The School Prince's Exclusive Sweetheart

Chapter 331

Jiang Mu Su's face, which is full of genial smile, has no expression, and his face is permeated with pale white.

Anyone who meets this kind of thing, will not be happy where to go.

The father of the murderer, who had brought him countless humiliations, tribulations and hardships in his youth, came back as if to tell him that it was an indelible part of his blood.

He put away the documents, said goodbye to the police gently and politely, and left, showing a natural and normal performance.

Out of the police station, outside the sun is very warm, but he can not feel the temperature, only feel the whole body is cold.

He looked to the distant theater, where Sue won the competition every year, won the championship, and received numerous applause.

Good, she finally came out of the shadow of that year, and stood in the bright sunshine again, with an excellent boy around her.

And what about him?

No one knows what the accident brought him.

Young genius, just when he is frivolous, is crowned with the title of murderer's son.

It was not just Su Nian who was decadent in those years.

He once hated and complained, but he always remembered what his mother said: you don't need to be interfered in your life. As long as you have a clear conscience, why should you care about other people's eyes?

But How can you not mind at all.

Jiang Mu walks aimlessly along the road, passing through a primary school. It happens to be school time. A group of primary school students in school uniform and red scarf rush out of the school, with unrestrained and happy smile on their faces.

He stood on the side of the road, looked at it for a while, and went to the holy sound without any expression.

This is a residential area. There are several neighborhoods. He walked into one of them and saw the man drinking at the door of a convenience store.

The man was dressed untidy and had a messy beard. He drank the cheapest Erguotou. He sat on the cement steps and poured it one mouthful at a time. Three or four empty bottles were piled at his feet.

The convenience store owner rolled a big white eye at him while he was eating melon seeds.

Jiang Mu only felt a burst of bitterness in the bottom of his heart, slowly walked to the man and squatted down in front of him.

The man sensed that someone was coming. He reacted very quickly and looked at him warily.

Bang -

the bottle in his hand fell to the ground, and his lips moved, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end, he only wet his eyes and could not say anything.

Jiang Mu asked in a low voice, "is that you? Are you back? "

No one answers. It's like talking to yourself.

"How have you been these years Oh, how could I ask such a stupid question... " With a bitter smile, Jiang Mu suddenly said, "since you have gone, don't come back! What are you doing back here? "

The man wailed silently, trembling. Shaking his hand out, trying to feel Jiang Mu's face.

Jiang Mu dodges and puts down an envelope beside him without expression.

"You go, go where you want, don't come back, don't let me see you again."

The man's eyes were bloodshot, his fists clenched and he stood up trembling.

Two men silent confrontation for a long time, finally, the man picked up the envelope and left.

The convenience store owner exclaimed, "Hey, young man, don't pay attention to that kind of person. He's just a tramp. He loves to abuse small animals. Cats and dogs in our neighborhood have suffered a lot! It's disgusted by people. This kind of person should go to harm others as soon as possible. The farther you go, the better. "

Jiang Mu said in a hoarse voice, "he won't come back any more No , the fastest update of the webnovel!