The School Prince's Exclusive Sweetheart

Chapter 520

Su year after year muddled, the first reaction is: lying trough Gu Zichen how can have this picture? Ah, ah, death!

Su Nian, who was exposed, looked depressed and held back for a long time without saying anything. He lowered his head and looked like he had done something wrong.

Gu Zichen's face is not very good-looking, he waited for Su every year for so long, brush microblog casually, but saw the information pushed on the headlines.

Point open a look, unexpectedly is Tang Yu kiss Su year after year picture, let him how calm down?

"What did you do just now?" Gu Zichen asked in a cold voice.

Su Niannian originally wanted to hide, but there were all the evidence and evidence. In addition, Gu Zichen's tone of interrogation like a prisoner didn't even give her a chance to struggle to death.

"Go to To see Tang Yu off. " Every year Su confessed honestly, holding out three fingers and swearing, "but I really didn't know he would come and kiss me! Dachen Chen, you must believe me, the victim is me

Gu Zichen continued to laugh, and Su almost got goose bumps every year.

"That, Chen Chen, are you listening?" Su year after year hard scalp asks a way, feel Gu Zichen seems to have not heard her explanation.

"Well, hello victim, please describe the process of being killed." The cold voice has no emotion.

Su Nian is old, of course, she can't describe the details again, which would make Gu Zichen angry! But do not say, Gu Zichen will not let her go.

She was deeply aware of the dilemma.

"Go home and talk about it." Su wrinkled face every year, Gu Zichen eyebrows cold, get up and stride forward, Su year after year quickly trot to keep up with.

This feeling of being misunderstood is really bad. Su Nian is in great pain. He wants to explain to Gu Zichen. He doesn't notice that Gu Zichen in front of him has stopped and bumped into his back.

"Ah She whispered pain, Gu Zichen picked her eyebrows and asked an irrelevant question, "haven't you bought the clothes yet?"

"Not yet." Every year, Su explained that she only bought snacks.

Gu Zichen pulled her into the women's clothing store next to her, pointing to two clothes, "try these two."

The shopping guide was attracted by his appearance and almost committed a flower mania. Fortunately, his professional quality was good. He handed the clothes to Su Nian and said with a smile, "Miss, the fitting room is over there."

At this time of year Su, who dares to disobey Gu Zichen's meaning, goes to try on clothes honestly, never thought Gu Zichen should follow her.

"Sir, this is the single fitting room..."

Before the words fell, she realized that it was not right.

This is a small couple, it should be nothing to try together, and the man's eyes are so terrible

Not allow her to think more, two people have been one after another into the fitting room.

Su Nian looks at Gu Zichen in amazement. Gu Zichen strides in calmly, and then clicks, which is the sound of locking.

Su swallows a mouthful of saliva unconsciously every year. How does she feel? This is not trying on clothes, but the rhythm of beating her up

Gu Zichen has his arms around his chest. He leaned against the wall and saw that Su Nian did not move. He glanced at Su Nian: "change."

Su can't help but cry every year. How can I change you a big man here?

"I really just treat Tang Yu as a friend We have known each other for more than seven years. If he wants to leave, it would be cruel if I didn't send him away... " Every year Sue struggled to explain it again.

Gu Zichen's black eyes narrowed, obviously, this is not the answer he wants to hear. , the fastest update of the webnovel!