The School Prince's Exclusive Sweetheart

Chapter 469

In the heart of fury curse Gu Zichen a time, Su years wash gargle finished, climb to the bed to sleep.

She used to fall asleep quickly, but today, she can't sleep anyway.

There is no other reason, one word: hungry.

She touched her flat abdomen and felt very aggrieved.

It's better to live in school if you don't give her enough food! At least they can share snacks with Doudou.

Wait until Snacks! She blinked, slipped out of bed barefoot, opened a crack in the door, saw that the living room was empty, and plucked up the courage to go out.

She crept to the refrigerator and opened it. There were many snacks in it.

Su is so happy every year that she grabs two bags of potato chips and takes another bottle of yogurt.

She was so hungry that she tore a bag and began to eat it. When she was half eaten, she suddenly realized that it was not right. She went to Gu Zichen's room to have a look. Sure enough, Gu Zichen is leaning on the door, looking at her with a smile.

"Is it delicious?" It's still the charming sound.

Every year, Su shook her hand, and all the chips in her hand fell to the ground. She coughed with a guilty heart, "I just check if there is any expiration date and see if it tastes good."

Gu Zichen picked eyebrows, Su Nian, this is obviously playing rogue, but, how can you play him?

"Little mushroom, this is my snack. You can't eat it without my permission." Gu Zichen said seriously.

Su year after year indignant said: "Gu Zichen, you are really too stingy! It's just eating your bag of potato chips. You're still haggling Besides, where is your name? "

Gu Zichen walked to her calmly. The height difference between the two made him easy to dress. Su Niannian blushed and his heart beat. He leaned on the sofa. He thought Gu Zichen was going to come to the wall. He never thought Gu Zichen stretched out his long and powerful fingertips and knocked on the refrigerator. His voice was hoarse: "here, it's not."

Every year, Su fixed his eyes on it. There was a post it note on it, which said "the property of Gu Zichen".

Su Niannian was angry and rolled his eyes. He was just playing a rogue!

"Write a label is yours, and I also said you are mine! What you have is mine Su every year fried hair, Gu Zichen is a squint eyes, pondered for a few seconds: "I was your ah, body and mind are all."

Brush - Su's face turned red every year. It's really Gu Zichen's power of love talk is so invincible!

She was full of tears: "well, don't say so much, Gu Zichen, let me have a bite, I'm really hungry."

Gu Zichen looked at her and looked at his appearance, but he was not moved by it on the surface. He spat out two words "no way."

Su kicked him every year and went back to his room, locked the door and went to bed.

My baby won't eat it!

Gu Zichen looks at her back in good time, and the smile in the corner of his mouth has never been erased.


the next day.

Every year Sue looked at the breakfast on the table, and there was still something she didn't like to eat.

She dare not dare to anger, afraid that Gu Zichen will pour the food again.

Gu Zichen put the hot milk in front of her: "little mushroom, are you eating or are you hungry? It's up to you. "

Su held back for a long time every year, and his stomach cooed several times. Gu Zichen didn't hear it.

"It doesn't matter. If you don't like it, we'll dump it." Gu Zichen makes a gesture to pour out the food. Su is in a mess every year. He doesn't want to blurt out: "I eat! I eat , the fastest update of the webnovel!