The School Prince's Exclusive Sweetheart

Chapter 482

Gu Zichen stopped, a glimmer of light flashed in front of his eyes, followed him to chase out, went to Chu Su heart, very seriously said: "let me and annual engagement."

Chu Su was surprised and didn't know how to react.

Su every year a soft leg, almost did not fall to the ground, fortunately, Gu Zichen quickly pulled her.

"What are you doing! When will I say I am engaged to you Su year after year collapses cries, but deliberately lowers the voice, only lets Gu Zichen and her two people can hear.

Gu Zichen raised his eyebrows and said with a charming smile: "well If you don't want to, let's elope

Sue's legs are getting softer every year.

In her barren love experience, she really did not evolve into a strategy from love to marriage.

In her impression, it is only limited to the fairy tale "they live happily ever after", but she never thought about what happened after they were together.

But now Gu Zichen put forward another request more shameless, elope a ghost! Is this still the old society?

"I refuse," she said solemnly

"Why?" Gu Zichen is a little disappointed. It seems that his charm is not big enough. If he is to be someone else, he will be happy to run with him.

Su year after year pondered for a while, "because there is no WiFi on the road, you can't watch animation, you can't slag games."

"Are those important, or am I important?" Gu Zichen narrowed his eyes and asked, seeing Su's face showing embarrassment every year, he couldn't help but hurt his forehead, so he had to change a euphemism, "I know it's very important, so am I a little bit more important than those anime and games?"

"Well." Su Nianlao breathed a sigh of relief, "that's really more important for you."

A little bit Gu Zichen was depressed and made up his mind not to ask this kind of right and wrong question again, because it hurt his self-esteem too much.

Taking advantage of the two people's whispering, Chu Suxin has come back to her mind, "since you have decided, let your parents come to discuss with us and set a date as soon as possible."

Ah? Is Sue stupid every year? What about the legendary parents' obstruction and vow to death? How do you feel that her mother has sold herself so casually?

"Mother, am I your own..." Sue asked, shivering year after year.

Chu Suxin: "no, I picked you up from the garbage

“…… Which dump? " Every year Sue began to doubt life.

"Oh, it was a windy and snowy night. I passed a garbage dump and saw a dog with you in its mouth. I picked you up." Chu Su's face was not red and her heart was not jumping. Su was almost crying every year.

"Gu Zichen, let's get engaged! You will marry me Get rid of this funny mom soon!

Gu Zichen's eyes darkened a bit, flashing a black luster.

He never doubted that Su Nian annual meeting would not marry him, but it was not the same feeling that Su Nian said it himself!

"Well, I'll contact my father and mother in the evening." Gu Zichen said solemnly. Chu Su opened his mouth and wanted to say that he didn't have to be so anxious

Su year after year happily asked: "mother, then I can not go?"

Chu Su's heart is black.

Gu Zichen also looked at Chen Yunhua seriously: "we are both legal."

Chen Yunhua's black line.

"Go! Leave one more second and I'll break your leg Chu Su Xin roared and ended the meaningless war. , the fastest update of the webnovel!