The School Prince's Exclusive Sweetheart

Chapter 417

Su has been petrified every year.

I poke! For the first time, she found that Gu Zichen was also an actor!

The "Meng Nian Nian" call on the court was stunned, especially the people of Gu and Yin families.

"Zichen! This is not the time for you to be willful Gu Yan said in a cold voice that the engagement banquet was set up on purpose to show that the marriage between the two families would be of great benefit to both families.

And now this is the rhythm to be destroyed by Gu Zichen himself!

Gu Zichen said calmly: "I just like our family sprouting year after year. What do you say to do?"

Su year after year by his low tone choking secretly swallowed a mouthful of saliva, "big Chen Chen, you don't be afraid, even if they destroy our happiness, we also want to be together forever, never abandon or leave!"

Gu Zichen naturally took her hand, "well, don't give up, you can't leave."

Su is petrified again every year. How does she feel that something is wrong

Yin chuxia's nose was sour, and he cried out, "you How can you do this! Brother Zichen and I are a couple. We are going to be engaged. Security guard, take this cheap man away

Yin Wanyue was so angry that he almost threw away his wine glass. He came over and yelled: "security guard, come here and take this crazy man away!"

Su has been speechless every year. Why are they all aiming at her? The current situation is clearly that Gu Zichen is cheating You should take Gu Zichen.

Gu Zichen will protect her in the arms, the expression is still a group of calm.

Anyway, he didn't intend to agree to the engagement today. No one can make him change his decision.

Every year, Su saw that his side was at a disadvantage. He jumped to his feet and saw several big and three thick security guards really rushed over. He had an idea and yelled: "I'm pregnant! I have a big Chen Chen child in my stomach! It's against the law for you to beat a pregnant woman! Well, Chen Chen, they bully me! Uncle Gu, don't you want your grandson? " She wiped tears, said even Gu Zichen are quick letter.

Gu Zichen expression has a moment of amazement, and then continue to follow the Acting: "Meng year, I will be responsible for you, you can rest assured."

Zhou Qingqi pointed to the two people, looking at the mouth is to scold "dog men and women", did not spit out a word, turned a white eye fainted in the past.

The scene is in chaos. Yin Wanyue and Yin chuxia rush to help Zhou Qing. Several security guards look at each other, and no one dares to start with Su every year.

My daughter-in-law is joking They have to have the courage to move!

"You two...!" Gu yanzhun Qi vomited out an old blood, but Gu Zichen deliberately stimulated him, "Dad, this is what you taught me, do you forget?"

What he ironically said was that Gu yanzhun forced Xie Lanshan. Gu yanzhun was very angry. Ye Siyun couldn't pay attention to any image at this time. He slapped Gu Zichen and said, "rebellious son! You little bastard should not look back home

Su Niannian is scared and pulls Gu Zichen hard to avoid ye Siyun's slap in the face. However, due to his inertia, he falls back and falls to the ground.

She showed her teeth in pain. At this time, she did not forget to act. She looked at Gu Zichen with tears in her eyes: "Dachen, will our children be gone, Wuwuwuwu The big Chenchen. "

Gu Zichen's action is very fast, quickly picked her up, look anxious, as if Su Niannian those words touched his heart in general. , the fastest update of the webnovel!