The Saintess Wants To Runaway

Chapter 13

Chapter 3. What Happened to the City of Mars 

Two weeks have passed.

Nothing has happened in the meantime, and the Demon realm has been peaceful. It feels awkward to write “Demon Realm” and “Peace” in one sentence, but it actually was the case.



“Julia, wake up.”

I could feel a gentle shake on my shoulder next to me. I woke up as the sunlight poured over my face. The warm sun dazzled me. Heath, who was right next to me, slowly swept away my hair.

Warm lips touched the tip of my nose slightly and then moved away, and I could see amethyst-colored eyes shining in front of me.


“It’s time for breakfast.”

Looking at the sunlight, it seemed that morning was already in full swing. I felt languid and heavy. Since I stayed with Heath until late last night, I can’t help sleeping in.

The reddish marks he left were all over her chest, and her thighs felt stiff. The marks she left on Heath’s neck and shoulders were also clear. I was hungry, and with Heath’s help, I slowly got up.

“….I, I brought your meal.”

Only then did I notice Jeremy standing with a tray in the doorway. Jeremy was sadly nervous and red-faced. The stark atmosphere in the bedroom still seems to have been stimulating for young Jeremy.

Originally, the tray was supposed to be brought to the bedside, but Jeremy couldn’t bring himself into the room and hesitated.

I smiled awkwardly and lifted up the blanket to cover the traces of my body.

It’s not a good environment for young people’s education.

“Here you go. I’ll bring it.”

Heath rose from bed and walked toward the door in a thin, long top. I looked at the back of his well-fitted figure for a moment. As expected, he is cool. Furthermore, he is friendly.

But as Heath approached, Jeremy’s face hardened. Jeremy was afraid of Heath. I’ve said many times that he doesn’t have to be so scared, but I guess he can’t help being nervous.

“Give it to me. I’ll take it.”

“Yes, yes, yes….Here it is, Demon King.”

After passing over the tray, Jeremy left the room like he was running away. Heath brought the tray and put it in front of me.

Warm soup with shrimp and milk, meatballs with thick seasoning, soft-boiled egg, and pickled vegetables with vinegar. It’s the same as what I ordered yesterday.

It was 20 years ago when the emperor and the pope were embroiled in a power struggle.

It is said that this menu was requested by a minister to the chef who was exiled to the continent. So this is a code to let the chef know I’m here.

And on the tray, a fruit jelly was served. There is a legend that a priest kidnapped by a country of immigrants endured pickled fruits. In other words, this was the answer from the chef to me. He means to say that he is fine.

I exchanged codes with the cook in this way. Although we had never met, our inner intimacy was building up.

“Julia, don’t you like the food? As expected, the chef…….”

As I stared at the food for a while, Heath spoke. I picked up my fork in a hurry and smacked the meatball.

“Yeah, no, it looks very delicious. I really like it today.”

Fortunately, the chef’s life is still safe. However, Heath has said he would change the chef if I didn’t like the food. The transfer is by no means a modest way of paying severance pay and sending him home.

Because of that, I had to empty the food that was served every time, and my body gained some weight.

I never saw his face, but I felt a kind of bond with the chef. In addition, I don’t think I could sleep just imagining that the chef and his children will die after saying that I don’t want to eat.

Actually, the chef’s food was very delicious. The soup was soft, and the meatballs were very well seasoned.

It might be a good idea to take the chef with me when I start a second life in the southern country. A hundred thousand gold would be enough to pay the chef a full contract.


It seems that my thoughts inadvertently popped out of my mouth. Surprised by Heath’s question, I hurried around.

“Oh, no, I think this meatball has some southern spices in it.”


Fortunately, Heath took it lightly. Heath took the fork from me and picked up the meatball and held it out to me.

I took it in, trying to shake off my embarrassment.

Heath smiled as he wiped the sauce around my mouth with a napkin.

☆*: .。.  .。.:*☆

After a leisurely morning, Heath usually calls in the Grand Duke Keith to deal with the underworld.

He was an unexpectedly honest demon. It was different from the brutal incarnation of malice recorded in history. I remembered numerous fairy tales in which the devil Heathcliff appeared as a villain.

Drinking living human blood, spreading infectious diseases and annihilating human armies and so on…

But he has never done such a cruel thing to her so far. Rather, he was only kind and friendly to me.

Maybe humans misunderstood Heath?

The current Heath is not reminiscent of the incarnation of evil.

“Then I’ll be back, Julia.”

It was the same today. Heath kissed me on the cheek and raised himself up. At the door stood the great Keith, who had come to greet Heath.

However, the tight-lipped demon doesn’t seem to like the sight. Whenever he visited Heath, he glared at me. Facing his eerie 300 eyes, I was appalled.

The Grand Duke Keith is said to have been a close aide to Heath for a long time.

He himself was a powerful demon, who would fight for supremacy in the demon world, but he only followed Heath’s orders. It’s because Heath saved his life a long time ago. I know there’s such a situation, but I don’t like him either.

Well, that’s true.

So what did I do during this peaceful time?

I played and ate.

I didn’t really do anything. I’m already doing nothing, but I want to do nothing more.

“Wake up, Julia. It’s not good for you if you keep lying down.”

Jeremy woke me up, leaning against the sofa in the drawing room attached to my room. Jeremy’s words were reasonable, but I shook my head firmly on the sofa. Sometimes people don’t want to do anything even if it’s not good for them.

“Can I stay like this for a little longer?”….”

“You haven’t taken a step yet today.”

“I don’t want to do anything…….”

“You’re not doing anything.”

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