, he is confident that no one in Yucheng can find out the whereabouts of Su Nian.

The key link in this plan is song Yuxi. Even he Mu didn't expect that she really had the courage to break a strong man's strength and not hesitate to hurt herself.

However, as far as he knows, Su Niannian and song Yuxi were good friends in high school.

Song Yuxi hid this from him. He didn't pursue it. His friend's identity helped him, didn't he? No one else can imitate Su Nian's tone.

Unfortunately, the mantis catches cicadas, and the Yellow finches are behind.

Song Yuxi wanted to revenge Su Niannian, but he was successful.

In the last step of the plan, he told song Yuxi that he would find an old man to sleep with Su Nian. Song Yuxi believed in this and thought that he could completely destroy Su Niannian.

But in fact, he Mu himself is the one who really wants to taste this delicious food!

At the thought of that stubborn and fresh girl will be sent to his bed immediately, he Mu feels excited.

He paced to the bathroom for a shower, then sat outside on the sofa and poured himself a glass of red wine.


in the course of the banquet, the guests were chatting and chatting.

Chen Yuan looked at the watch on his wrist. His heart beat faster.

It's been nearly an hour. Why hasn't Su Niannian come back?

Xinghua village is a famous dessert shop in Yucheng City. It is usually crowded and can stand in a long queue.

But Chen Yuan more want to think more wrong, took out the mobile phone to Su Niannian to make a phone call, but the prompt has been turned off.

Chen Yuan's eyelids jumped suddenly, and he had a bad premonition.

He strode toward Gu Zichen, grabbed his shoulder and asked, "have you been contacted every year? When was the last time I contacted you? "

Gu Zichen frowned slightly, thinking of the text message ear root also some red, he is still looking forward to the surprise prepared by his little daughter-in-law.

"I was texted about an hour ago." Gu Zichen vague reply, Chen Yuan look nervous, "let me see!"

Gu Zichen frowned, "what's the matter?"

"I can't get through the phone every year! I also sent me a text message an hour ago, and then there was no news! " Chen Yuan said in a hurry, Gu Zichen's face changed, took out the mobile phone and Chen Yuan compared the next SMS.

Sure enough, there was less than a minute between the two.

At the same time, he said that he was going to buy food, while he said that he would surprise Gu Zichen.

At least one of these two messages is lying!

No, the most important thing is, where are su Niannian people?! , the fastest update of the webnovel!