The School Prince's Exclusive Sweetheart

Chapter 429

I don't know why, every year when Su saw his figure, he seemed to have a kind of inexplicable emotion fermenting in the bottom of his heart.

She took a deep breath and went down to the convenience store.

Gu Zichen found her at the first time and stopped her on the way: "you pig, why don't you have a good rest upstairs?"

Su Niannian felt that he heard a trace of concern from his words, and then began to spit on himself in the bottom of his heart.

"I'm going to buy instant noodles." She said it honestly, bypassing Gu Zichen and going on.

Gu Zichen's eyebrows frowned and looked at her figure, which was much thinner than before. At the bottom of her heart, she felt remorse.

Does she usually eat this How to take care of yourself

In fact, Su likes to eat all kinds of delicious food every year, but when he is lazy, he will eat some instant noodles spicy hot food, which makes Gu Zichen have this "beautiful misunderstanding".

Su every year did not take two steps, Gu Zichen grabbed the collar and pulled it back.

Her eyes stare round, this is how many years, each time is so easy to pull back, it is really disgraceful!

But looked at the eye Gu Zichen to her waist big long legs, she chose silence.

"What are you going to eat? I can carry a bucket for you Su year after year seriously asked, did not expect Gu Zichen to listen to more sad.

He would rather eat it every day, but he didn't want sue to do it every year.

So Gu Zichen made a phone call to go out and ordered a pile of Su Nian's favorite food. He did not forget to explain: "please find a woman to deliver the takeaway Well, it's straight to the upstairs. The boys in their dormitory are not allowed to enter. What's the dormitory number Wait... " He handed his cell phone to Su Niannian's ear, "tell him your dormitory number."

Su year after year confused newspaper on their bedroom number, Gu Zichen hang up the phone, "wait a while, there will be food, you can bear with it."

Su Niannian wanted to say that he was not hungry at all, but he always felt that he could not say it. He laughed at him for a long time: "Gu Zichen, I found that you are still very good."

Gu Zichen did not speak, has been frowning, and finally fidgety to the pocket, habitually want to touch smoke.

Every year, when Su saw him take out half of his cigarette case, he coughed: "smoking is harmful to your health. Smoke less."

Gu Zichen stopped for a moment and put the cigarette back. He told Su Niannian: "go upstairs. It's a little cold below. I'll solve the problem of Zuo Sihan."

Every year Su nodded his head and went back to his body. Half way back, he said, "you can go back. If you have a cold, it's not good. Bye!"

She is not sure whether Gu Zichen is waiting for her. She is completely polite. Unexpectedly, Gu Zichen is obedient and turns away.

Every year Sue looks at the back with black lines.

Half way, Gu Zichen took out the cigarette in his pocket and threw it into the garbage can on the roadside. At the same time, he was planning to quit smoking.

make complaints about him for a long time. He remembered the sentence of Chen Yuan's smile, "can you become a wife slave after listening to the years?"

He was willing, he was happy.


not long after su went upstairs every year, someone knocked on their bedroom door and brought up a pile of food, which made a room full of amazement.

Glutinous eating meat said: "every year, you and Gu xiaobitu smash and good?"

"How to speak!" Doudou patted her on the head and said, "what kind of bitches are you going to call Gu Nan Shen?" Just like a look that has seen through the world of mortals. , the fastest update of the webnovel!