The School Prince's Exclusive Sweetheart

Chapter 301

Gu Zichen picks eyebrow, do not understand his meaning.

Gu yanzhun sighed. In the impression, he almost had no communication with this son. Gu Zichen is a silent temperament since childhood. He moved out of home early and lived alone.

Most of the time, he felt complacent.

It was his misunderstanding that led to these tragedies.

He is sorry for Xie Lansan, ye Siyun and Gu Zichen.

He didn't fulfill the responsibilities of a husband and father. He was busy with his career these years. Many times, even Gu Zichen couldn't remember what grade he was in.

The only time, he finally took time to pick up Gu Zichen from school. After waiting for a long time at the gate of primary school, he did not see Gu Zichen.

He thought Gu Zichen was playing truant, and he called the nanny, but he learned that Gu Zichen had been on the first day of junior high school.

Every time I see Gu Zichen, he will grow taller, his face and facial features are more like his mother, and his temperament is getting colder and colder.

He was full of guilt, but he didn't know how to compensate.

"Zichen..." Gu Yan was ready to speak, but he found that he didn't know how to talk to Gu Zichen.

Gu Zichen didn't seem to see the old age and desire in his eyes. It was a father's apologetic look. He asked lightly, "what does the Gu family owe the Su family?"

Gu yanzhun puffed out a puff of smoke, knowing that the broken family relationship is difficult to restore, no longer forced, but to tell the story of that year.

"That year, my father and I worked on a project together. When we talked about the final cooperation plan, we had some conflicts with him. On the day of signing the contract, he didn't want to come. He took it out to play every year, but he couldn't hold up my request. He turned back on the way back. Unexpectedly, he had an accident on the way... "

His tone was indifferent, as if he were telling someone else's story.

However, no one can understand his pain in recent years. If he had not been young and frivolous, if he had not quarreled with Su Yi'an, Su Yi'an would have come to the company early and probably would not have had an accident.

Gu Zichen frowned and said nothing.

Su Niannian's father died because of his father

"I really want to say sorry to every year, but I dare not say it, for fear that she will blame me. Zichen, my father doesn't object to you being together with every year. I just hope you can be nice to every year and don't let her down Like her father, she is a very kind and warm person... "

"I'll be nice to her." Gu Zichen interrupted him, "not just because it is guilty and to make up, but really good to her."

Gu yanzhun was staring at his son and suddenly found that he was higher than himself and had his own ideas.

He grew up, and he was farther and farther away from him.

Do you think that his accident was just a cold shoulder? Don't you think about it? It has nothing to do with my grandfather? "

If he hadn't heard the conversation between the old man and others in his old house that day and found some clues, he would have believed that his father killed Su Nian's father, and it was an accident.

He knew very well that it could never have been an accident.

"What do you mean? Are you doubting your grandfather Gu Yan looks unbelievable.

Gu Zichen smile cold: "I never doubt a person without basis, I will find evidence to show you." , the fastest update of the webnovel!