The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 979: Detonate one fuse four

"Our attack seems to have failed?" Captain Lersey said face-to-face, and then silently left the front of the periscope. The torpedo next to him walked over unwillingly and continued to observe the sea. And at this moment, another flame burst into the sky!

After a long wait (about a few minutes), the Austrians finally reaped their trophy! A g7 torpedo hit the Normandy battleship anchored in the harbor at a very tricky angle. Of course, because of the angle, don’t think that this torpedo can hit the deadly position of the ammunition depot and core compartment. In fact, this torpedo hit the bow of the Normandy!

The explosive force produced by the 195kg tnt explosive is huge. The violent explosion easily ripped the bow of the Normandy from the underwater part. Numerous high-temperature and high-pressure bubbles formed in an instant, and then quickly burst out, reaching thousands of strength. The double atmospheric pressure pushed countless fragments to tear the Normandy, almost tearing the bow in half! In less than 2 minutes, hundreds of tons of seawater poured in from the breach, and the violent current made the damage of this warship even greater! The turbulent sea submerged the torpedo tank, anchor division and other compartments of the bow. After 1200 tons of seawater was poured into it, the overwhelmed bow finally plunged into the sea. The huge bow keel collided violently with the sediment on the seabed! boom!

It was followed by the sound of metal fragmentation and distortion. The severely shattered bow was further twisted and deformed. After a series of collisions and explosions, a fifth of the entire battleship was submerged under water. The bow of the ship twisted at a very terrifying angle. It tells how hard this battleship has been hit just now!

The effect of this attack was very good. The first torpedo hit the defensive fence, the second torpedo hit the shore, blasting the half-drawn trestle, and the third torpedo hit a ship carrying supplies on the Normandy. There were 200 tons of food and more than 700 tons of coal on this 4500-displacement ship, which sank directly into the sea. The fourth serve hit Normandy, destroyed the entire bow and caused a bottom. Although this warship has not been completely destroyed, it will be impossible to repair it within a few months.

Comparing the rising position of the pillar of fire with the observed position of the opponent's battleship, Captain Lehrman thought that his wave had stabilized. The rest is to quickly flash people! The French moved very fast. All the searchlights were turned on in an instant, shining the positive sea area like daylight. The destroyers and small boats also acted immediately, and began to blindly throw anti-submarine bombs into the water. The harbor, which was originally quiet, was like a boiling boiler in an instant. And now Captain Lersch is going to give the Frenchman a gift before leaving!

The ub-12 submarine quickly sailed in the direction of the exit, almost returning as it was. In the process, a torpedo was pushed out of the torpedo tube. Yes, in the end Captain Lehrman did not choose to launch another torpedo. The attack, because the torpedo loading time is too long, it takes about half an hour. At this time, if the ub-12 submarine dares to stay for half an hour, it is estimated that it will not be able to get out!

One by one, bucket-like depth bombs were thrown into the sea. The depth of the water in the port is not great. As long as the depth of the underwater explosion of the mine is set at about 15 meters, the submarine can almost not escape, and the bombs follow. The slide rails fell into the water one by one. After a few seconds, huge water pillars rose into the air. The French first determined the position of the submarine launch based on the torpedo track, and then used this as the core to continuously radiate to the surroundings. The web of death formed by destroyers and depth charges is now unfolding!

"The French are throwing depth bombs like crazy. They don't think about where we are at all, but like planting saplings, throwing mines at regular intervals. This is a covering blow, a series of explosions. The sound came from the sea, and the water flow formed by the huge explosive force under the water continued to impact the hull of the submarine. Although we were far from the center of the explosion, we could still feel our submarine shaking constantly, and the hull was also huge. There were waves of wailing under the pressure of the water! It was like a drum hammer on the drum, which made people feel palpitation and fear!" Afterwards, whenever Captain Lersey recalled the action, he still had lingering palpitation.

In the process of leaving, the ub-12 submarine threw more than a dozen mines into the channel, and the width of the route that went out was not large. It would be great if a French warship touched a mine when it went out. It may be able to block this port for several weeks!

And just as the ub-12 submarine was preparing to embark on its return journey, the French fleet in the entire port was in chaos. The French navy commander-in-chief, de La Perel, was awakened by a violent explosion in his sleep. After the lieutenant admiral opened the curtains in the bedroom, he could see the pillar of fire rising into the sky in the direction of berth 4. The rising flames and dense smoke made him burn with anger!

"Who can tell me what's going on? I want to know who is in charge of the security work tonight! I'm going to send it to the military court!" The lieutenant general opened the door like an angry lion and reported to his subordinates. Hit it full!

"We seem to have been attacked by a Normandy was hit hard!" The subordinates looked at the admiral who looked like a mad tiger and said with some fear.

"Immediately rescue the Normandy and close the defensive fences of all berths! Then order all the destroyers and ships capable of throwing depth charges to plough the seabed in the harbor for me!" De La Perrell ordered. The French are still moving very fast. On the one hand, they continue to defend against possible attacks by submarines. On the other hand, dozens of ships of various kinds began to search for the attackers in the harbor. Fortunately, Captain Lersey walked fairly quickly and turned around immediately after the attack. Otherwise, it would be difficult to escape the frenzied and frenzied French bombardment.

For Admiral de La Perrell, who holds the most powerful maritime power of the Allies in the Mediterranean, it is a very important task to rescue the battleship Normandy, and it is also important to kill the attackers, but these things will naturally There are the following people to do it, and he, as the person in charge of the overall situation, now needs to consider whether this matter will cause any changes? For example, will the Allied fleets entrenched in the Dardanelles and the Adriatic Sea be ready to move because of this news? !

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