The School Prince's Exclusive Sweetheart

Chapter 319

Back home, Gu Zichen gave her make-up lessons, told her to rest early and then left.

Every year, Su muddled to the piano and played a little star variation.

The smooth sound of music reverberated in the room. She was so absorbed in playing the piano that she realized that she did not seem to be afraid of playing the piano until the end of the song?

The mobile phone on the piano vibrated. She picked it up and looked at it. It was Jiang Mu's message to her: after the game, have a good rest. Don't think too much about it. Adjust your state. Come on.

She took a deep breath and put down her mobile phone.


at noon the next day, Su Niannian still went to the piano room to practice. Jiang Mu asked her nervously, "how do you feel? Is it better? "

Sue shook her head year after year, went straight to the piano and sat down. "Teacher, let's start."

As soon as she plays the piano, Jiang Mu's nerves begin to tense up and switch to the ten level alert mode, for fear that Su will lose control every year.

I didn't expect Su every year to play a song completely. He was so self-contained that he didn't seem to be pretending at all.

"Every year, you can play the piano?" Jiang Mu is not sure.

Su Niannian murmured: "maybe I convinced myself in my heart... "

What she is afraid of is just the fear in her heart. When she dares to face all that and get out of the shadow, the so-called psychological barrier will naturally disappear.

Jiang Mu beamed with joy: "great, finally At last it's all right. " He was so excited that Su Niannian was at a loss.

But she knows that Jiang Mu is really for her own good, in this point, her sixth sense or very accurate.

Let go of the knot, Su Niannian's practice finally got on the right track. In addition to the more difficult music, he still couldn't adapt to it. The general repertoire can be easily discussed.

The second round of music is optional, playing time will also be lengthened, Jiang Mu selected a Chopin Etude for her, the difficulty is moderate, the melody is gorgeous, suitable for the competition.

In order to compete, she asked for a day off. When she took the note, she found that Yin chuxia was also there. They rolled their eyes and passed each other.

With the lesson of the last time, Su Niannian naturally dare not not tell Gu Zichen, obediently told him the competition time, Gu Zichen high cold "um" a, indicating that he knew.

He's a capitalist land emperor, huh!


on the day of the competition, Gu Zichen drove Su to the theater every year in his car. Jiang Mu arrived half an hour early and was already waiting for her in it.

As soon as she got off the bus, Su Niannian realized that it was wrong. She looked around. Sure enough, a group of reporters carrying cameras and lights surrounded her.

Very meow! What kind of ghost is the painting style of Plants vs. Zombies! Su subconsciously wanted to run every year, but she really underestimated the fighting power of this group of reporters. For a moment, she was surrounded by people in the middle, and the magnesium light kept flashing, which made her unable to open her eyes.

"Classmate Su, I heard that you are going to attend this music festival. Do you have any views on this activity?"

"Will M.E. have any new music in the near future? Is it possible for you two to cooperate? "

"It's said that M.E. will also come to watch the match today. What's your mood?"

Su years in the wind in disorder, listen to a long time is finally understand what is going on, that day kill Gu Li unexpectedly want to see her competition!

A burst of brake sound, bright blue Lamborghini stopped, reporters immediately transferred the target, rushed to the past.

In addition to Gu Li that soul is pale! Who else can it be! , the fastest update of the webnovel!