The School Prince's Exclusive Sweetheart

Chapter 484

Ye Siyun instantly choked and choked back on all the words he thought of.

Gu Yan frowned and yelled: "Zichen! Don't make a fool of yourself

In his mind, he did not approve of such marriage.

People are selfish. In his opinion, it is better to marry with Yin's daughter than to get engaged to Su every year.

Gu knows that this is the most important thing for him.

Seriously, what his son wants to do, even if he doesn't agree, can he stop it?

"Have you really decided?" Gu yanzhun asked with a bitter smile.

Gu Zichen jaw head, ignore one side is about to be angry ye Siyun, toward Gu Yan quasi nod salute: "I want to say has finished."

Gu yanzhun sighed, but said: "I understand, these days your mother and I My aunt will go to see her mother every year

Since Gu Zichen has made up his mind, it's meaningless for him to be a villain.

Ye Siyun is more angry. In front of outsiders before, Gu Yan must have said that ye Siyun is Gu Zichen's mother. And now? Directly become an aunt, how can she bear it?

"Do you all think I don't exist? You don't consult the old man about such a big thing! No matter how willful you are, Zichen, what you are carrying is the face of the whole family. Why do you want to marry that kind of daughter? "

Gu Zichen glanced at her coldly: "which one? No matter how bad the Su family is, it seems to be a higher level than the Ye family. "

Ye Siyun hates to stare at Gu Zichen. Although her mother's family has taken care of her family in recent years, her family is in decline. Indeed, she is inferior to the Su family.

She did not look up to the Su family, but Gu Zichen satirized that she was not as good as the Su family. In fact, she finally hit her own face.

"A Yun, don't say a word!" Gu yanzhun said displeased and turned to Gu Zichen and said, "go and tell the old man about it. We will prepare for the engagement."

Having got the reply that he wanted, Gu Zichen did not muddle along at all. He went upstairs and knocked on the door of the study and walked in.

The old man was reading with reading glasses. After seeing Gu Zichen, he said coldly: "what are you doing here?"

"I am engaged to you every year, and I hope to have your blessing." Gu Zichen said the most polite, after listening to the old man, he snorted, "if I don't want to?"

"It doesn't make any difference to me." Gu Zichen hooked the hook lip corner, compared with the old man, more ruthless absolutely a few points.

The old man was angry and smashed the book in his hand on Gu Zichen's head and scolded: "get out of here!"

Gu Zichen to the side of a hiding, "then I will arrange someone to send you an invitation."

Then he turned and left, ignoring the angry old man behind.

When she went downstairs, a figure had been waiting for her.

Gu Li chuckled and said, "Oh, I think your ability to pull hatred is getting stronger and stronger. It's also your ability to make the old man angry like this."

Gu Zichen nodded, too lazy to talk to him.

When passing by Gu Li, Gu Li leisurely said: "you have all the beauties in your land. I'm not happy to be a brother."

"Sister Qingya is not married yet." Gu Zichen put down a sentence, Gu Li did not appreciate, smile evil Charm: "just a woman, I am very interested in Gu."

Gu Zichen twisted his eyebrows and looked at him. Gu Li shrugged his shoulders, just as if he was joking casually, "if you don't have something, isn't it more pleasant to grab it?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!