The Scheming Young Master


When Luo Yi woke up the next day, she felt like her entire body was going to break apart.

She rolled over, and for a second she could almost hear the sound of bones breaking and reassembling.

When she got up in the morning, it took her longer than usual to clear her head, so it took her a while to realize that her sleeping posture … Not so normal.

— Why the hell am I lying on this bed? A supernatural event?

Luo Yi wanted to crack open her own brain to see what was inside!

She remembered that she was taking care of the drunk Xu Heng the night before. It was rare for her not to suffer as much as when she was drunk last time, when the back of her head had just touched her pillow when she obediently fell asleep.

Luo Yi pursed her lips, taking advantage of the fact that she was unconscious, she unceremoniously tapped his forehead with her finger: "En, not bad."

The servant that the Liefeng Priest had sent to send them off had not left yet, so when Luo Yi turned around, she wiped the expression off her face and pretended to be serious and sincere as she thanked them: "Thank you for your help."

With great difficulty, the room had no outsiders left, but due to the fact that they were still in the medical treatment area, Luo Yi didn't dare to relax her guard. Using the window closing movement, he swept her gaze around the room once outside, and after confirming that no one was watching, she held her breath, and carefully listened to the sounds on the roof.

Naturally, he didn't hear anything.

Moreover, they were currently in the tiger cave, so if the Lianzhou Hospital really wanted to do something to them, it wouldn't be such a big deal. Furthermore, since Lianzhi was so arrogant, he probably wouldn't even bother using such methods on them in his own territory. However, Luo Yi did not know of the link between them, and after conducting an investigation that was completely useless, she sat down beside Xu Heng's bed without a care.

She hadn't actually thought about what she wanted to stay for, but she had suddenly changed her environment. She was still in a dangerous situation, so she instinctively wanted to stay with someone who would give her a greater sense of security. As for what she wanted to do …

Luo Yi shifted her gaze onto the Xu Heng who was sleeping restlessly.

Fine! Let you sleep more comfortably, she thought as she flexed her wrists.

However, even if he said that, when it came to actual actions, he was merely going out to wring a wet towel, and then, he would wipe Xu Heng's face. With regards to this, Luo Yi felt no guilt at all. After blocking the hand of the drunkard in front of him, he continued with his own work, and then …

Could it be because he was too sleepy that he accidentally fell asleep?

Luo Yi frowned, her mind was in a mess as she had no impression of what happened after that.

Not to mention the pain in his entire body, even his four limbs seemed to have been disassembled and reformed. On the other hand, Xu Heng looked like he was sleeping soundly right now, but who knew what Luo Yi did while he was asleep?

Luo Yi cast another glance at the person on the bed.

The sky was about to brighten, so she wanted to go back to sleep, but it was too late. Luo Yi rolled her eyes, and felt that she could not be allowed to enjoy life by herself, thus she smirked, and quietly climbed down from the bed's body. With a glance, she squatted down beside the bed.

In the latter half of the night, the cold wind blew against the candle flame in the room, the effects of the light hitting the paper window looked like the ghost fire that the elders always spoke of. Luo Yi rolled her eyes with one hand and quietly nodded on Xu Heng's shoulder with the other.

In his dreams, Xu Heng felt a restless hand randomly giving him pointers, it was not very strong, but its movements were extremely annoying. It took a lot of effort for him to finally wave his hand away, and in the end, not long after, the other party would make a comeback, and his attack was many times more ferocious than the previous wave.

Xu Heng was unable to sleep soundly, and fretfully opened his eyes, wanting to see what kind of thing was causing trouble here. However, the first thing he saw was a face that was magnified to the extreme, as well as a large amount of whites in his eyes …

Xu Heng, "..."

I have a bad word to say.

He wanted to glare at the culprit who was laughing non-stop, but because his eyes still had a dazed look in them, he lost his aura. In fact, he looked extremely soft to Luo Yi, like a cat that was about to barge its belly.

"Hahahaha …"

Luo Yi's smile never faded as she laughed until Xu Heng was completely awake. She pinched the center of her brows with two fingers and looked at her, seemingly angry and yet at the same time angry: "Is it fun?"

"Fun …"

When he thought about Xu Heng's frightened eyes that he could not stop laughing, he thought that since he had already worn these clothes for the entire night, he decided that he might as well sit on the ground, pointed at Xu Heng's nose and laughed: "You don't know, your reaction when you were startled was truly interesting!"

I feel that you have been quite presumptuous recently!

But what could I do?


Xu Heng pinched the center of his brows again.

Only now did Luo Yi remember to look at her expression. As expected, it was not good, but she did not take it to heart, since even if Xu Heng was truly angry, he would not do anything to her, but a verbal lesson is unavoidable. Thinking of this, Luo Yi quickly pursed her lips, and sat upright.

You know better than that that I am going to disturb you.

Xu Heng sighed.

He had nothing he could do with this kind of Luo Yi, and immediately lost his temper. After looking at her a few times, he frowned, and said: "The ground is cold."

"Hmm?" Luo Yi didn't react for a while, and after looking up and down several times, sshe finally was able to stand up with her hands on the ground. Then, he tilted her head and smiled at Xu Heng.

Xu Heng turned his head and pretended that he did not see it, he continued to tidy up his clothes that were already wrinkled from the pressure, and lowered his head to take a whiff of his own body's odour – just like last time, the moment his nose touched the collar, he immediately raised his head, and at the same time revealed a look of disdain.

Actually, the smell of alcohol on his clothes wasn't that bad after an entire night had passed. At least, it was much stronger than last night. Luo Yi even suspected that she fell asleep beside the drunkard. However, this wasn't the priority right now …

The tea on the table had cooled down after a night of rest. Although the taste was not good, it could still be used to refresh the mind. Seeing Xu Heng pour himself a cup of cold tea, Luo Yi also laughed and walked over.

"Can we discuss something?" Luo Yi said politely.

Xu Heng did not say anything, but waved the teacup in his hand, gesturing for her to continue.

"Then I won't hold back," Luo Yi coughed twice after obtaining permission, and tried to create a serious atmosphere, "Since you can't drink, then don't force yourself!"

She said, "Every time I can't win against others, I also lose a lot of face!"


Xu Heng suddenly choked on the cold tea in his mouth.

His alcohol tolerance was obviously not as shallow as he showed, but it was not the time for him to tell the truth yet. However, the Luo Yi opposite of him thought that he was feeling guilty just because of her silence. After clearing her throat, she tried even harder to persuade him to give up drinking with other people, especially with the doctor.

"You really talk too much when you're drunk. Our old man Lao Lao Da can't even compare to you with our town's eighty odd words, so you …"

Seeing that this person got more and more agitated as he spoke, making it impossible for him to stop on his own accord, Xu Heng could only pour her a cup of tea and pass it to her. After that, he quickly changed the topic: "Oh right, you almost fell down yesterday, didn't you?

"Nope." Luo Yi received the teacup and took a small sip. As expected, when she put it down, someone took his mind off it and leisurely said, "I'm not a clay doll, how can I easily break my limbs like you said?"

She slightly raised her eyes, seeing that Xu Heng was not convinced, she curled her lips and was about to bicker with him to the end when a message suddenly flashed past her mind: "Um …"

She called Xu Heng hesitantly: "I seem to have forgotten to tell you something."

"Hmm?" Xu Heng patiently turned his face to her and waited for her to continue.

"There seems to be a trap in the garden of the medical stand …" Luo Yi said. However, she was not very sure, so her words were a bit hesitant, which greatly decreased the credibility of her words. But Xu Heng did not have an expression of impatience. Instead, she raised her eyebrows and became more serious than usual: "What do you mean?"

Luo Yi briefly recalled her memories.

Yesterday in the garden, although she did not actually fall down due to the speed of the Lianzhou Medical Chair, but before that, one of her feet had indeed stepped into the mud on the side of the cobblestone path. The moment her foot touched the mud, she could clearly feel the feeling of the stone under her feet loosening.

"What if you step on a pebble?" Xu Heng had a reasonable doubt.

"It doesn't feel that way."

The words were interrupted so abruptly that Luo Yi angrily glared at Xu Heng, and after receiving the other party's compromise, she continued: "It's just like those buildings that have been in disrepair for a long time, with the roof tiles almost falling off."

Coincidentally, in such a large garden, only the small piece of land she had fallen into had no flower seeds on it, and it happened to be the top of the dungeon at the bottom of that small piece, showing signs of slightly loosening up.

Luo Yi said: "Although I am not sure what it is, but there is definitely something underneath this garden."

Xu Heng looked at her from head to toe in shock: "You know all this?"

"Actually, it can't be called understanding …"

Luo Yi explained. Before she moved back from Lin Ting's house to the rundown temple, because she was afraid of being attacked by wild beasts, Lin Ting flipped through a lot of books on mechanisms and secret rooms. Luo Yi was bored, so she followed and read a few of them.

However, when connected to reality, she could always recall some minor details. For example, when she was in Drunk Dream Pavilion, she could not figure out where the mechanism of Liu Yin's secret room was at the start, and when she was the only one left in the room, she could easily see through it.


"Other than the prison that the Liefeng Priest showed us, there's a high possibility that the General's Estate has a secret prison as well?" Xu Heng thought about it and concluded.

"Yes." Luo Yi nodded.

Yesterday, when the doctor had shown the three of them around the general's residence, he had led them to a row of rooms. Although they were called rooms, in reality, they were more like a prison, with all sorts of torture tools inside, and the soldiers guarding the gates were much more brutal than the others. The doctor said that this place was overcast and was not a good place, so he had no intention of bringing them there. However, the other path to the garden was in the process of being repaired, so he had to pass through here. As he spoke, he bowed in apology, "I am truly sorry."

Xu Heng and Luo Yi politely returned the greeting, and when they lowered their heads, they secretly met each other's eyes — What do they have to do, it was obvious that they had intentionally lured the both of them over.

This prison was definitely not small, but it was not that big either. When Luo Yi followed the few of them to the next location, he pretended to inadvertently take a peek inside, just in time to see a maidservant carrying a few empty bowls out of one of the rooms. Borrowing the narrow gap that she opened, Luo Yi's sharp eyes were able to see that the furnishings inside the house were much more exquisite than the other rooms.

It didn't even look like a cell.

Xu Heng dipped his fingertip into the water in the teacup and wrote on the table, "Although His Majesty has become a prisoner of war, this prisoner is still the ruler of a nation. If the two nations were to fight again in the future, his role would not be to be underestimated."

He laughed and continued, "The Emperor of the Northern Tribes is not stupid. Of course, we have to support him well."

When he said those words, his expression was no different from normal. His expression was also normal, but for some reason, it was an inexplicable violation of the rules.

Luo Yi was startled, and the words that she wanted to say were like a blocked spring, he could not think of a single word. After a while, he could only stutter out her name: "Xu Heng?"

"Hmm?" Xu Heng turned his head and saw Luo Yi's expression suddenly recall her excessive actions just now. A look of regret flashed across his face at the same time, but quickly disappeared: "Are you still not going back?"

He smiled and winked at Luo Yi: "If you had waited any longer, everyone in the general's estate would have known that you ran out of my room early in the morning with your clothes all messed up."