The School Prince's Exclusive Sweetheart

Chapter 415

Every year, Su tossed and turned in bed, only to realize what he had promised Gu Zichen.

Clearly know that she was Gu Zichen pit, but in the face of his charming smile, she still can't say anything against it.

She called the counselor and asked for a day off to attend the engagement banquet of Gu Zichen and Yin chuxia tomorrow.

Insomnia to two in the morning, finally fell asleep, Su year after year had another night's nightmare.

In the dream, Yin chuxia pointed to her nose and scolded: "you little three, you even robbed my man! Do you make it? I'm pregnant with Gu Zichen's child. You do harm to our mother and son, and you will go to hell! "

Then there was a crack under his feet. The fire was rolling. Su screamed every year and fell into it, burning no ash.

She woke up with a shiver and looked at the alarm clock at the head of her bed. It was already nine o'clock in the morning.

The engagement banquet was scheduled to be held at 12:30 noon at Yu'an Hotel, so there was not much time left for Su Niannian.

She pulled out a new skirt from the cabinet and dressed up carefully. She avoided Chu Suxin and Chen Yunhua and went to the roadside to wait for Gu Zichen.

Gu Zichen drives over. Su gets on the car every year. After chatting, he mentions his dream last night.

She described Gu Zichen vividly. Gu Zichen's brain circuit was obviously not in the same channel with her, but asked: "do you like children?"

Su years black line, "the point is that I went to hell, Hello! Are you compassionate or not? Is that how you treat your partners? "

Gu Zichen took a look at her, "Su Nian, how many points have you got in the examination of Marxism Leninism? Don't you know that feudalism and superstition should not be allowed when you are so big?"

Su year after year counsels, got, she knew wrong, as a learning dregs, or do not casually and Xueba bickering.

Because there's no chance of winning!


Yu'an hotel.

Gu Zichen stopped the car. Su got out of the car first every year, turned around in place, looked at the mirror in a bad way, and asked, "how about it? Does it look good? "

Gu Zichen leaned against the car and looked at her. She had a light blue skirt, long hair and waist, and delicate facial features. It was really beautiful.

Of course, don't admit it, but don't turn around. By the way, do you know how to cooperate with me... "

He was interrupted impatiently by Su Niannian. "I know, I'm a good performer. I'll play the role of female cannon fodder in her mouth to pull hatred for you. In a word, the purpose is to ruin your engagement banquet, right?"

Gu Zichen has a long way to go.

Two people pinch a good time point, Su year after year took his arm into the hotel, let her suddenly have a kind of illusion, as if she was in high school for the first time and Gu Zichen to participate in the ball as nervous.

She quickly took a few deep breaths, and kept thinking in her heart: come on, come on, don't screw it up!

Yu'an hotel was contracted by his family today, and many celebrities from the business circle came to the banquet. It was very lively.

When Gu Zichen and Su Niannian appear in the hall hand in hand at the same time, the original noisy occasion instantly quiets down.

Su year after year, feeling guilty, had to take Gu Zichen's arm more tightly.

"Zichen, you can calculate to come, how to also bring your good friend ah, quick past, early summer is waiting for you." Ye Siyun comes over with a fake smile and says Su Niannian is just his friend.

Gu Zichen said faintly: "this is my girlfriend."

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