The School Prince's Exclusive Sweetheart

Chapter 453

"Every year, everything he does is for you. He chooses the loneliest road. You may blame him for hurting you, but in fact, he is trying to protect you Jiang Mu said with a smile that he admired Gu Zichen.

His loneliness and glory, to the end in exchange for all this, how can people not admire.

Su looks constantly changing year after year. In her heart, she always regards Jiang Mu as a teacher, so she believes what he says.

She's just a little hard to take now.

So Gu Zichen is not a great soul? But good people?

Then she said so many hurtful words At the thought of his attitude to Gu Zichen, Su year after year is even more miserable.

"I, I..." She hesitated for a long time and didn't know what to say, but Jiang Mu said with a clear smile, "since you don't blame him, just get along well with him. When you get engaged, I'll make a big red envelope for you."

He knew that Su Niannian had misunderstood Gu Zichen, so he thought of such a move to help Gu Zichen assist.

As long as Su is happy every year, it doesn't matter how his feelings are.

Su every year by his gentle smile to see very embarrassed, just as the meal is also served, hurriedly called jiangmu to eat more.

She was giggling while eating vegetables. Jiang Mu could see that it was a happy smile. He pulled the corners of his mouth and suppressed the bitterness in his heart.

The mobile phone ring rings, Su year after year picked up a look is Gu Zichen, press answer.

"Every year, where have you been? I'll pick you up at your house. " Gu Zichen's deep and pleasant voice came from the phone.

Su Niannian: "Mr. Jiang has returned to Yucheng. I'm having dinner with him. Why did you go so early

Gu Zichen touched his nose and said, "I don't want to have a meal in your house. Why is it so difficult Cough, which restaurant are you in? I'll pick you up

Su Nian's annual report put the address on it, and then hung up the phone.

Jiang Mu smiles, "Gu Zichen?"

Su's face flushed a little every year and nodded.

Half of the meal, Gu Zichen drove over and saw two people sitting together to eat. His eyes narrowed.

Oh, how dare this pig eat with other men on his back.

He sat next to Su Niannian impolitely. Su Niannian saw that he bit his lip and looked like he wanted to stop talking. Finally, he made an excuse, "I'll go to the bathroom."

Gu Zichen looked at her trotting to the bathroom, feeling that Su Niannian was hiding from him.

Did he do anything wrong?

Jiang Mu curved lips, Gu Zichen in front of him is always young mature appearance, occasionally see him show this kind of normal boy's expression, let him can't help but smile.

"Mr. Gu, I helped you explain why you broke up with each other. Don't you think you should say thank you to me?" River evening leisurely smile way.

Gu Zichen a Leng, wrung eyebrow: "what did you say to her?"

Deep in his heart, he did not trust Jiang mu.

Jiang evening a few words just to Su Nian said again, Gu Zichen face gradually dignified up.

After hearing this, he disdained to hum a: "did not expect the teacher will also lie."

Jiang Mu disapproved: "I just chose what Su Niannian wanted to hear. Besides, even if it was a lie, it was a white lie, which was much better than some people's hurtful lies."

Gu Zichen Ao Jiao's turn head, after a long time, just stuffy voice said: "thank you." , the fastest update of the webnovel!