The School Prince's Exclusive Sweetheart

Chapter 491

In the shopping mall, he Mu has to admit that Gu Zichen is really powerful. He brought Gu's family to new prosperity when he was young. According to rumors, this young master Gu's temper is not so easy to get along with.

He Mu had no time to guess how Gu Zichen would make a start for Su every year. He just wanted to get close to him and held out his hand to Gu Zichen with a smile: "master Gu, Hello, I'm the person in charge of he's family, he mu."

Gu Zichen took a look at him. His eyes were cold and shook hands with him. His strength was amazing. He mu, who was in pain, almost called out.

Aware of Gu Zichen's hostility to him, he became impatient and could not figure out when he had offended the Buddha.

"100 million can buy a little daughter-in-law to go home, that seems to be worth it." Gu Zichen continued the topic just now.

He Mu steamed bread cold sweat, echoed: "yes, yes, young master Gu really has a good eye for pearls and shows his ingenuity."

Gu Zichen ignored his flattery and asked, "are you sure you don't buy it?"

He Mu Leng next, suddenly understand what Gu Zichen refers to.

What family's assets are no more than several hundred million in total. Where is so much cash flow?

What's more, it's ridiculous to buy a woman for 100 million!

"Ha ha, master Gu is really joking. Isn't it ridiculous to buy a woman for 100 million yuan?" He Mu follows his meaning to say.

"Oh, since Mr. He doesn't want it, it's cheap for me! Cheng Zhou, give me the checkbook. " Gu Zichen said lazily, after his assistant Cheng Zhou quickly took out the paper and pen, respectfully handed it to Gu Zichen.

Gu Zichen signed a check like flowing water and handed it to Su Niannian's hand with a serious tone: "here, the money is for you. Now you can go home with me."

Su year after year stupidly took over, this is only her to deal with he Mu's joke, did not expect Gu Zichen to be true!

One side he Mu's face is colorful, the change of don't mention more good-looking.

Especially after hearing Su Nian's sentence "Gu Zichen, how many zeros is this?" his face completely darkened!

As a competent assistant, Cheng Zhou said modestly, "young lady, there are nine zeros altogether."

Su Niannian's eyes lit up in an instant. He put the check in his pocket and pointed to Gu Zichen and said, "you can get on your knees if you leave the money."

Gu Zichen black face, "Zhaocai pig, you this is to remove the mill and kill the donkey, cheat marriage is to be punished by heaven!"

"I don't want to marry you, I want to marry money A lot of money... " Su nianian looks like a financial fan, but he Mu's heart is full of congestion.

Now how can he not see that Gu Zichen and Su Niannian are a pair!

She is Gu Zichen's fiancee!

What kind of person is Gu Zichen? He can't afford it. He can only leave quietly with a black face.

Seeing him leave, Gu Zichen's smile becomes more and more indifferent, and he dares to covet his little daughter-in-law. It's really reckless!

Cheng Zhou was shivering. How could his boss atmosphere become more and more powerful. It seems that he is not afraid to come back

Su Niannian is not afraid, but has been fooled by money

"100 million, how many things can I buy I'm going to empty my shopping cart first, Dachen. You won't regret it Su Niannian is happily planning to buy snacks, suddenly blessed to the soul, vigilant looking at Gu Zichen.

Gu Zichen took out a corner of the mouth, "the trust between people, I look like so stingy people!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!