The School Prince's Exclusive Sweetheart

Chapter 496

Su struggled year after year: "I I'll do it myself

Gu Zichen's face was taut, his whole body was cold and his eyes were dark. He ignored Su Nian's words and went up directly to take off her down jacket.

The down jacket sucked a lot of water. After taking it off, Su felt lighter every year and resolutely refused to let Gu Zichen touch her again.

"You are taking advantage of the danger! It's not right to play rogue! Ah, Pooh Every year, Su showed a very spiteful attitude.

Gu Zichen cold face, finally pour is not embarrassed her, closed the bathroom door and went out.

Su took off her clothes and soaked in the warm bathtub.

Gu Zichen's face is black and frightening. As his assistant, Cheng Zhou's heart also calls for something bad.

"Find out what happened?" Gu Zichen asked coldly.

Cheng Zhou quickly said: "yes, it is said that Miss Yin and the young lady had a little dispute, and then miss Yin tried to push the little lady to the swimming pool, but she was caught by the young lady and fell into it."

Gu Zichen's face was cold again. Did Yin chuxia not have a long brain! In such a cold day, the two people did not warm up. In case of accident, their lives would be in danger!

"Boss, you go to take a bath first. Don't freeze yourself." Cheng Zhou carefully reminds him that Gu Zichen is thinking about Su Niannian and doesn't care about his body any more. This is not a good thing.

Gu Zichen is to skip this topic, black eyes squint, "Cheng Zhou, you know how to do it?"

Cheng Zhou's heart is shocked, already know what Gu Zichen is going to do.

He was shocked to go out, made a few phone calls, account for good Gu Zichen's instructions.

I'm afraid it will be miserable under Yin's family


the warmth gradually permeated all parts of the body. Su Nianlao breathed a sigh of relief and blew bubbles in the bathtub.

From the door came the sound of hand twisting. Sue turned her head every year. The next second, she couldn't help screaming.

"Ah, ah! What are you doing! Go out, get out Su shouts year after year, looking at Gu Zichen who suddenly breaks in and is at a loss.

Gu Zichen calmly walked in with a new set of clothes in his hand, which was obviously prepared for Su every year.

Su years of collapse, in her understanding, Gu Zichen is not like such a person!

But what she didn't know was that even Gu Zichen would not calm down after experiencing such a thrilling scene just now.

If there is an accident He can't even think about it!

Su year after year wrongly shrinks in the bathtub, fortunately is everywhere is the shower gel bubble, does not need to worry about getting rid of anything.

But it's a shame to be surrounded by a man to take a bath!

"What the hell are you doing?" Su Nian roared and threatened: "if you don't go out, I'll break up with you!"

"Oh?" Gu Zichen finally has a little reaction, but the burning sight has not left from her body.

"Cut off your robes, cut off your righteousness, and cut off your husband!" Su Niannian was really anxious. He said something at random. Gu Zichen took another step forward, and his tone was as cold as bone: "I'll go to be stupid again if I'm off? Do you know how dangerous it is today! Why don't you run

Su's face was full of tears every year. If she had been able to run, she would have run!

What's more, she didn't pull Yin chuxia into the water together. This tactful behavior should not be praised for her!

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