The School Prince's Exclusive Sweetheart

Chapter 462

Su year after year at a loss patting his shoulder to comfort him, Gu Zichen chuckled and reached out to touch her mushroom head, silently in the heart of a gesture of victory.

If you let others see the male god who is cold and abstinent outside, he is so black and arrogant in front of his daughter-in-law. I'm afraid his eyes will fall out.

"How are you doing? Not lost a lot of blood, have a good meal, I invite you to eat pig blood! My mother said that where to eat, you must make up for it Su Niannian didn't have any doubts. Instead, he felt that he had done something wrong. He must make good compensation to Gu Zichen.

Gu Zichen took out the corner of his mouth, "pig blood It's not delicious. I don't like it. " Is this girl a pig! What else to eat to make up for? It's absolutely!

"It's hopeless to be picky at such a big age." Su year after year complained in a low voice, Gu Zichen busy change tone, "I listen to you, you say what to eat, I eat what."

Every year, Su put on a smile and crept up. "Let's go downstairs and have dinner."

She straightened her clothes, saw her stupid mushroom head in the mirror and began to feel sad again. She pulled out a woolen hat and put it on.

Gu Zichen looked at her hat with regret and restrained the impulse to take her hat down.

He habitually went to the balcony, Su year after year scared: "what do you do! I don't want to jump! "

Gu Zichen nodded solemnly.

Su has been speechless for a long time every year. "Your habit of climbing over the wall is not good. Change it! What's more, it's dangerous to climb over the wall. How can you bear this fragile body? "

Gu Zichen didn't say anything. In fact, he didn't hurt seriously. He just lost too much blood. He looked terrible. After a week in the hospital, he was very active. He can even put on a patient's uniform to hold a video conference and deal with official business. It's really a small case for him to run five kilometers over the wall.

But the little daughter-in-law said what, he still obediently listen to good, and then seriously asked: "then how can I go down?"

"You pig! Of course, if you come across the housekeeper's auntie, say you are my brother to help me with my luggage. You are as smart as I am! " Su year after year complacent for a long time, and then went forward to take Gu Zichen's hand, pulling him downstairs.

Gu Zichen stiff for a moment, backhand will su Nian's small hand tightly in the palm of the hand, Su years earned, he did not release, then gave up.

The two hearts are full of sweetness, even the smile of the corners of the mouth are God synchronized.


downstairs, the light bulb in the cold wind sucked down their noses and watched Gu Zichen leave hand in hand.

"Well, I'm willing to eat this mouthful of dog food!" Doudou expressed emotion.

Nuo Nuo enviously said: "Gu Nan Shen is really a good man. When he comes, he brings snacks, and when he leaves, he also helps us throw away the garbage. If he gets married, what can we ask for?"

"That is, we have made up with him every year. The height of the couple is so cute. Have you ever seen that Gu Zichen still smiles. I wipe it, and the smile is still so sweet..." Murong Shan thumped his chest and sighed, "if they don't get married and give birth to seven brothers, I won't believe in love!"

"Cough..." Doudou and Nuo Nuo coughed and interrupted murongshan's YY.

Murong Shan takes a look at them. Doudou points out his finger. Tang Yu is standing not far away, wearing a duck cap. His hat is very low, so he can't see his expression clearly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!