The School Prince's Exclusive Sweetheart

Chapter 399

"I really don't have much capital, but unfortunately, 90 percent of the shares in this company are in my name." Every year, Su turned her eyes, and she almost burst into tears. "So I said," if I don't sign, I won't sign it. Aunt ye, please come back. "

Ye Siyun's face was hard to see the extreme, turned to look at the blue Law: "this is your way to treat guests?"

Blue law said without changing color: "what our major shareholders say is what, Ms. ye, please."

Ye Siyun's whole body trembles with anger. Seeing the serious and decent appearance of LAN LV, she feels that if she doesn't leave, LAN LV can call the security guard to ask her to leave.

She stood up shivering and wanted to say something, which was ignored by Su Nian Nian.

Su year, self assured or supercilious, took out the bottle of nail polish and put it on. After finishing the nail polish, he continued to rub armor oil. At last, he looked at Ye Siyun who had not left for a while. He blinked his eyes and assumed innocence and asked, "why haven't you left yet, ye ye?" Do you feel sick? "

Ye Siyun can't bear it. He steps on high-heeled shoes and quickly walks away. Before leaving, he stares at Su Nian.

Su Niannian naturally turned a white eye and went back to the past. She was not stupid. Why should she be abused by people like ye Siyun!

After ye Siyun leaves, LAN LV shakes her head and sighs: "ah, little year, I see that you haven't made any progress in other aspects, but your ability to annoy people is more and more skilled."

"That's uncle Lan's good teaching." Su year after year smile cunning, blue law choked speechless.

"Well, anyway, I don't think it's possible to cooperate with Gu's family. It's ok if you just refuse." Blue law turned over the contract in his hand, "do you have any ideas?"

He now intends to sharpen Su Nian, after all, the company will be handed over to her.

Every year, Su thought, "Zuo Jia."

Blue law Leng next, "left property?" After searching for the information of this enterprise in his mind, he saw that "in recent years, left property intends to develop real estate, and there are supporting property services. It will save a lot of heart to cooperate with them, and the win-win side is also very big."

"It's good. I'll send someone to contact with their senior management. If it's settled, my uncle will invite you to dinner." LAN LV laughs and touches Su Nian's head.

Su turned her mouth every year and complained, "I don't believe you. You've never invited me to dinner since I was eight years old. You're an iron cock!"

Blue law pick eyebrows: "life has been so difficult, some things do not break through."

Su Niannian: "it's just


at noon, Chu Suxin and I went to a nearby Hunan restaurant for dinner. Halfway through the meal, Su Niannian's mobile phone suddenly rang.

Press to answer, the other end of the phone is Nuo Nuo anxious voice: "year, where are you now?"

Su Nian's annual report put his address on it and asked, "what's the matter?"

"Great!" Nuo Nuo cheered, "you come to my shop to save an emergency, please, please!"

After asking about it every year, Su found out that it was the western restaurant run by Nuo Nuo's family that someone had contracted out to propose marriage and had a pianist to accompany him on the spot. Unexpectedly, the pianist had an accident on the way and couldn't go in time. However, Nuo thought of Su Nian Nian.

Su Niannian said nothing, let Chu Suxin's driver take her to Nuo Nuo's restaurant.

She had no time to enjoy the beautiful restaurant layout, and her head stuck in place like a crash.

Who can tell her why Gu Zichen is here? , the fastest update of the webnovel!