The School Prince's Exclusive Sweetheart

Chapter 527

"Of course, I was born. Can't I afford my daughter-in-law and children? "Gu Zichen's tone is so natural.

Su Niannian felt very moved.

Also very glad, Gu Zichen is not he Mu that kind of scum man.

However, Gu Zichen's next words made her have the impulse to cut off the goods --

"well, how can one be enough? At least two children should be needed. If two children are not enough, they can continue to be born..." Gu Zichen thought seriously.

Raw peat! Su's hair is fried every year. "When you give birth to a child, it's excrement. You can pull it out at will! To be born and born is to make up enough snow white and the seven dwarfs

Gu Zichen smiles: "yes, it seems that you have expectations for our future."

Su was still trying to make complaints about his life.

Gu Zichen said Their future.

Does he think about the years to come?

Su's confused heart settled down and took a long sigh of relief on the back of his chair.

Gu Zichen looked at her so clever appearance, but some are not used to, pick pick eyebrows, no more asked what.


the end of January is the day for the final examination of the school. Su has been so busy recently that she originally wanted to go to the library to review with Doudou and others. Who ever thought that the library was already full of people and had to turn to Gu Zichen.

Gu Zichen is worthy of being a young master of his family. With a wave of his hand, he contracted a coffee shop in the lane near the school and set aside for four people to review.

Because of its remote location, the business of this cafe is very cold. Now with Gu Zichen's measures, the owner's wife's enthusiasm for the four people can be said to be as warm as spring.

However, after reviewing for two days together, Su Niannian still couldn't grasp the clue. In Gu Zichen's eyes, he was not efficient at all.

His little daughter-in-law's homework, he naturally wants to care, or hang up the branch, this little girl new year mood can be good?

"What? Are you going to make up for Miss Su? " Cheng Zhou looks at Gu Zichen with a look of crying, "boss, the company's business is busy recently. Can you..." Find a tutor or something.

Cheng Zhou's words haven't been said completely, but Gu Zichen blocked him with a sentence: "leave the company's affairs to Gu Li. Call me if you have anything important to do. OK, do you have any opinions now?"

Ah, bah! How dare he have any opinion! Make complaints about the boat, and hear the proposal of Gu Zi Chen only feel the scalp tingling, "can the young master handle the company well?"

Although Gu Li is still a few years older than Gu Zichen, Gu's upper and lower have no trust in the romantic and frivolous Gu Li who has entered the entertainment circle.

Gu Zichen chuckled: "Chengzhou, never underestimate others. Well, I'll leave the other chores to you, and I'll pick up the dinner every year. "

Seeing the boss leave smartly, Chengzhou wants to cry without tears. Now the busiest person is afraid to become him. He absolutely wants boss to give him a raise!

When Gu Zichen arrived at the cafe, Su was still struggling with a pile of Ideological and political books every year. He kept circling the key points in his hands and muttering words, but soon collapsed on the table.

The slender and powerful knuckles knocked on the table, and Su raised his head every year when he heard the voice, just on the cool and beautiful eyebrows of Gu Zichen.

"Dachengchen, I don't want to endorse it." Su year after year hem haw, Gu Zichen low smile voice, "pig is pig, even review can't?"

Sue blinked every year: "so you teach me?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!