The School Prince's Exclusive Sweetheart

Chapter 501

Nanzhi and Gu Zichen have known each other for many years. In her impression, Gu Zichen always looks like a cool male god. Unexpectedly, in front of Su Nian Is it soy sauce purple?

"It's terrible. I feel blind..." South Gardenia shook her head and sighed.

The corner of Chen Yuan's mouth was hooked, with a faint smile.

As a single Wang, Nan Zhi really can't stand the two people group in the ward. She just can't see her eyes. She goes out to breathe.

Chen Yuan went out with her, and they were standing in the corridor for a long time.

The unique smell of disinfectant water in the hospital diffuses in the nasal cavity. The irritating Nanzhi nose is sour, and I want to shed tears.

Just sniffed under the nose, line of sight of the place, appeared a packet of paper towel.

South Gardenia looked up, Chen Yuan mouth with as if always genial smile, and the paper towel to her here to pass closer.

She hesitated and finally took over.

South Gardenia hate Chen Yuan's gentleness, but more hate their own soft hearted.

Obviously, the two of them It's never going to be together.

Why not give up?

"I seem to understand your mood now. They really have to be envied every year." Chen Yuan sighed, South Gardenia with the smile, "yes, envy."

Envy them, nengtang is together.

Envy them, can express their feelings clearly.

South Gardenia has no longer wanted to go down, she hastily got up, "I go to the bathroom."

She was in a hurry. She didn't pay attention to the bench next to her. She stumbled and nearly fell.

Fortunately, Chen Yuan promptly pulled her in the back and pressed her big hand on Nanzhi's arm. Nanzhi just leaned forward and stabilized her body after a moment.

She was in a trance. Subconsciously, she grasped Chen Yuan's hand. Her fingernails were almost trapped in Chen Yuan's flesh. "Chen Yuan..."

This sound is full of too many emotions, Chen Yuan Zheng under, endure the pain did not make a sound.

Time seems to be still, two people maintain this slightly intimate posture, neither of them is willing to let go first.

"Miss Lim, director Bai is waiting for you." The nurse politely urged, and the person she called "Miss Lim" was stunned in situ, followed by her parents.

"Ah Ling, what's the matter?" The benevolent woman realized her daughter's abnormality and asked in a low voice.

Nanning's body kept shaking, and there was a flush on her white face, which showed that she was very excited.

The woman turned to see, just on the Chen Yuan and South Gardenia figure.

Her face is unbelievable, from their point of view, it is like Chen Yuan embracing Nanzhi in his arms.

Anger surged on her face, the woman strode over, and before they could react, she slapped Nanzhi hard on the face!

Her strength is amazing, even Chen Yuan can't hold the South gardenia, South Gardenia directly fell on the ground, flustered up, swept in a hurry, the heart has completely sunk down.

How could she forget that today is the day when Nanning came to the hospital for examination

In the distance, nanjingjiao. South of the small figure of gardenia, to see the south of the eye pain.

Her sister, Nanning, is a family treasure.

But she just got slapped by her own mother, even she didn't know why.

What are you, aunt Chen Yuan frowned and wanted to help Nan Zhi, but Nan Zhi insisted on standing up.

Four eyes relative, South Gardenia miserably smile: "Mom, I'm sorry, I was wrong." , the fastest update of the webnovel!