The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 992: 1 fight 2

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But the destroyer is different. In the night environment, the effective range of the artillery is greatly shortened. And if there is no range advantage, the biggest advantage of artillery over torpedoes is gone. In addition, the destroyer is already very small and fast, making it easy to hide and sneak attacks. Knowing that there are a large number of destroyers on the other side, the number of one's own is relatively small. Even if he rushed towards the other side where there might be a large number of destroyers, it was almost a death hunt! Instead of facing torpedoes, we might as well face naval guns!

The Confederate fleet quickly implemented the Earl’s order, and the three battleships began to accelerate their steering. At this time, after a period of preparation, the air pressure generated in the boiler compartment was sufficient, and the output of the steam turbine began to rise linearly. The three battleships had gone from the original The speed of 12 knots has increased to about 17 knots, which is basically the same as that of the French main fleet. If nothing happens, you can quickly get rid of your opponent.

At this time, the French naturally let go of the German fleet like this, and a certain German warship thought so too! The battle situation changed inadvertently. When seeing the German fleet preparing to withdraw in the opposite direction and still under the light of the fire, Lieutenant General Lebris frowned slightly.

The Germans seem to have seen through his plan. If they wait for the fast-running battleships to turn to completion, then the armored cruisers they left behind will be behind the opponents, and the speed of the armored cruisers can't compare to those new fast battleships! By then the best result for the French was to watch each other disappear from the night.

The worst result was that the German fleet came back after swaying around in the shadows. If that's the case, the offensive and defensive trend will be completely changed. His 2 Dreadnought and 2 Quasi-Dreadnought can't beat the 3 fast battleships! Adding 3 cruisers will not work! To make a more vivid analogy, the opponent is an agile panther, and he is a wolf. This wolf temporarily suppressed the opponent through a sneak attack through careful planning, but if the opponent slows down, maybe one bite Killed this wolf! Therefore, at this critical moment, when the German fleet was about to take off, Lebris decisively played the last trump card for the armored cruiser, the torpedo boat Zhutu, and the battleship long-range suppression!

Just as the Germans quickly turned to get rid of the encirclement of the French fleet, three slender figures suddenly rushed out of the dark night, looking at these huge figures no less than the length of the battleship in the telescope, Earl Spey et al. People's hearts are picked up!

The speed of the three French warships was so fast, led by the Gambida during the French Second Armored Cruiser Squadron, followed by the Hugo and Ferry armored cruisers. These 130,000 tons of warships are as sharp as knights. The carbine generally directly provokes the destroyer defensive net outside the German fleet. Dozens of 138 or 164 cannons on the side locked the destroyers trying to stop them like the eyes of the devil in the night. A burst of flames shot out from the muzzle, and dense shells formed strips around the French armored cruiser. In the death zone, two German destroyers that could not evade were torn to pieces by violent fire within minutes! Two large fireworks were set off in the night.

Behind these armored knights, a small group of destroyers followed them, and filed in through the torn opening of the armored cruiser! These guys with sharp blades, as vicious as a viper, stubbornly withstood the German fleet that was accelerating to withdraw in the distance! At this moment, the French played the most threatening counterattack tonight!

"Continue to accelerate! All secondary artillery attack the torpedo boats, level the main guns and knock down those cruisers!" Colonel Mekdor, the captain of the Sultan Osman I, first ordered, watching the distance flying a few kilometers away, like flying fish. A destroyer that is generally light and deadly like a poisonous snake, the colonel feels drops of cold sweat roll off his head. The opponent is a bit too numerous and too close!

The nimble 88 anti-lightning gun first aimed at the target. A dozen artillery fired a series of shells at the erratic figure in the distance, rushing towards the target like locusts. Together, these artillery and machine guns are woven into a tight fire net around the battleship! A series of water jets rushed into the sea, and the French destroyer squadron launched an attack formation to fan-shaped obliquely toward the German fleet. This time, the French played all the cards! The destroyers of two detachments stab the target like a devil's dagger!

At this moment, both the Earl of Spai and his generals are really scared. If the 12 destroyers are fully fired, they will be 40 to 50 torpedoes! At this time, other German warships can't manage that much. All warships' flanks are fully fired, and even the main guns are used to deal with these deadly vipers!

At this moment of crisis, the contingency capabilities of the Allied fleets are fully demonstrated at this moment! The space between the battleships quickly opened up and they spread out in opposite directions at the same time! The remaining destroyers were also divided into two teams. One team rushed to the flank of the French destroyer that launched the lightning strike, while the other team blocked the French armored cruiser with its thin body!

The situation on the battlefield became extremely chaotic in an instant. The French destroyer plunged into the fire net of the German battleship. A hapless destroyer was directly hit by a 350 main artillery shell, and the entire hull was directly reached two stages. Under the huge impact, the slender bow, which was as long as a long sword, was raised high, and then submerged in the water, and never floated again. With half a smoke, a destroyer of more than 800 tons disappeared.

Because of its location, another destroyer was directly "taken care of" by three 150 artillery and two 88 anti-lightning guns. The raindrops of cannonballs fell on the hull, like a naughty kid tearing down the building blocks. The destroyer exploded in large chunks and stripped off the upper parts, and gradually became a pile of broken pieces in the fire and explosion. Scrap iron, and even so, this destroyer still shot two torpedoes at the German battleship when half of its hull was submerged in the water!

The two sides fired wildly at very close range, like countless fireflies flashing in the night. The fire of the artillery and the flames of the bomb explosion made the nearby sea brighter than daylight. At this moment, both parties were dancing on the tip of the knife. The French dared not fear hardships and rushed into the German fire net, while the following three German destroyers were equally unambiguous and rushed directly into the range of their own robe's artillery. . They used almost crazy actions and blood to present the last generous gift to the altar of war!