The School Prince's Exclusive Sweetheart

Chapter 525

Su glanced at her every year. Song Yuxi was pale and thin. Her black eyes on her delicate face were very big, but her eyes were dark and gloomy, which made people feel unhappy.

"Su Nian Nian, are you satisfied now?" Song Yuxi's voice sounded cold.

Su stopped every year. Song Yuxi said to himself, "I am so miserable now. You must be very happy! You tell me, that post is not you instigate others to send! You're following me, aren't you? "

"Ha ha, song, are you paranoid?" Doudou turns on the sarcasm mode. "Without any evidence, please don't slander people here. Don't you know that only dogs like barking?"

Song Yuxi sneered: "dare to do not dare to be! I really despise you

Su Nian ignored her attack, but asked a question lightly: "that child, is he Mu's?"

Hearing that name, song Yuxi became excited, "what child! What are you talking about! "

"Song Yuxi, who are the people who dare to be or not to be? The whole school knows that you have been a stream of people. Now what kind of white lotus are you installing?" Nuo said angrily.

Don't be polite to Song Xi.

Su year in the year when she gave her a helping hand, but she came to a move, how can we not let people cold!

"Stop it." Su year after year called two people, "he Mu is not worth your liking, you still can't see him clearly?"

With that, Su Nian and others left, leaving song Yuxi trembling. Shaking.

How could it be! Su Niannian must have done it on purpose!

He Mu is so good to her that she says he Mu is not worth her liking!

She must be jealous of herself and her own happiness! That's why I bribed others and sent a post to slander her. It must be like this

Song Yuxi constantly hinted at herself, but the voice of the people around her made her feel like a needle on a needle. Her spirit was always in a state of being abused.

For months, she lived with he Mu almost every day, and rarely returned to school.

When single men and women live together, it's inevitable. However, he Mu didn't like to take measures. He often coaxed her to take medicine, and sometimes he fooled her away.

Song Yuxi stubbornly believes that he Mu still loves her, so everything is obedient and never dare to resist.

As a result, she was pregnant.

With the child of the person he likes, song Yuxi still has joy in his heart.

She anxiously told he mu, he Mu left an impatient look, and then threw her a stack of money: "go to the hospital to do it."

At that moment, it was no less than a bolt from the blue for song Yuxi.

She felt that if he Mu really loved her, how could he let the child be knocked out

But he Mu's is really so heartless.

After the operation, he Mu coaxed her again, and song Yuxi believed it foolishly. He only had a rest of less than a week and came to school.

However, what song Yuxi didn't expect was that the school was full of wind and rain.

Her operation was unruly, and all kinds of negative public opinions came to her for a time. Even the counselors looked for her. To put it mildly, if the influence of her private life was too bad, the school might dismiss her.

These days were very difficult for song Yuxi.

She secretly observed Su Nian Nian, and found that she was still happy and happy. Fighting with her friends was so dazzling for her.

Therefore, song Yuxi felt that it was su who harmed her every year! , the fastest update of the webnovel!