The School Prince's Exclusive Sweetheart

Chapter 475

"Why?" Night Star Yu said wrongly.

"Because, she's mine." Leave such a word, Gu Zichen turns to leave, leave night Star Yu a person to stand in situ, tearful.

Don't be so overbearing! Don't be so wayward! Can you give him a way to live!


Su went home every year, lay in bed and brush her microblog, only to find that a topic had been hot!

#The male god is actually a violent maniac. The national God M. e appeared at a banquet today, showing abnormal hand injuries! And the attack is very heavy, suspected drug use! Video below!

Point to open a look, Su years of heart to become a group.

It's very clear, but the video is very blurred.

His face was expressionless, but his fists were fiercer than those of the others. Coupled with the exclamations of the onlookers, it was indeed a bit terrifying.

However, the title party is too harmful. Su Niannian knows that Gu Li is only stimulated to vent his anger. How can he take drugs!

At the bottom, there were many abusive comments, and many loyal fans from Gu Li were supporting and defending them, but they were all sprayed down quickly.

Su year after year, however, put on a small vest to help pinch for a while, but was a group of black powder to spray into a dog.

Can't help, Gu Li's popularity is too high, now this kind of scandal, fans can not accept is normal.

This is the so-called love, hate more miserable.

Gu Li's brokerage firm is more anxious than Su every year.

At the first moment when the video was transmitted, the company's public relations department had contacted the other party to delete the video. Unexpectedly, in a few minutes, the video had already spread through the network, and gradually spread into this irreparable situation.

"Gu Li! You will soon be the promotion period of the new album. It's really hard for the company to make such news now! " Manager calm face admonishes Gu Li, but because of Gu Li's identity, he dare not say anything too much.

Gu centrifugal is not wilting to listen, "let PR find a way to solve it, trouble."

The manager knew that he was not in a state and waved the great God away.

Gu left the car and wandered aimlessly in Yucheng. Unconsciously, he stopped near Shengyin high school.

It used to be the place where he and ye Qingya went to high school, but things have changed.

He looked at the people coming and going, and didn't leave for a long time.

-On Sunday afternoon, Gu Zichen came to meet Su Niannian.

Before leaving, Su peeped at the expression of Chu Suxin every year. She was doing yoga with the coach on TV.

Taking a deep breath, Su gets on Gu Zichen's car like a thief every year. He is bored on the road and brushes his microblog.

Gu Li's incident is still popular on microblogs. Even if the company has done crisis public relations, it is useless, and it can not control the public opinion at all.

"Gu Zichen, will Gu Li be affected?" Su Niannian is worried.

Gu Zichen hummed, "you are quite concerned about him."

"This is your brother You're not jealous, are you Sue looked at him suspiciously every year.

Gu Zichen picks eyebrow: "is again how?"

Su Niannian: "it's just

Seeing Su Niannian's innocent appearance, Gu Zichen couldn't bear to tease her, explaining: "he was originally playing with tickets. No matter how chaotic the circle is, he will not be affected."

"So..." Su nodded year after year, picked up the mobile phone, but exclaimed: "Gu left the press conference and announced to quit the entertainment industry!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!