The Scheming Young Master


Luo Yi sat obediently on the chair, holding the mouth that Lin Ting had just bought for her that was still steaming hot. She looked down and took a bite, obediently looking at Lin Ting like a child waiting for a compliment.

Lin Ting smiled until his eyes were bent, then patted her head and as a reward, he intentionally pursed his lips towards Luo Yi.

Tang Yuan took a sip of his tea. He was well aware of her situation, but he didn't say anything.

Luo Yi quietly looked up and apologized: "I was wrong."

She wrinkled her nose. Because her head was still lowered, the slight lifting of her eyes made her look very pitiful, let alone the fact that she sounded so soft as if she was about to pinch water.

Lin Ting was speechless for a moment.

Luo Yi worked even harder, and after eating the snacks in her hands in a few bites, he carried the warm hand furnace beside him and acted miserably towards Lin Ting, "I'm cold."


Until now, Lin Ting could not release such a huge amount of rage, even if everyone present knew that Luo Yi was trying to make them soften his heart.

He glared at Luo Yi, and stuffed his hand furnace into Luo Yi's arms as well. "Who asked you to wear such a thin piece of clothing?"

Luo Yi lowered her head and looked at her round and plump body, and said with his conscience: "Right, it's all my fault that I'm wearing such thin clothes."

She squinted her eyes and smiled, but she understood in her heart that Lin Ting might be able to tolerate her joking and fooling around with small matters like these, but when it came to matters of principle, he would not easily retreat.


"Nonsense!" His face was flushed red from anger. He paced around the room a few times, his gaze also drifting about, as if he was looking for something. In the end, he furiously threw a book at Luo Yi.

Luo Yi subconsciously pulled back her shoulders, but the book did not land on her at all. She quietly opened her eyes a little and saw that the second before the book was about to fall out of her hands, Lin Ting had tightened her fingers, and with a "pa" sound, she landed heavily on the ground.

"Lin Ting..."

Luo Yi was silent for two seconds, then carefully took a step forward to pull his sleeve, but the moment her hand touched the cloth, it was pulled out by the man's sleeve.

Lin Ting was so angry that he laughed instead. After he sat back down on his chair, even his voice had lowered by a few degrees. Taking advantage of the ice and snow outside, he appeared to be in good condition, "Don't call me! You dare to follow a stranger to the Northern Tribes?! You... "You …"

It was as if he could not think of a suitable word to describe the words. He paused for a long time on the word "you" before gritting his teeth in mockery, "You are so useless!"

He hated Luo Yi for acting so boldly and rashly, and also hated herself for not finding out about what she had done in secret until now. However, she was reluctant to hit her, so she could only scold her a few times, but she just couldn't let her anger go …

When he saw Luo Yi showing her weakness to him, a wave of fear suddenly rose in his heart, causing the anger in her chest to grow even stronger. Then, this anger, mixed together with her fear, turned into a sneer when it reached her mouth.

Lin Ting turned his head to the side. He probably felt that it was too much and closed his eyes again, unwilling to look at Luo Yi again.

He didn't even dare to recall the feelings he had when he heard from Tang Yuan that the little girl had secretly gone to the Northern Army without him knowing!

As Lin Ting thought about this, the undulations in his chest became more violent than before, and he couldn't help but let out a sneer.

Just now, Yi Qiannan had something on and wanted to leave early. Before he left, he did not forget to ask Tang Yuan if he wanted to go with him, "My power is …"

He moved his doggy legs closer to Tang Yuan and said, "Only if you've been there will you have earned this reputation."

Luo Yi was about to fall asleep, but when she heard these words, he instantly sobered up. She raised her head and stared at Tang Yuan, looking even more expectant than Yi Qiannan.

Although he would be sentenced sooner or later, before that, Luo Yi still wished that he could live for a while longer.

However, Tang Yuan automatically ignored the two pairs of eyes that were shining with anticipation. He glanced at Luo Yi out of the corner of his eyes, then coldly said: "Thanks, I won't bother Young Master Yi anymore."

Luo Yi and Yi Qiannan drooped their eyelids in disappointment at the same time. The only difference was that Yi Qiannan was disappointed because he was missing a chance to spend time with a beauty, while Luo Yi's disappointment contained the despair of a great calamity.

She shrank back into her chair and watched as Lin Ting patiently sent her off at the door, still not giving up. She then repeated the question she had just asked several times, but she could only get the same answer from Yi Qiannan in the end, in an attempt to infinitely reduce the feeling of her existence.

Thankfully, Tang Yuan was not very clear about what exactly had happened to her in the Northern Tribes, and he was also worried that Lin Ting would really hit her when he was extremely angry, so he only told her about Luo Yi's two months with other people in the Northern Army. As for the miserable state she was in when he picked her up, as well as her state of being neither human nor ghost during these three months, he did not say a single word.

It was also because of this that Luo Yi was able to stand in front of Lin Ting and quietly beg for forgiveness at this moment, "Back then, I was also forced to such a state … Furthermore, look at me, I have returned safely! "

She shook Lin Ting's arm, trying to calm him down. "So don't be angry anymore …"

"Not angry?" Lin Ting suddenly interrupted: "It's all thanks to your good luck, if you had really met with mishaps over there …"

He stopped, closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and forced himself to calm down.

He closed his eyes and refused to speak further. Luo Yi was helpless against him, she pulled on her sleeves and begged for mercy, but she did not see any signs of relief from the man in front of him.

Tang Yuan turned his head and pretended not to see it.

This girl had been spoiled too much in the past few years and had dared to charge up against all kinds of dangerous things. If she didn't take this opportunity to teach him a lesson, who knew what kind of trouble she would create in the future?

Thinking about this, Tang Yuan became even more determined to stand with Lin Ting.

Luo Yi was left alone in a helpless situation. Her eyes moved back and forth, looking at one thing and then another, and after a long while, she sighed. When she opened her mouth again, she shouted with an imposing manner that could swallow mountains and rivers: "Sorry! I was wrong! "

Lin Ting and Tang Yuan were shocked by this seemingly innocent tone.

Luo Yi pursed her lips, and just like how she was when she was young, she stood there obediently, with a branch that she had ran out to pick up unknowingly. She raised her hands above her head, and said with an unwilling tone, "If you still can't take it anymore, hit me."

"If you're still angry, then hit me."

Luo Yi was originally standing at the corner feeling wronged, afraid that Lin Ting really did not want her, as he had said, he hurriedly ran back into the house and took out a feather duster. She raised both of her hands above her head and handed them over to Lin Ting, then forcefully suppressed her fear yet still could not stop her trembling voice from saying the above.

She knew that she was a child that Lin Ting had picked up and no one wanted, so she couldn't help but feel a little afraid when she looked at Lin Ting, afraid that he wouldn't want her either.

She was still young and could not understand what Lin Ting had said about "If you take anything from someone else, I won't take you". He was just angry, he couldn't even bear to use the word "steal" in exchange for "take".

The tree branch in her hand had just been picked up from the snow. The snow on it hadn't melted, causing her ten fingers to turn red from the cold, but she still hadn't put it down.

Lin Ting's words were stuck in his throat, his eyes instantly turning red.

He sighed, as though he couldn't do anything to Luo Yi from start to finish, "How old are you? How come you haven't improved at all?"

Luo Yi blinked, hearing his tone soften, she bit her lower lip and asked pitifully: "Then aren't you angry?"

"..." "Qi!" Lin Ting gnashed his teeth: "So you are not allowed to sleep tonight, go and copy all the books I put in the room. If you can't copy them all, you aren't allowed to eat tomorrow either!"

"Huh?" Luo Yi immediately threw the stick to the ground and peeked inside the room. When she peeked inside, she couldn't help but twitch her mouth, "There's so many books …"

"If you say it again, I'll copy it three times!" Lin Ting did not move at all, and before he spoke, he even intentionally glared at her.

Luo Yi shut her mouth as if she had eyes. At the same time, she used her hand to wipe her lips, acting like a good girl. After that, when Lin Ting returned to his room, she winked at Tang Yuan and indicated to him.

However, he was extremely honest in his hands as he took advantage of Lin Ting's inattention to secretly hide a few books. Then, he turned his head, pretending not to notice the thumb that Luo Yi had given him, that was hidden under his sleeves.

sat alone in front of the table. After copying for a while, he became impatient, and turned to the reflection in the window to amuse himself.

After playing like this for an unknown period of time, a voice suddenly sounded out behind him. "Have you finished copying the books?"

Luo Yi's body trembled, she immediately retracted her hand, and at the same time, grabbed the brush that she casually threw on the table, and turned her head and laughed: "Almost."

Lin Ting raised his eyebrows, and looked past Luo Yi to the paper that she had spread on the table. His tone contained a rare smile: "Un … "It will be soon."


Seeing that Lin Ting had already exposed it, Luo Yi could no longer be bothered to continue acting. He threw the brush on the table, and asked while grinning: "Are you still angry?"

"What are you doing?"

Lin Ting was not surprised by her tricks, and did not seem to have any special reactions. He continued to listen to Luo Yi as he continued, "If you're still angry, then I'll continue copying, if you're not angry …"

She giggled. "I'm actually a little tired."

She was used to getting ahead of herself when she was young, and knew how to strike while the iron was hot. Seeing that Lin Ting's anger had almost disappeared, she immediately went over to him with a mischievous smile. "I took me less than half a month to get to Li City."

Lin Ting, "..."

Originally, he did not want to punish Luo Yi, but after hearing her say this, his heart naturally softened as well.

"Alright!" Luo Yi immediately stood up from her chair, as if she was afraid that Lin Ting would go back on her words, and walked into one of the rooms.

"What's wrong?" Lin Ting, who was watching behind her, took the initiative to ask when he saw her strange actions.

Luo Yi remained silent for a good while, and when she spoke, he did not turn around, "I heard Yi Qiannan say that … "You are very close to the current Prime Minister."

"..." Sir Xu, you have helped me out a lot. "

Originally, Lin Ting did not want to speak the truth, since the situation in the imperial court was so chaotic and Luo Yi was not stupid, he naturally knew the reason why he was so close to an important official of the imperial government at this time, but he was not good at lying, especially to Luo Yi. Thus, after being silent for a while, he chose to speak the truth.

He thought that it was because he didn't want Luo Yi to ask these questions so much that he had already thought about how to persuade her. But who would have thought that after Luo Yi only replied with an "Oh" in a low voice, she stopped talking and when she spoke again, it was already a direction that he completely couldn't imagine: "Then can you bring me to see him once?"

Lin Ting was startled upon hearing this, his eyebrows once again knitted deeply together. "Why did you see him?"

"I... "The person who went with me to the Northern Tribes was the Prime Minister's son …"

Maybe because he was afraid, or maybe because he was afraid to make Lin Ting angry again, Luo Yi's voice was getting softer and softer. It would be better to stick together for the same day, so as to prevent Lin Ting from getting angry with her every single day and every single day. Therefore, even when she could no longer compare to the sound of mosquitoes in the end, she still did not stop, "He has some last words, which I wish to pass on to his father."