The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 994: 1 counter-attack

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When the main fleet was attacked, Brigadier General Pachner, who commanded Prince Eugen, was still very calm. He could not help being calm. Because of the light problem, he could not see the specific position of the French fleet... If you can't see it, then it's a shame! Although the brigadier wanted to help the earl of Spai very much, but under the current circumstances, it is really difficult to make a shot.

Then the Brigadier General quickly calculated the current situation in his mind. He did not have a destroyer in his hand. If he wanted to light up or release a flare, he would soon be exposed. The French hid very well. The lighting is based on the background or the searchlight of the destroyer. The main fleet is always hidden in the dark, and there is almost no other light source except the muzzle fire, which makes the brigadier very difficult...

Although the situation of the Earl’s fleet is critical, the brigadier general still suppressed his fighting spirit in the uncertain situation. Then he began to sail quietly in the direction of the French fleet.

"The French fleet is about 8000 meters away from us at 11 o'clock, and the speed should be about 15 knots. They did not find us." An officer on the side whispered to the general.

"Very good, we turn left 2 more compass points, and then turn northeast, to their non-war side." Brigadier General Pachner said after a moment of contemplation. "Raise the speed to 22 knots! Find their flagship!"

So, the fast battleship Prinz Eugen made a circle behind the French fleet and walked to the other side of the opponent. Then, the background light source and the French fleet's muzzle fire light to confirm the identity of the opponent. While maneuvering, the Brigadier General was surprised to find that on the opposite side, the French did not have a destroyer to cover! This is great news for the lonely Prince Eugen, don’t worry about being stabbed!

As time passed by, Pachner did not dare to wait endlessly. After all, the main fleet lives like a year, and every minute has huge risks. You can find opportunities by yourself, but if the opportunities are really bad If you look for it, you should go there too!

"Prepare for range measurement. If there is no turnaround within five minutes, target the opponent's first battleship and fire!" Just after the order was issued, the situation changed. After the Earl's fleet turned, in order to ensure the continued attack, the French fleet Also began to turn, and in order to ensure a smooth steering, a series of signal lights were shot on the mast of the flagship French, and the officers and soldiers on the Prinz Eugen were surprised to find that at this time, the distance between the flagship and itself was shortened to less than 6000 meters. ! And just when the French kept sending light signals. The rangefinder of the Prince Eugen quickly measured the distance and position of the opponent!

The 88 artillery on the sidestring of the Prince Eugen lifted its muzzle slightly, and the battleship began to gradually control its speed and orientation. Under the cover of darkness, the Prince Eugen was like a tiger about to go. Staring at the blinking signal light not far away!

"5500 meters, release the flares!" After the rangefinder transmitted the data to the various gun positions, the Prince Eugen made the final preparations before firing. The four huge turrets were like the long spears of the dragon-slaying warriors pointing towards the distant one gradually. A clear figure. Accompanied by a low sound of cannons, a series of flares rose up into the sky. After a while, these almost linearly dropped cannonballs instantly illuminated the surroundings of the battleship France like a day!

"It's now, fire on!" When the light comes again, the judgment will come! Groups of dazzling firelight suddenly appeared behind the French fleet, and the sound like thunder instantly resounded across the battlefield. This distance is so close that when the German shells smashed on the Frenchman, the French didn't even realize that he had been attacked!

The distance is close enough! The guy in hand is good enough! At a distance of only 5200 meters, the Prinz Eugen gave up a half salvo and directly chose a full salvo. At this moment, the eight 350 heavy artillery fired at full fire! Eight thick and long pillars of fire sprayed out from the side of the hull of the Prince Eugen. At this moment, the Prince Eugen was fully fired. In 2 minutes, the battleship actually fired 5 rounds of full fire! A steel storm consisting of 40 main artillery shells and a large number of secondary artillery shells swept the battleship France!

"Almost instantly, the fate of the French ship has been decided!" Pahener said proudly after the war. The bombardment of an average of 23 seconds made the French warships unable to cope with it! At this distance, the shells of the 350 heavy artillery can almost penetrate it! The France is no more sturdy than an armored cruiser!

Maybe it’s luck, or the distance is too close. In the first and second rounds of attacks, 6 shells were shot on the slender hull of the Frenchman! The entire battleship is like a sudden eruption of a volcano, and countless fires and smoke burst from the battleship! The shining spot of light enveloped the entire battleship, and without consciousness, the battleship had been beaten to death!

The first shell is quite deadly! A 350 shell was easily fired from the back of the No. 1 turret of France! However, the armor of more than 200 millimeters can't stop the armor-piercing projectile from almost flat After tearing off half of the steel plate as a whole, the violent explosion detonated the ammunition stored in the rear of the turret, several tons of shells and The explosion of the propellant caused hundreds of tons of turrets to break away directly from the mount, and some people even saw something like a half-cut gun tail being blown into the air more than ten meters!

The fire like tide spread rapidly in the front of the hull. The violent explosion even solved the very close No. 2 turret. The changing room and ammunition delivery channel under the turret continued to send violent explosions. In the bursts of explosions, the France was trembling, and even the keel seemed to be overwhelmed with distortions. This time, the French were completely confused.

And soon, the other two shells opened two large holes in the sidestring of the French horn! One of the shells went directly into the engine room. Two Parsons steam turbines were exploded into random in an instant, and a bright yellow pillar of fire rose behind the middle of the hull. Like an earthquake, the chunks of deck were torn apart and then thrown into the sky. The France, which lost half of its power, suddenly slowed down and became a dead fish!

However, the Prince Eugen will naturally not give up this goal! In less than 3 minutes, the two turrets at the rear of the French were also shot. The armor-piercing shells easily ripped the armor belt, which was not too thick, and turned it into a **** of fire and blood. The seventh hit directly blasted the rudder compartment at the tail of the hull, and the warship eventually lost its maneuverability.

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