The School Prince's Exclusive Sweetheart

Chapter 435

"She doesn't like meat." Gu Zichen gnawed his teeth and said.

Ye Xingyu touched his head innocently, "but the meat is delicious. Every year, do you want to eat it?"

"Good food, of course." Su every year heartless back to a sentence, so passers-by a have found that Gu Nan Shen's face is almost black, want to chop people.

Su year after year felt wrong, shrunk his neck, night Star Yu secretly said to her: "brother recently, what's wrong, is not a good mood?"

"No matter what he is, let's go to dinner." Su has reached a consensus with Ye Xingyu every year.

Doudou dragged 186 fresh meat to join the party. "Lala La, let me introduce it to you. This is Xu Yue from the law department."

Yan Mosheng's face is not good. He snorted and did not open his head.

He thought that Doudou would come to play with him as before, but he didn't expect to wait for nothing for a long time. Instead, he turned around and saw Doudou asking for help from the silly man. He was so angry that he wanted to drag Doudou away and beat him up!

What aesthetic! Although he is not as tall as the big one, he is more handsome than the big one! Hum! Soybean is a fool!

Su Nian's years of pain, a direct sentence ended the chaotic scene: "let's eat together..."

"Good!" All of them answered with one voice, but with different minds.


people went to a Sichuan restaurant. When ordering, Gu Zichen flipped over the menu and calmly ordered: "sweet and sour fish, hot and sour mushroom soup."

"Sweet and sour spareribs, hot and sour cabbage, hot and sour shredded Potatoes..." The starting point is not to show weakness.

Ye Xingyu wrinkled his face: "brother, xiaoshengsheng, are you two the rhythm of acid death? It's all vinegar. Ah My teeth are sore. "

Gu Zichen and Yan Mo Sheng glared at him: "what? Not convinced? "

Night Xingyu immediately lowered his head and pretended to be a good baby.

When the dishes were served, Su Niannian and Doudou all wanted to cover their noses, only to feel that the air was full of sour and spicy flavor.

Xu more intimate to two people poured white water, smile very gentle, "you don't think they are jealous?"

"P, what kind of vinegar do two big men have?" Doudou big lie said, Su years also said not to believe, Gu Zichen that kind of high cold ascetic male god is jealous?

Gu Zichen and Yan Mosheng grinded their teeth. They said that 186 was really annoying. The more they looked, the more they looked like the faces of women's friends!

After eating this sour meal, Sue went to the bathroom every year in pain. When she came out, she heard a familiar voice in the wash basin.

"Well, I see, honey, you have to take care of yourself Well, can I go with you this weekend? Don't buy me bags. I have enough now. Ha ha, dear, you are so kind to me... " From the subtle voice, the words make it easy to connect with one word: Xiao San.

But this voice Su is familiar year by year. She opens the door of the compartment and sees song Yuxi's face at the washing table.

Every year, Sue took a good look at her whole body. Dior's limited dress, her handbag and rose gold mobile phone made her more than five figures.

Of course, she didn't believe it was song Yuxi's own purchase, so she said coldly, "brother pig is very kind to you."

Song Yuxi looked a little flustered, but soon calmed down and said haughtily, "I have nothing to do with Zhucheng. I'm sorry, I already have a boyfriend." , the fastest update of the webnovel!